
Showing posts with label manicure. Show all posts
Showing posts with label manicure. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year and here are my "did last year" and the hopes for this new year.

2013 Year in Review
Seemed like a pretty good year.  I think I was a good steward with Sherman’s money.  I bought glasses for a girl who needed them. Made donations to YWCA (Battered Women), Hospice, Memorial Fund, Los Pobres, Scholarship fund at PCC, Tere for her little charity helping indigents, bought flour and oil for 100 families at Los Pobres. 
From my own reserves I made SCAP social lunch and learn happen 10 times.  Also catered  the Christmas Dinner.  I spent a lot more money then I should have helping people, but I am not quite broke.  Replaced the transmission in the car.    Replaced the carpet in my house with laminate.  Attended several church gatherings as representative.  Went to Hutchinson to see my sisters.  Neglected to make the trip to see Mary who is the one I really needed to see.
Went hiking in the mountains twice which seemed to be the high point of my summer and that is sad.

Aspirations for 2014

I plan on going through the volunteer program at Hospice and then working in the 11th hour program. 
I will do at least 10 lunch and learns for SCAP now that there is a director I actually like.  Will entertain the idea of the AIDS Walk in September.
I need to bring my will up to date.   
Go hiking with Tere.
Make sure I get Val and Dale to the mountains for a picnic. 
Check in with Jan at least every 60 days. 
Spend a couple days with Libby and Dave. 
Plan a trip to Dallas to stay with Sam at least a week. 
Go see Shirley in the spring and take a trip on the riverboat.
Start selling excess stuff ie. Spinning wheel, 8 harness loom, list variations of seed catchers on ebay,   scroll saw, sander, molds in trailer.
Publish Long Ago and Not Very Far Away.
Finish Antlion.
Decide if I really want to remain alone in this house until the day I die.  Do I want to move into town?  Do I want to move far away?  Do I want to actually start dating?  Am I really that lonely?
Get a manicure.
And there you have it!  Oh, I forgot a few things, but I am sure I will remember them when I do them.  I am pretty good at doing whatever I need to do without a note to myself.  I want to figure a way to replenish my SSLBDGWorks trust fund and that is not even written down any where!
So from me to you and yours, have a happy and prosperous New Year and remember
You can not sprinkle showers of happiness on other people without getting a few drops on yourself!


Another year down the tubes!

Counting today, there are only 5 days left in this year.    Momma nailed it when she said "When you are over the hill you pick up speed...