
Monday, November 9, 2009

Inkle Loom

Ok, we are going to give this a go. I have the pictures in the wrong order, so just live with that! Here you have bands that were made on an Inkle Loom. You can make bands however long the loom you have makes and that is usually up to 3 feet, but that varies. The width also varies from a quarter of an inch to 3 inches or so. All depends on your equipment.

This one (below) is the one I am currently working on and in all fairness I have been working on it for 3 or 4 months. The white band is what I use to keep it all the same width, or as close as I am going to get to something uniform. My teacher just shines with pride when she sees how screwed up I can actually get! I love that woman.
And now we come to an actual picture of the Inkle Loom. I know it should have been first, but you are dealing with me, for crying out loud! I am still in my jammies!

A very knowledgable lady named Joanne taught us how to use these and the loom was in the cost of the class. You are going to need a teacher and if you are lucky enough to get one as patient as this Joanne you are going to be blessed indeed! ( Hi Joanne of Pueblo, Colorado, who is one of the best weavers I have ever met and the most patient lady in the world!)
This is a handy little thing to have because you can carry the whole thing in one in one had and thread for the weaving in your pocket! Quite a way to pass that boring time while you are waiting to get in for your dentist appointment and it will take your mind off the shot, searing pain, grinding, and all that stuff which will happen when you getbehind that door in that sound proof room!
So, there you have the tip of the iceberg for this weaving thing. Tomorrow I will attempt to put on pictures of my big loom and the blanket that I have started. It will be a work of art! Sign up over there somewhere so you do not miss a single episode of Lou Mercer trying to talk you all into going back in time!
You are never to old to learn and if I can do it-you can do it!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The bands are beautiful. Thanks for the kind words... Joanne in Pueblo

Another year down the tubes!

Counting today, there are only 5 days left in this year.    Momma nailed it when she said "When you are over the hill you pick up speed...