
Friday, November 13, 2009

This is Friday the 13th

Today is Friday the 13th and I laugh in the face of danger and all Friday the 13th suggests! I scoff at the beleif that because a day has a certain number it can impact my life in anyway. Well, that is different if it is my birthday. Then I expect gifts. If it were payday, then it would be important. But to say, "Today is Friday the 13th and it is going to be bad luck." Now that statement is ludicrous!

My blanket is finished and I will put a picture of it on this next Monday, just in case today has cast a spell on my computer. So for today I will try to catch you up on all the little events in my life.
Now see what I mean about the picture thing? I typed all that above and then downloaded the picture of the pumpkin patch out my car window and it appeared on top. This is well and good, but I am not smart enough to move it. I must study up on the moving of things.
Any way, this is a pumpkin field right up the road from me that I pass on the way to the city. There are a lot of pumpkins in that field and I have no idea what the future of the little fellows is going to be. Will they be seeds? Will they be cattle fodder? Will they just be turned back into the soil?
Earlier in the year, before Halloween, school buses and cars filled with kids came and spilled their load of humanity into the fields where the children slowly, and with much deliberation, chose the perfect pumpkin. This was very carefully carried back to the vehicle of choice and loaded aboard. I am sure these pumpkins got good homes, if you think having your eyes gouged out, your guts ripped out and a candle lit and thrust into your open cavity, having a good home!
Eventually these sacrifical pumpkins ended up in a trash can some where. Not my pumpkin. My pumpkin was grabbed and thrown into the shopping cart on the way to the checkout. I did not desecrate my pumpkin. Later this week I will cut it in half and bake it in the oven with a little water. Then I will peel it and run the cleaned pumpkin through the blender and make lots of pies.
My pumpkin will make many people happy for several meals. I may make some pumpkin soup, because this summer I made cucumber soup and that was really good. I had been wanting to try that, but this year a plethora of the cucumber made it almost a duty.
I seem to be rambling! I shall go do things I do and leave you to ponder just what lesson you should take from today's missive. It may very well, that it is nothing. Just thoughts of an old lady on Friday the 13th!

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