
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Riverside Printing is my friendly printer!

When I decided that I really wanted to publish this book, I wanted to go local because Pueblo needs the money as bad as anyone else.  So I called several printing companies in search of one who did books and that included the "perfect binding" as opposed to the spiral.  I found one, took my info in the them and they promised a price.  Two days later I stopped in and the boss was still not in.  Couple more days and a couple more phone calls and still nothing.  After almost two weeks I renewed my quest.  And that is when I found Riverside Printing!
Here we are right on the corner of 9th and Elizabeth.  Riverside Printing. 

And here is Evelyn, who took my order, gave me a price and told   me all the little things I needed to know to make this book a reality!  Very nice lady.  I left my little flash drive with her and toddled on home, still raw from my first rejection.  Hopefully this one would want my money!


I was absolutely amazed when the phone rang that evening and Evelyn had a price for me!  I was astounded at the price, but then we discussed a larger quantity and the price began to fall.  My hat is off the that woman!  And then again when I ordered the books and said I would like a proof copy, I sat back to wait.  Soon I received a call for my original art work as it needed a bit of a tweek.  Emailed that over and sat back to wait.  Nothing on Friday, so I figured it would be another one of those deals.  Silly me!

The phone rang on Saturday afternoon.  Lady named Susie was at the golf course ready to tee off and had my proof in the car and if I would run by and pick it up she could get on with her game. I did not know that anyone in this town actually did business on Saturday!  So off I went and picked it up and the rest is history.   The pictures and barcode were perfect.  Inside looked good (I have since found a booboo, but that is my bad.) so we were good to go. 

I picked up 10 copies on Friday and those are already gone.  So I am waiting for Susie to crank up the presses and then I will launch the website and very soon you will have your copy in your hands!

One of my dreams has come true.


Saturday, July 7, 2012

BMAC comes to visit the founding father of the club

"Band of Brothers," "Brothers of the Wheel" "Brothers of the Road", what ever you call them, today was a day of celebration at University Park Care Center here in Pueblo, Colorado.  Long known as being one of the better places in the state for long and short term care, they have now gone a step above and beyond that.  Imagine, if you can, that you are no longer in complete control of your life and are completely at the mercy of a staff that takes charge of every aspect of your every day care.  Wouldn't you like to be in a place that actually cares?

Today the staff welcomed the arrival of the British Motorcycle Association of Colorado as they made a road trip down to see one of the founding fathers of the group.  Sherman Schroeder and two of his friends founded the group in Denver, Colorado in 1983.  It was with great pride and a lump in my throat that I watched the riders coming up Desert Flower and parking along the road.  And then the bikers all came inside for a final rally with the leader.  Chocolate frosting on a white cake decorated with two motorcycles followed by a toast to Sherman, visiting and then the finale.  Sherman made his way to the front of the building along with his two brothers. The bikers then slowly rode past one by one and saluted.  And then they were gone.

There are some things that are just to hard to talk about.  Suffice it to say it was a day filled with a great deal of sadness, but also an outpouring of love that makes me know that life is indeed worth living.


I could not stop for death and so.....

I have often heard it said, "There are two things certain in this life; death and taxes."  Yet I read daily how someone is thinking they can beat the odds and off they go to prison; thus proving the first part of the saying and the long list on the obituary page solidifies the second part.  Friends come and friends go.  We move, change jobs, buy a new car, change religions, lose money in Vegas, and on and on; thus proving the adage.  There is nothing that moves this old heart more than a baby whether it be a human baby, a kitty, puppy, fluffy duck, or a baby fox that will grow up to eat my ducks!  It is the circle of life and it never ceases to fill us with awe.  We are filled with a driving need to survive and live life to the fullest.  Time is so short here on earth.

And yet, when a life threatening situation arises, we grasp life with both hands and hang on for all we are worth.  Our adrenal level kicks to high and we go into survival mode.  If it is a dangerous situation we call it "fight or flight."  We read about a complete stranger who wrests the child from the jaws of death, sacrificing himself for someone he does not know.  Or the soldier who dies in a forgien land to protect or freedom. 

