
Thursday, October 29, 2009

It is still snowing!

I know there are people out there, when they hear about the snow in Colorado, especially the ones measured in feet, that they think of me! Thanks for thinking about me, but usually those feet of snow are anywhere but here. For the most part this is basically desert. Or at least I think so.

So now, we had our first snowfall yesterday, which was the 28th. It is putting down another layer, so that is 2 off of the 28. Means we have 2 snows left after today. Right? I wish the Indians that decided that stuff had been more specific. Since this is a snow on top of a snow is it one snow or since it is the second day is it 2? Because I do not like snow, I will count it as 2. I will mark it thusly on the calendar and next spring, assuming I actually did it, we will see what happened.

Hey! I got on my wii fitness thing today and I did not hear that woman say I was obese! She actually said my BMI was normal. And further I am now 37 years old! Course it was also blaring something about the batteries were going south and need to be replaced! Will that affect the accuracy? Do I care?

I kind of like this being normal and 31 years younger than I am so I may start putting weak batteries in all the time.

Good Lord! I can hear that weather man in there yapping about 5 more inches of snow! This is getting very scary. I do not like this stuff! What if it just keeps snowing and then gets over the house and keeps on snowing? What if the whole world, at least the cold parts, just lays there and keeps getting snowed on every day? It will get deeper and deeper and I will run out of food. The water will freeze. I see nothing but gloom and doom. I know that has never happened before, but what if.....?

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Another year down the tubes!

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