Just spent several hours locked out of most of my accounts because I wanted to share a bit of good news on my blog! I must confess that after changing passwords on several accounts so I could get to his site, I have forgotten what the good news was! Not only have I forgotten the good news, but I have forgotten all the passwords and I rather doubt that when I get through posting this, that I will give a big rat's patootie!
Life was so simple when I first ventured into the blogging arena! But now, I find my desk covered with notes I have written myself, giving myself little hints on how to get into my account. I must admit, my life was sure a lot simpler back when I was stupid and no one wanted to steal my identity. Right now I do not even want my identity!
When I first ventured into this world of secret words and stuff I signed in to everything with "password". Worked for me and no one stole my identity. I could not imagine why anyone would want to be me! Hell! I did not even want to be me. As life in the world of secret passwords began to take on it's own life, my passwords became more and my attention span became shorter. It was not long before I hated the computer and all it's demands for longer and more complicated passwords. Gone were the days when one password would open any program.
Last night I got on to pay a bill. It should have been a 3 minute job. Needless to say, it did not end up that way. They insisted I change my password (in case it had been compromised). That having been done I then had to tranfer money from my bank account to the bill I was paying. Then I had to change the password on the bank account.
Now, I am going to post this. In the good old days I would just add a few labels , state my location and then hit the publish button. Hopefully this will publish and I can hit another key and it will appear on facebook.
The sad part is that I do not even remember at this time what I wanted to say to all of you. I know it was important, but that is all I remember.
So, until we meet again, Happy Trails and all that. May the wind be at your back and the road rise to meet you. The password for today is totalconfusion!!!!
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