But so much of what threatens our existence is buried inside where we can not see it in the form of cancer, AIDS, heart disease, or just plain old outliving our usefulness.  At some point in time, on some level of our existence we will face death. I can only pray that when my moment of truth comes I am able to calmly accept and embrace my ride to a much better place.  I had a good friend who flat lined in the hospital and was revived tell me this "I looked at the moniter when the nurses ran in.  It was flat.  I did not hear music and I did not see a bright light.  What I did feel was the greatest calm I have ever experienced in my life. Then the medicine kicked in and my heart started again.  When the time does come I will embrace death and the overwhelming calm with both hands!" 

This is a beautiful poem written years ago by Emily Dickinson.  She is one of my favorite poets and at this juncture of my life I feel this is most fitting.  She summarizes the whole thing better then I ever could.

Because I could not stop for Death,
He kindly stopped for me;
The carriage held but just ourselves
And Immortality.

We slowly drove, he knew no haste,
And I had put away
My labour, and my leisure too,
For his civility.

We passed the school where children played,
Their lessons scarcely done;
We passed the fields of gazing grain,
We passed the setting sun.

We paused before a house that seemed
A swelling of the ground;
The roof was scarcely visible,
The cornice but a mound.

Since then 'tis centuries; but each
Feels shorter than the day
I first surmised the horses' heads
Were toward eternity.

Emily Dickinson

Friday, July 6, 2012

Do you know what this is? Deadly Oleander.

This is a beautiful Oleandar blooming on my deck.

No matter how you look at it you see something beyond comprehension as to how something this beautiful can be so deadly.  The leaves of the Oleandar are slender and grayish green.  And they can be made into a tea that will kill you.  I remember seeing that in a movie once and when I checked I seen that it was true.  course the description did not give me clear directions on how to make the tea, so I am probably not going to do that!

But it is something worth thinking about.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Going to lose my BMW!

Here I set waiting for a transport company to call and come and pick up the BMW M6 that has been in my garage for the last eight months.  Oh, not to be alarmed thinking it is mine.  It belongs to a friend.  He needs to to liquidate his belongings so this has found a home in Kansas City.  (Hi Shirley!  Hi Becca!)
It is rather sad the way this car has lost value in this economy, but it is not the only thing that has suffered that fate.  The interior of this thing is real leather and like butter.  And pristine.  You can not even see where I sat in the passenger seat.  The driver's seat has a little wear, but not the other seats.
Oh, I just realized that I have to take the tag off so I better go do that little chore. 

Bon Voyage Sherman's BMW!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Chapter One....Loose Ends is almost a reality!

 This is my book!  Or this is the proof of my book.  It should go to print next week and I am very excited!  I am currently working on the website where I will be able to sell it.  In the meantime, if you want to reserve a copy email me at loumercer3@aol.com .  I am pretty sure I will have enough for all of you, but why take a chance? 

It sells for $14.95 if you are paying with a check or money order.  Cash will be $15.00 cause I do not want to carry a bunch of nickles around.  Sorry.  Be sure and remember that it is not printed yet so don't expect it the next day.  I will notify you when it is ready.  And when the website is set up I will give you that.  I know it but it would do you no good to go there cause there is nothing there.  I should be up and running the second week in July.  You can go look if you want.  http://loumercer3.com /  Hopefully I am actually smart enough to get this done.

This book is completely self published and I do not mean I paid some one to do it for me.  I wrote it.  I formatted it.  Jeanne Gardner edited it.  Kenna Mercer mostly designed the cover with a little help from Susie at Riverside Printing who will print and bind it.  I bought my own ISBN number and printed out my own barcode. 

So there you have it.  Good luck to me!

Another year down the tubes!

Counting today, there are only 5 days left in this year.    Momma nailed it when she said "When you are over the hill you pick up speed...