
Showing posts with label Obama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Obama. Show all posts

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Oh, we are the battleground state aren't we?

Ok, I went to town early this morning to take the dog to the beauty shop.  I knew President Obama was in town and expected lots of traffic.  As it turned out traffic was light, but my route had to be altered slightly since all around the Marriot was barricaded.  So I dropped her off at 7:30 and came home.  He called at 9:30 and said she was ready.  Great!  I knew he would be at the Ag building at 10:45 so I thought I was home free. 
As I passed Romero's I happened to notice several men in dark suits talking up their sleeve.  Ah ha!  I knew where he was going to eat breakfast.  I was confident that I would be able to grab the dog and get home before traffic got clogged up.  Now bear in mind that the city end of Santa Fe was securely blockaded causing me to go up Grand to Main, over to Union, then to fourth and out Fourth to the groomer. 
Now you need to know one thing here.  There are 3 ways to get to the Mesa.  The first way is East on Santa Fe Drive.  The second is out Fourth, down Stockyards, under the Bridge, through Salt Creek and via Aspen and then East on South Road.  That is inconvenient, but not as far as out Fourth to 50 Highway to Baxter Road, across to business highway 50 and back West to Blende and then South to South Road and then to my house.  The first is direct and the one everyone uses.  The second is rather tricky and not much fun and the third is about 20 miles out of my way.
So I grabbed the dog and started out Santa Fe.  Road closed.  No signs, no nothing just a giant traffic backup.  After 20 minutes of this grid lock, I made a u-turn and headed back to town.  I grabbed the Interstate (since that end of Santa Fe was blockaded) and got off on First Street.  Then to fourth, out Joplin, under the bridge, East on Roselawn, through Salt Creek since I needed eggs, to the Mexican store, who did not have eggs and then home.
Now you should know I am a devoted Obama fan.  Love the man and did not go to the rally cause I wanted to leave my ticket for someone who might need swayed.  I would dearly love to see him up close and personal, but me and crowds just aren't a happening thing.
So now that the frustration of fighting the police at every turn is behind me and I am safe in my little home once more, I have a few things I want to say to President Obama.  I hope he reads this because I mean it all in a very nice way.
"Mr. President, I am so happy that you were able to spend a night and day in our fair city.  I know you like Mexican Food and I am in complete agreement with you there, but next time, could you just have those guys run out and pick it up for you?  It would make my life a lot easier.  See there is only one road onto the Mesa and it makes it really hard on us who have to go there.  Or maybe you could eat a little faster? 
Any way, you have my vote, whatever and where ever you eat, I am in it for the long haul.  Oh, and give my regards to Michelle."
There, that being said I am off to watch the news.  I just love it when he waves at me and flashes his pearly whites my way.

Another year down the tubes!

Counting today, there are only 5 days left in this year.    Momma nailed it when she said "When you are over the hill you pick up speed...