
Thursday, September 24, 2009

Like a Bad Penny!

Bet you thought I was still out in the world wrestling Peacocks! No, here I am. Just like a bad penny, I have returned.
Yesterday was a lost day. Weaver's Guild until noon, lunch with the boy, hurry home for the nap, and then get ready for bed. Today I am going to tell you how to clean silver .
Get a big pot, preferably aluminum. Put a piece of aluminum foil in the bottom of the pot. Set the tea pot or whatever in the pot, making sure it has contact with the foil. Cover with water being sure to measure and make sure the item is covered. Now, add 2 tablespoons of baking soda for each quart of water. Bring temperature to 150 degrees and hold it there for 10 minutes. Turn off the heat and leave to cool. Rinse and buff.
Unless of course you would rather go buy some silver cleaner and rub it on, and rub it on, and rub it on. You get the picture! See I went to the garage sale and bought 2 boxes of silver stuff for $45.00. I could see a lot of polishing going on getting this in shape for Ebay. Not me, man, I am basically pretty lazy and if there is a way around the old way, I am all over that!
My mother had all kinds of little sayings to live by and I think the one that comes to mind here would be, " A stitch in time, saves nine ." And by that she would have said, "If you had kept that done up in the first place, you would not be up all night doing it now!"
Tomorrow I will tell you a bit about my mother, God love her. She was a very unique being and not a day goes by that one of her words of wisdom doesn't pop up and hit me, usually right between the eyes!!

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