
Sunday, October 11, 2009

Polly Parrot

And along that line, I have to tell you about Great Grandma's Parrot. When I lived with them, it was 1955. Residing there also was Polly Parrot. Polly was a green Amazon who (was almost a who as opposed to a thing) had been captured in South America and brought to Great Grandma covered in cotton in a matchbox and fed with an eye dropper.

Great Grandpa (I never knew him, but assume there was such a man and that he did the chores around the house and was indeed, the parrot smuggler.) built a wooden perch for Polly and there Polly spent all the days of his life. He never had a cage and beneath the perch was a sand box which had to be cleaned periodically.

When Polly was 45 years old he was in a feature article in the Kansas City Star. His whole life story was told and he became a celebrity. But for the most part, he just set there on his perch in the dining room, right outside the kitchen. Every Sunday was a big family dinner, because that is what you used to do.

Polly would sing for us, "After the ball is over, after the dancers have gone- - ". That is all I remember of the song, but Polly knew more. Some one would pop around the corner and give him a piece of apple or a brazil nut, or something just as good. Polly always said "Thank You!" That bird knew his manners.

I had a favorite cousin at the time named Carl. Carl assured me that one night he was sleeping on the couch and Polly fell off his perch and when he hit the floor he said "damn!" but I am not sure that was entirely true. When Polly did lose his balance and end up down there he would walk back to the sand box, pull himself up the pole that held his perch and once more be king of the domain. He had a hard time walking because his feet were shaped the same as the perch he spent his life on.

Polly never bit anyone or ever had a bad day. He was just there and stayed there until Grandma died and Great Grandma went to live with Aunt Helen. Several years later Aunt left the window open and Polly spent a night with the cold wind blowing on him. He ended up with pneumonia and died shortly there after.

Great Grandma lived to be 104. She kept her mind to the end, Crocheted with heavier yarn, and could tell you stories of Jesse James and the Younger Gang in her barn and eating at her table (She did not know who they were at the time, just their name.), and always Polly had been there. It was a sad day when we learned in a letter that Polly had died. But I am sure that up in Heaven some where there is a tall, regal white haired woman coming around the corner to feed a piece of apple to a big green parrot who has just finished a rousing rendition of
"After the ball is over, after the dancers have gone...."

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Grandma Haas

As I mentioned, I lived with Grandma and Great Grandma for a time. I dearly loved my Grandma. She had suffered a stroke and used a walker. One arm was pretty useless and that was back in the time that physical therapy was not practiced. I guess she did her own therapy because she still managed to crochet.
Grandma was 72 and Great Grandma was over 95 when I lived with them. They arose every morning at sun up and were dressed in their little cotton dresses with a full apron over the dress, shoes, the long stocks that passed for nylons, glasses on their nose and every hair in place.
Breakfast had been laid out the night before. The egg poacher filled with water set over 1 pilot light and the drip-a-lator coffee maker full of water set on the other pilot light. One half of an orange was at each place setting setting. Jelly and all the condiments were covered in the middle of the table. Breakfast would be cooked and served in 5 minutes. I then put all the dishes under the sink to await for my return from school.
My Grandma was a short, plumpish woman and had golden hair as opposed to white. I still have her braid. She had the sweetest smile, like angels would have. My mother was the spitting image of her in later years.
Great Grandma was a very regal woman. She was tall, thin, aristocratic nose and piercing eyes. She moved very slowly, but then she was 95 years old and the main caregiver to her 72 year old disabled daughter! What did I expect?
These women never raised their voice, but I was always most happy to do what ever they asked. Every night, with out fail, we took turns reading from the family Bible. We never ate with out praying over the meal. We never slept with out praying we would still be there in the morning. And it always worked. Right up until Grandma had another stroke.
If I could have one wish for the world it would be for everyone to have Grandmas like I did. If these 2 women had been in charge of the world there would not be war, pestilence, or poverty and violence. Just a world of people setting around and never raising their voices, doing what they knew in their souls was the right thing to do. Making sure that their little corner of the world was in peace and harmony.

After all, if we each took care of our own little corner, there would be peace and harmony. If we took care of each other in a compassionate manner, we would have no time nor energy for the back biting and in fighting that leads to strife and war.
I think I will just practice what I preach!!

Friday, October 9, 2009

The Good Old Days

It is very cold and last night we had the first snow fall of the season. Now old Indian lore states that the first snowfall only counts if you can track a deer in the snow, so this one does not count. It does not count because it melted before our eyes. Had it lingered that would have made our first snowfall on the 8th of October. Therefore we would have 8 snows this winter, deep enough to track a deer (Got to remember that part).
Further lore proclaims if the caterpillar has long hair it will be very cold. If the caterpillar spins the cocoon high it will be wet. And there was more stuff about what this woolly little worm could make the weather do. Of course, once again memory has failed me and I know not where the Indians have gone. Back East, I think. Actually I think they went to Washington, D.C.
There are things grandma told me on a fairly regular basis. "Your face is gonna freeze like that! " " A stitch in time saves 9. " " Where spider web grows, no beau ever goes! " " Sugar draws more flies than vinegar!"
When I was growing up, I was not sure my grandmother ever had an original thought, but now in my wisdon, I realize they were her thoughts. She just thought them a lot and out loud. Would I have remembered these things had she said, "Quit making faces or you will have wrinkles." "Do your mending or your clothes will need major repairs." "Clean your room or you will be an old maid. (That one never worked. My room was a mess and I managed to marry several times.)" "Being sweet will get you more friends than a nasty dispostition."
The answer is a resounding NO! I lived with my grandmother and greatgrandmother when I was in high school and it made me who I am today. I learned to crochet, the radio was always tuned to the news and market report, the only book worth reading was the Bible, and I had to sleep on the couch because the spare bedroom was upstairs and they worried that the house might catch on fire!
Those definitely were The good old days!!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

And what would you like to live without?

