
Friday, December 11, 2009

Alpaca: up close and personal.

Here is the alpaca, just standing there and wondering just exactly who I am, or rather what I am. It is very cold! This particular alpaca looks like she is wearing a mask. I shall continue to refer to this one as she because she is white in the front and brown on the back. White dogs are female also. Cats are him, no matter what color.
Look, Mr. Alpaca, I have a nice fat carrot for you. Come on over here! Yum, yum!
Now, they have eaten the carrots and they are trying to get me to go back in the house and get more. The one on the right thinks he told a joke so he is laughing!

And there you have the alpaca's that live in the field by my house! I thought they were Llama's when I first seen them. I must confess, I do not know the difference, but alpaca is easier to spell! It sort of rolls off the keyboard, but the double "ll" business just sort of boggles the mind!
These 2 alpaca's are very astute. If I walk across the deck and head out to the duck/goose pond they just look at me and go on about their business. If I stop and look at them they look back at me. If I take a step in their direction, they take a step in mine!
" I start walking their way, they start walking mine!
We meet in the middle 'neath that old Georgia Pine.
You gain a lot of ground if you both give a little!
Ain't no road to long if you meet in the middle!"
Forgot who sings this!

And there you have your lesson for the day! That was not too hard was it?


Unknown said...

Those are llamas, not alpacas. Alpacas are smaller, have shorter ears, and pug noses.

Lou Mercer said...

Thank you for that info. I thought they were Llama's, but my son, who knows the man who owns them said they were Alpaca's. My earlier posts had called them Llama's. I thank you again for correcting me. Lou Mercer

Another year down the tubes!

Counting today, there are only 5 days left in this year.    Momma nailed it when she said "When you are over the hill you pick up speed...