
Showing posts with label David Frizzell. Show all posts
Showing posts with label David Frizzell. Show all posts

Monday, November 22, 2010

A full moon over Pueblo, I hope it's shining on you!

I was going to post a picture of the full moon, but I do not seem to be able to locate the moon picture.  Do you like my title?  That should be a country song.  They could change Pueblo to Tulsa,  oh wait!  They already did that!  It seems like Shelly West and Somebody Frizzell sang that and it was a great hit.  Seemed like I really liked it.  Seems like someone will need to tell me who the guy was.

I love to look at the moon, whatever phase it is in.  It is so far up there and I am so little down here in comparison.  Makes me realize just how infinite the heavens really are.  I was laying in bed last night thinking about the dying part and I do not think that will really be so bad.  Probably not going to be anything I can put on this blog when I do it, being as how it will be one of those "once in a lifetime things!" 

I have been with several people when they took that last breathe and it does not seem to be anything except a peaceful passing over to the other side.  I think I will rather enjoy it.  However, I am also pretty busy right now enjoying what is going on here.  How I got off the subject of the moon is beyond me, but you know how my little mind works.  I am doing good kick starting myself in the morning without trying to keep me tracking in a straight line!

OK, here is where I think I was going with this moon thing.  I love to look at the moon in all of it's phases.  Crescent is nice and reminds me of a dinner roll.  I know if it is tipped to hold water there will be no rain.  If, however, it is tipped so water can run out, gonna rain!  When it is about half it is great and I do not know what that means, but I think it is kind of good fishing.  But when the moon is full and bright I love to look at it.  I guess they call that a harvest moon, or just a full moon.  I know I need to watch for werewolves.  I think it is also the lover's moon.  Well, that entails having something I do not have access to, so I will just go with the werewolves.

I know I have heard that the full moon effects people with mental problems, but I can not lay my hands on any statistics, so I just have to say, I have heard.  I love the moon and I am very glad it stays up there.  It must have a very strong string.  Someday I will go to the ocean and spend a month on the shore and keep notes.  Until then......... enjoy the moon for whatever reason you are looking at it cause it was really pretty last night.

If you have access to a honey pie, grab their hand and go outside and gaze upwards.  Just tell them Lou said!

Have a good one.

Another year down the tubes!

Counting today, there are only 5 days left in this year.    Momma nailed it when she said "When you are over the hill you pick up speed...