And, as for price I pay roughly $1.46 a roll for this. That is a bit more than what I paid for recycled. Actually, I pay $1.29 for the recycled from Who Gives a Crap. It is never easy trying to save the planet, but I try in little ways.
I actually prefer the bamboo because it seems to be a little stronger than the recycled stuff, but honey, my old butt is not real picky!
So, the point of this is, I guess my assessment of recycle versus bamboo is what I am trying to convey. Bamboo is a very fast growing grass that is used in lots of ways, toilet paper just being the one I am familiar with in everyday use. Not sure if any of these can be purchased at the local grocery store, but since I just got my shipment, I am good for a while!
I do think there is a product out there called Seventh Generation which is readily available on the grocery store shelf. Or Walmart. Or wherever you shop;
Oh, and either one is septic tank friendly which makes both myself and the man who pumps my septic tank happy. So go forth today and think about what you are using in your kitchen and bathroom, and have a blessed day!