
Friday, October 9, 2009

The Good Old Days

It is very cold and last night we had the first snow fall of the season. Now old Indian lore states that the first snowfall only counts if you can track a deer in the snow, so this one does not count. It does not count because it melted before our eyes. Had it lingered that would have made our first snowfall on the 8th of October. Therefore we would have 8 snows this winter, deep enough to track a deer (Got to remember that part).
Further lore proclaims if the caterpillar has long hair it will be very cold. If the caterpillar spins the cocoon high it will be wet. And there was more stuff about what this woolly little worm could make the weather do. Of course, once again memory has failed me and I know not where the Indians have gone. Back East, I think. Actually I think they went to Washington, D.C.
There are things grandma told me on a fairly regular basis. "Your face is gonna freeze like that! " " A stitch in time saves 9. " " Where spider web grows, no beau ever goes! " " Sugar draws more flies than vinegar!"
When I was growing up, I was not sure my grandmother ever had an original thought, but now in my wisdon, I realize they were her thoughts. She just thought them a lot and out loud. Would I have remembered these things had she said, "Quit making faces or you will have wrinkles." "Do your mending or your clothes will need major repairs." "Clean your room or you will be an old maid. (That one never worked. My room was a mess and I managed to marry several times.)" "Being sweet will get you more friends than a nasty dispostition."
The answer is a resounding NO! I lived with my grandmother and greatgrandmother when I was in high school and it made me who I am today. I learned to crochet, the radio was always tuned to the news and market report, the only book worth reading was the Bible, and I had to sleep on the couch because the spare bedroom was upstairs and they worried that the house might catch on fire!
Those definitely were The good old days!!

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Another year down the tubes!

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