
Showing posts with label boutique. Show all posts
Showing posts with label boutique. Show all posts

Friday, November 19, 2010

The Jingle Bell Boutique is doing #32 in Pueblo West today!

 The Jingle Bell Boutique is starting today, but this is what went on yesterday!  This is the VFW Hall in Pueblo West where this little shindig will happen! This is at 9:00 yesterday morning.  Do you notice how bare this place is?  That is because the workers are not here to set up the tables.  Oh, Wait!  I am none of the workers!  Grand daughter Deven and I are going to get to help!
The unique things about the craft fairs that you walk into, searching for that perfect little something, is that they all start out the same way, in an empty room.  Somebody has to show up and set up tables.  Here you see all the tables set up nicely.  Bear in mind they are not where they belong, but see those 2 guys back there?  When they get through hanging that lattice or peg board, the tables will start being placed.  Now see this happy little lady here?  This is Mary Jo Cavender.  She belongs to the church I used to go to so I have known her for several years.  She is without a doubt one of the best cooks in the world.  I think that is one of the reasons that I put off changing churches.  But she will ply her wares here and I will no doubt be sick when I leave today!

Now you can see some of the tables back there all covered and placed.  Today when I go in I will take a shot of how the place looks.  You are going to be amazed at the transformation.  This is the 32nd annual Boutique and my first year.  So I am a virgin of sorts on this one.  Finally!
Now, not everybody gets to do this boutique, so I consider myself very lucky.  Of course I do have a rather unique product and an in with one of the ladies there, Marjorie Bratzler.  Marjorie makes handwoven baskets and those alone are worth the trip to Pueblo West.  She is an artist extraordinaire!  Whoa!  Hope I spelled that right! 

If you get a chance run out and see us today and tomorrow, that is November 19 and 20, 2010.  We will be there from 9-5, just like the working girls!  I am going to watch the door for you and bring me something to eat that is not chocolate and full of sugar.  As luck would have it my little corner is right across from Mary Jo!

Another year down the tubes!

Counting today, there are only 5 days left in this year.    Momma nailed it when she said "When you are over the hill you pick up speed...