
Monday, September 21, 2009

Peacock Wrangling

Those of you who know me personally, know my life is never dull. This morning started out looking pretty mundane, little cool with that touch of fall in the air. I had an errand in town, so that was where I was headed. About a quarter of a mile from the house I happened to glance over and there was a peacock in the field looking pretty out of place. I recalled that the neighbors were missing a peacock, so being the dutiful person that I am, I made a "u" turn and told Clifford where the peacock was. Then I started back down the road. Silly me!
Here came Mr. Peacock walking east on South Road! I immediately parked the car and decided to follow along and keep my eye on him until Clifford could get there. I called my son and told him to go out in the yard and tell Clifford to hurry. Well, the Big Blue Peacock then took a right turn on 27th Lane. I knew if he got to the river he was gone. I took a short cut across the alfalfa field to cut him off at the pass. Have you ever tried to run across an alfalfa field? They irrigate those things which means they are full of ditches that you can not see. You can trip on them, but you can not see them coming!
Fortunately I beat the peacock and got him headed back east, unfortunately, it was now across fields, ditches full of water, piles of trash and fences here and there. So I called my son and told him to get out back as fast as he could cause I almost had him! I never remembered at any point in time that I had not told Bret what I was doing; just barked orders at him.
Bless his heart, here he came on a dead run to help his frantic mother in the middle of a field of weeds with one foot in an irrigation ditch full of water. He was very relieved to see me pointing at the peacock who was by now entangled in the fence. And to make the picture perfect, Clifford arrived with his net.
With the peacock gone and Bret looked at me and said "Do you realize I thought you had gone completely crazy? Next time you might want to explain what is going on out here!"
The neighbor lady was very grateful. Even said she had prayed the night before for the peacock to come home.
Now what is the wisdom in this posting? I am sure there is one here somewhere and as I set her with an ankle throbbing, looking back on the day, I think I know what it is!

I am a vessel of God, used for returning Peacocks and such to their rightful home!

1 comment:

Another year down the tubes!

Counting today, there are only 5 days left in this year.    Momma nailed it when she said "When you are over the hill you pick up speed...