But this place and I go back a lot further than today. See, many, many years ago, when I was first separated from my very first husband and waiting tables at Skaets Steak Shop in Hutchinson, Kansas, that self same husband was drunk out here in Pueblo, Colorado. Ah, the plot thickens.
This man found his way to this shop and to the man who at the time ran the Center Beauty College. Frank Schultz was a very kind and gentle man, but he had a mission in life. Well, actually two missions. The first was to teach young girls how to be cosmetologists and do it at a very reasonable charge to them. His second was to sober up men he found and put them to work. That business was called Center Tree Service and the first husband was a tree trimmer. Frank did indeed sober the little fellow up and put him on the road to recovery. Unfortunately, we never made it that far, but such is life.
Years later I came to Pueblo. I remembered Frank Schultz and went in to get my hair done cheap! My daughter, Dona enrolled in his Beauty College and when she went to State Boards I was her model. I then modeled for 2 more students and that was fun. I got facials, manicures, fake fingernails and it cost me nothing! Course I let them practice on me once a week, but I had to leave the hair cause when you went to State Boards the student had to cut off at least an inch and you better have it to spare!
Dear, dear Frank Schultz passed to his much deserved reward three years ago, but Center Beauty College lives on in the graceful and very beautiful form of his daughter, Leasa Wood. Cici is still there as the most able receptionist in Pueblo, Colorado. She has held that post for 38 years, if you can believe that! She could tell some tales, I am sure.
Center Beauty College is still located at 228 West Third in downtown Pueblo. Right there on the corner where it has been for 38 years. The phone number is 542-3833. Poke that little number in and go get a haircut at a reasonable price, or do like I did and go top of the line permanent for $30.00. It is a bargain for you and the students need some one to practice their craft on. A boon to both of you.
So, here I set, all dressed up with no where to go! But bet I could if I wanted to cause I am lookin' good and feelin' fine and it is thanks to Trisha, and the whole crew at Center Beauty College!