Got up this morning and made breakfast for a lady friend. At that time I was told the water would be off for 2 hours "a little later this morning." Panic mode! Bret said "Fill the bathtub with water! Fill all the pans!" Now, I do not normally use that much water in a week so I opted for a gallon pitcher.

Then the appointed time arrived. How many times did I start to was my hands, flush the stool, really want to mop the kitchen floor, and fill the duck pond? And why was that? Normally that time of day is spent on the loom or one of the sewing machines or in town.

But not this day! Today is the one day I needed the water on, because I could not have it at my beck and command. Had it been the electricity I would have wanted to watch television, or run the air conditioner.

Think about this people! Less than 100 years ago running water in the house and electricity all through the house were the oddity rather than the norm. There were very few roads, because there were very few thing needing a road. Computers were unheard of, although I am sure some one had dreamed them by then.

Now think further; what would you give up if you had to give up something? My guess is nothing. You could not function without your ipod, cell phone, computer (and chances are those are in one item), car, pace maker, and on and on, because the things that were in everyday use 100 years ago can not be found today.

If they are found they are antiques or reproductions. And they make reproductions why? Because we long for the "good old days", but not enough to give up the conveniences that we now take for granted every day!

So today I am going to give up one of these things that I have been taking for granted and see how bad I miss it. Just have to decide what it will be. Hmmm! Oh, I already did, I gave up water for 2 hours. Now to report on how that worked out for me: It sucked!!!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Happy Birthday!

Well, today is my Happy Birthday. It is 8:30 am and 5 of the 10 kids have remembered. I will be going to the Springs to have lunch with the Pastor and Kay and Frank. Then tonight we will go out to eat at the Chinese food place, so the social ritual of eating is all planned and that is one less chore to do.
Birthdays are necessary, but only as a point of reference, "I got married when I was 19, first baby when I was 21, moved to Colorado when I was 36." Things like that. Some people count the day until the birthday, then count the days after the day. I am not big on that stuff. I usually forget until some one reminds me and then I am showered with gifts, even though I protest that I do not want them.
I really do not want them! There is not a single thing in this world that I can not live with out except for the food and water thing. So today I am inundated with a daughter, grand daughter, her husband and 2 great grandsons. Of course there will be presents and cards in the mail and they will all ask, "How old are you now?" Well, they expect me to remember how old they are, and I am the old forgetful one, so they should be telling me. Course they forgot.
So for posterity sake, I will tell you and that is if I have remembered correctly. I am 68 and holding. About the only memorable thing this year is that I survived it! Oh, yeah, I learned to swim. Been wanting to do that for many years. Still don't go in the deep water, but may stray out there one of these days.
So for now, Happy Birthday to me, and the rest of you have a good day.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Peacock Returns!

Yesterday I put sealer on the deck. This made it necessary to take the dogs out the front door. I stepped out in the front yard who should greet me, but Mr. Peacock! I of course, went into catch the peacock mode. Then it dawned on me that the neighbor lady was home and it was, after all, her peacock. So I ran over and got her.

She is not nearly as good at catching a peacock as her husband, so the last we seen of the peacock was him headed west down South Road and going a lot faster then either one of us! My son did observe that the peacock seems to be drawn to me. What ever. Peacocks are supposed to be a sign of good luck and I am hoping that will start kicking in soon.

In the meantime, I have been keeping pretty busy. Got a quilt quilted. Made small soaps with tons of lavender to keep moths away. Will sell them at the sale in November. Picked the remaining cukes so I can make dill pickle slices. Picked 3 tomatoes on the green side so I can fry them. I also looked at the closet with a critical eye. Then I reached a monumental decision; that is way more then I can get done since it is almost nap time!

The sunrise this morning was absolutely beautiful! Usually the sun just kind of pops up and down out here, but the one this morning was kind of slow and made the whole horizon very red and it stayed that way for almost half an hour.

Something about a long sunrise makes me feel inadequate. I feel that I am of very little significance in this big old world, but I somehow feel that I am the only one watching this sunrise. So, I guess my life is basically a conundrum. Do you know what that means? It means a riddle whose answer is a pun. That pretty much sums it up.

So, you have learned a new word today and the meaning of that word. As long as you pick up a little knowledge every day you will never stop learning. Wish I had some wise words to leave you with, but I am coming up blank. Just goes to show you that nothing is ever as it seems.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Chile Festival

I am demonstating for the Weavers Guild in the El Pueblo Museum yesterday and today. This has been fun. Joanne is with me and she is a tremendous weaver and likes people. I enjoy meeting people, so I just mostly talk.
First person to strike my fancy was Rebecca. She is from back east and knows how to use a drop spindle. We got started talking because she let a nasty word slip and apologized. I told her I could out cuss her any day. She spun some yarn and then went away, but not before we exchanged emails and such. Ships in the night.
The next one was a fellow who stopped right in front of me and stood. Not knowing what to say I said "Hi!" He replied, "No, just happy!" I was taken aback by that one, but life goes on anyway.
We watched the Indian Dancers. There is some very intricate bead work on those costumes. If you ever get a chance to take a close look, by all means do so. They go to a lot of work and are proud to show it to you.
There were rides for the kids, funnel cakes, Barbeque, roasted corn, jewelry, bean toss, and just about anything you can think of, but the main attraction is the rows and rows of chile roasters lined up and roasting the product Pueblo is best know for, the Mighty Pueblo Chile!!
So I shall return to my post today and continue to observe people. Will report in tomorrow. Sure I will have a good time.

Another year down the tubes!

Counting today, there are only 5 days left in this year.    Momma nailed it when she said "When you are over the hill you pick up speed...