
Showing posts with label Jimmie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jimmie. Show all posts

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Got up early!

Yesterday I got up really early, so I decided to make a cake I had seen in the recipe section of the newspaper the day before.  I think it was called  "Black Magic Dark Chocolate."  Sounded too good to miss out on, so by 5:15 AM this is what the kitchen looked like.
And this was the sight in my sink!
While it was baking I had time to tidy up!  And when the timer went off I was in good shape.

Oh, doesn't that look good? 
I do not like frosting, so I had a big piece without frosting.
It was superb!  Dark, moist, just the right amount of sugar.  But then comes the problem us single women run into...We can only hold so much cake!  I decided I would put some chocolate frosting on it.  That was a mistake!  I ate two more pieces, but help was on the way!
I had mentioned to the son-in-law that I might make it the day before.  I was surprised when my phone rang at 8:30 last night and his little voice said, "Grandma!  What did you do with that cake?"
Now in all fairness, I had thought about taking it into Jackie's shop and sharing it, but hadn't.  Then I had thought about running it over to her house, but that had not happened either.  I thought about calling and having them come and get it, but by that time me and that cake were getting to be pretty good friends!  So when Jimmie called, I told him my dilemma and he sent Shellie right over to save me from myself.
The only drawback to being a single woman seems to be what to do with the leftovers.  I love to cook and there seems to be no way to make cake for one, or a pot of vegetable soup for one,  and half a pot of coffee just seems to be a lonely undertaking.  So, now that Jimmie is renting the garage, I may have an outlet for my leftovers!
Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Well, we are starting this week off right!

This is Jimmy at my house doing the same thing he was over here doing 4 days ago, only this time the snake was much smaller.  Now I have no idea what I have done to attract all these snakes, but I am here to tell you that I may be moving into town and into a high rise.
I seriously think that the first snake was the father snake.  I think he came out from under my patio.  I think this one was the mother and she just woke up.  I fully expect to walk out there in the morning and find the babies headed for the goose house.  How many babies does a snake have for crying out loud.
The only thing that would make my life perfect at this point is for a great big tarantula to crawl in through the doggie door.  I may be getting too old for this farm life.

Another year down the tubes!

Counting today, there are only 5 days left in this year.    Momma nailed it when she said "When you are over the hill you pick up speed...