
Showing posts with label Goodwill. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Goodwill. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

I may not have the cleanest closet on the block, but I am working on that!

I have a friend who moved into a new apartment and he has worked very hard to get rid of "clutter" and that got me to thinking.  His idea of clutter and my idea of clutter are definitely 2 different things!  I have spent many years collecting "things" that I really need.  I have 2 bookcases full of cook books.  At one point in time, several years back,  I decided to sort them and only keep the ones I really needed.
So I made 3 piles: One for cookbooks I definitely wanted to keep.  One for maybe I wanted to keep.  One for "never look at these and why are they even here?"  I very carefully leafed through each book and placed it in one of the three piles.  When all the cookbooks were in respective piles, I put the "definitely wanted to keep ones" back on the shelf.  Then I took a closer look at pile number 2.  When all of them were in pile #1, I put them back on the shelf.  Pile #3 was now in pile #2 position.  And I sorted them and they were now in pile #1 which went back on the shelf.
I picked up the one remaining item and looked at it.  I could not think of a single soul that was worthy of having it and it looked so lonely there that I put it back on the shelf.  Now you may think this was an exercise in futility, but it wasn't.  I did exactly what I set out to do.  No, I did not throw anything out or give anything to the Goodwill, but I convinced myself that it was alright to keep all of them because they were my friends!  I love books and I worship cookbooks!
So now I have this friend pointing out the virtues of "purging" and I decided to try it again.  This time I decided on the closet.  Man, there is stuff hanging on those rods that I do not even remember ever seeing before.  This body has not seen a dress draped over it in 15 years and yet there are two dresses and 3 skirts hanging there waiting for the right moment.  Patient little things, I will say that for them. 
Now, last year I purged all my shorts after the summer was over.  In all fairness I did that by sheer virtue of not knowing where I put them.  The only thing I can figure out is that they wound up in the Goodwill box quite by accident.  In all fairness, I decide this year that I am a little old for shorts so I have narrowed the summer selection down to the ones that end at mid-calf.  Those are called something like "capri, jamaca or something else."  I think those are going away this year.
So, into the closet I went with my little bag.  First to go was the brown dress with the necklace to match, still complete with price tags.  Then came a pretty little white gathered cotton skirt with a turquoise band embroidered around the bottom.  I really liked that, but into the pile it went.  Little old for that one.  Then there was a beige almost denim fitted skirt that actually fit me, but there again, it was a skirt.  Then some sort of African caftan, that God only know where that came from!  And a slinky black number with huge blue and red flowers.  What the hell was I thinking when I brought that home!  Also pulled out a long sleeved light blue shirt with a frilly bow-tie and a vest to match.  (I can not picture me in long sleeves, or frills, and sure as hell not a vest!)  There is even a Japanese kimono hanging in there; a gift from a friend.  I can not imagine what my friend thought I would do with that, but I can not toss out something a friend gave me, can I?
OK, so I am setting here at 6:00 in the morning looking over at that black bag and some how that white skirt is peeking out at me.  I know if I touch that bag, the skirt is coming out and going into the closet.  If it gets out, so will that beige skirt and then what?  OMG!  I think I am a hoarder! 
So, here is what I will do...When my friend asks how I am coming in the closet, I am going to tell him "Really, really good.  I have a giant bag!"  As long as he does not ask what is in the bag, I am good to go.  That sounds like a very non committal answer to me.  Not a lie, exactly, and really not the complete and unadulterated truth and with a little luck and a cookie waved under his nose, he may not push it.   Damn! 

Saturday, June 2, 2012

When you are over the hill, you pick up speed.

I know that sounds foolish, but it is still so true.  I can remember way back when I used to find ways to "kill time."  Now it rather seems that time is killing me!  I hit the floor every morning between 4 and 5 AM and the next time I look at the clock it is almost noon and I am late for the next appointment.  By the time nap time rolls around I am so far behind that I know that ain't happening.  Running into town two and three times a day to walk and care for a friends dog probably isn't helping much, but that is life.  If there were only some way that I could squeeze a few more hours into my day.  Right now eBay sales are in the toilet so that is a good thing.

I decided right in the middle of the whole thing to measure me a warp for the loom.  672 ends of linen.  Now linen is about the consistency of a spider web.  My warping board that Ryan made me decided to buckle up so I am left with the small one I had purchased online.  It is great and I can measure a 3 yard warp, but it is a real knuckle buster.  If I go really slow I can keep from racking my knuckles on the pegs, but slow was never anything I did well especially when working with tiny things.  All thumbs here.   Now granted, if I get this measured and then threaded through the reed and then through the heddles and keep an even tension, it will be a beautiful piece and a miracle.

And while all this is going on, the weeds in the garden are growing, dust in the house is settling and I have to eat and eating entails cooking which results in a messy kitchen that someone has to clean.  I thought it was Bret and Amanda making all the messes, but they moved out a year ago and the messes continue.  Any ideas?  I stopped by the new Goodwill yesterday and that is like going to the mall!  I found a small George Foreman grill so I can cook me one little hamburger patty.  Whoops!  Then I have that to clean.  I also found a tiny little Belgian Waffle baker.  That might be fun.  What ever a Belgian Waffle is!

Michael came and mowed the yard yesterday while I was in town.  First thing that happened was he forgot to close the gate and the geese got out.  Michael is many things, but goose herder he is not.  Since they were all there last night I am guessing he figured it out.   He does have a fear of the perimeter around the yard so I am going to have to teach him about that. 

And I am still working on getting my first novel published.  I am actually waiting to see if this one company buys it.  That would be ideal and I could let them do all the work.  But if not then I will do the self publishing thing which looks very confusing and expensive.  The more companies I look at in that area, the more confused I get.  I just want to start writing the sequel!

So, I am off to do stuff.  Guess the geese are high on the list.  Then the dog in town.  Ross is bringing a load of stuff to store in the garage so I will need to be home for that.  See what I mean about killing time?  Just spent 45 minutes here writing this and I still need to do the tags and the location and my sponsor list.  Life is a circle.

***********June sponsors**************
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Another year down the tubes!

Counting today, there are only 5 days left in this year.    Momma nailed it when she said "When you are over the hill you pick up speed...