
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Gluten Free it shall be!

I am putting this post in for all the friends out there who are going gluten free and to alert some others to why they should be aware of this dietary change possibility. Many years ago wheat was wheat and gluten was in it. Did not seem to hurt anything and we all "broke bread together." It is not that way anymore and I will tell you why.

The scientists have altered our food source! Wheat has been hybridized until it is not longer the wheat it was 50  years ago. Not only wheat, but everything we put in our mouth has changed. Cut an apple in half and leave it lay. If it is not organic it will not turn brown. Tomatoes will lay on the counter from now on and not even change shape. What does this tell you?

I digress. I am not going to educate you on all the side affects of gluten, but be aware if you have distress in the lower tract after eating a bowl of spaghetti or a sandwich, you may be gluten intolerant. Gluten is found in wheat, rye, barley and in a lot of places you least expect it. You are going to need guidance.

I know you can use the computer because you found me. So go to your search engine and type in gluten free. Then start reading. You will find gluten can affect your sinus's, headache, allergies and on and on. If you are celiac you will already know as that is serious business. There is even talk that Autism may in some way be affected by gluten.  Any way, read up on it, then come back here and see the widget that says Amazon? I have it all loaded for you.

I would recommend the book 1,000 Gluten-Free Recipes, by  Carol Fenster, Ph.D. or Gluten-Free 101. These books will fill you in on all the bad stuff the gluten intolerance can cause. The recipes in the 101 book are great and trust me, I have tested most of them. I prefer to make my own flour using the recipe on page 41.

If you are not inclined to make your own flour, Amazon  sells the gluten free flour mixes. I prefer to mix my own so I buy the basics from them, sorghum flour, rice flour, xanthan gum, and all the other little things you will need. It is my one stop shopping center because they have it all and it is reasonablly priced.

So that is my speil for the day. Look into it on the internet first and see if anything here at Amazon would be helpful to you. See, I get a monetary reward if you use my widget!!  I am not gluten intolerant, but I have friends who are, so I bake for them. Always did like a challenge!

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