
Saturday, March 25, 2023

In the name of love?

 How many of you have watched a friend struggling and wanted to help?  Usually there is nothing you can say as you silently watch their world spinning out of control.  Oh, there is much to say, but no one to listen.  Without going into all the details, I will just say that you all know my little grandson that I picked up every Thursday in Florence and kept over night.  I would then take him to his daddy, my son,  on Friday at 3:30 at his jobsite.  He would then return him to his mother Sunday afternoon.  Everyone was happy, or so it seemed.

What changed?  My son recommitted to some one else, as did his ex.  My son now has another baby.   His first baby momma has now decided that since my son now has another son, he does not need any contact with her son.  Apparently, in her world, you can only love one person at a time.  To me this is bizarre, to say the very least.  To say her bubble does not balance, would be an understatement.  Sadly, the man she now lives with who is also her "caregiver" stood next to a lawyer once or twice so he is now her "representative" in all legal matters.  All of this is irrelevant.

What is relevant here is that my grandson has grown up in an environment filled with negativity and has had his daddy forbidden to see him until we go to court and get visitation rights which his mother does not want to give him.  She explained it to me this way; "He has a effin son.  I have a son.  Now we are even.  He can just leave my son alone."  

Warped?  To the max.  So here I set.  For 7 years my grandson and I have bonded.  The first words out of his mouth when he sees me is "I love you."  Those are the last words he says when he leaves me.  He loves his daddy.  He has a room here and he has a room at his daddy's.  I took him and his step sister to the Dairy Queen the last time he was at his daddy's house.  He watches over his step sister since she is smaller than him.  He is a big brother to her and the new baby.  His birth mother can not accept this.  How sad is that?

So, until social services or whoever the powers that be are reach a decision in this "matter", we live in limbo.  I can only pray that my little grandson is not being mistreated.  I know he is being brainwashed because I have seen that in action.  What his birth mother does not know, nor understand is that love goes on.  Someday, he will be big enough and old enough to make his own decisions and what will happen then, Amanda?

Momma always said "The chickens always come home to roost."  In the end, when that last trumpet blows and time will be no more, there is one thing you should remember and it is this...."As you have done it to one of these little ones, you have done it to me."

Sleep on that.

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