
Showing posts with label Armijo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Armijo. Show all posts

Saturday, October 12, 2013

October 5 Ribbon Cutting at Plaza Verde Park...a bit late!

Thank you, Janet, for reminding me that I forgot to do this.  Must have been one of those days I met myself coming or going. 
For the rest of you, this is what is happening on the east side of town.  I remember not to long back when this park was nothing but an eyesore and a very good place to get in trouble.  Not so anymore!  Thanks to a few souls who really care this park has been cleaned up, scrubbed down and painted murals by a great artists.  Why did this happen?  Because the people on the east side decided that this did not belong to the gangs and druggies and decided to clean it up and take pride of ownership in the place. 
I found out about this grand opening from my friend, Janet Wallis Altmann who is most active in Chicano (and anything else that needs a hand) affairs.  She worked with Parks and Rec and Black Hills to get security lighting installed, painted the playground equipment, had the kiddies put their hand prints on it and it is now a place where families picnic.  Imagine that!
What the world needs now is more groups working together for a better world and more groups like Idle No More leading the way.  I only regret that I was in such a toot that day and did not get names so these people could be held up as role models to the world.  But I got Janet!  and I got a slide show!  and maybe the Nobel prize in literature!  Or maybe not!
But enjoy the slide show  anyway!

Another year down the tubes!

Counting today, there are only 5 days left in this year.    Momma nailed it when she said "When you are over the hill you pick up speed...