
Showing posts with label BP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BP. Show all posts

Monday, June 28, 2010

BP, the oil leak, lack of action and why me Lord?

Well, I just got to take a minute here and weigh in on the current crisis, although I hardly consider anything that has gone on this long "current", but rather "historical.  Is any one with me on this? Is this not the most stupid, asinine thing we have seen lately?  How a bunch of adults can just set by while the oil pours out of that hole is beyond me!

Oh, we have already had the hearings to determine what ever it is we have the hearings for and British Petroleum has already set up the trust fund and still the oil pours out of the hole and into our oceans. What the hell is wrong with this picture?  When I have a problem here in my little corner of the world, I fix it. If I have a leak I either fix it or call someone who can.  Course I am probably not the brightest bulb in the box, but I do know it won't fix itself!

They stand around like a bunch of idiots pulling on their chin whiskers and trying to guess how much is pouring out in a 24 hours period.  Excuse me! What the hell difference does it make? The question here is what are you going to do about it? I have an idea that just might work...let's take all the greedy oil men, tie them up, and poke them down in that hole! There should be enough to do the job, in my humble opinion.

Now, I realize, I perhaps sound a tad bit radical and maybe I am, but I had a cat fall in an oil pan once that was left attended. Then the cat came in and walked around the house, across the kitchen counters, over my bed and out onto the sun porch. That was from a cup of oil, not thousands of barrels.  Luckily my cat survived, unlike the Brown Pelicans and how many other species that are going to be history when this is over with?

Ok, just had to vent here a little.  I know my job is to teach you something and I guess  what comes to my mind at this time is the little Dutch boy who saw the leak in the dike and put his finger in to hold back the sea until the dike could be repaired. We read that story way back when I was in the second grade which was over 60 years ago.  Too bad people poking holes in MY EARTH never read that one.

Another year down the tubes!

Counting today, there are only 5 days left in this year.    Momma nailed it when she said "When you are over the hill you pick up speed...