
Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Snail Mail

I surely do wonder what is going on with the United States Post Office. I can remember the good old days when I would set at my kitchen table and write a letter off to my mother to let her know that I was alive and well and preggers again. I would seal the letter and toddle off to the post office to mail it to dear mother.

Well those days are all in the past! Mother has since passed to her great reward, the child bearing days are well over around here, and the United States Post Office is slowly being replaced by the Fax Machine and the computer. Not to mention the telephone and the cell phone.

I look back on the changes that have transpired since I was a little girl traipsing the dirt roads around my home town of Nickerson, Kansas, and it is enough to turn my hair white!

We used to be on a party line on the phone. That meant that several families shared the line. If it rang 2 longs and a short, that meant the phone was for us. 2 shorts and 2 longs was for someone else. We could pick up the phone and "listen in", but we could and would very get her little fannies warmed for that! I am pretty sure the operator who connected the phone calls was not above listening, because she was very knowledgeable about the goings on around town. She actually reported to my mother that my older sister was pregnant and stirred up a real hornets nest there! Just doing what she thought was right (Like eavesdropping was right!).

The telephone came in one color; black. It had a crank on the side and that is how you got the operator, turn the crank. She would, in due time answer "Number please!" Usually we just said the name of who we wanted and she rang it through. She knew where everyone was at any given time of the day, or at least where she thought they should be.

We took a tour of the telephone company when I was in grade school, probably about the third grade. That was an eye opener! The whole phone office was probably 10 foot square. The operator set on a little stool in front of a board which had a bunch of holes in it with wires connecting the parties talking. The operator, who I always thought to be 8 feet tall, was actually a very short woman, but just as crabby in real life as she was on the phone.

Is life better now? Depends. I can pick up the phone and instantly talk to my son in Dallas, or fire him off an email and have an answer via his Blackberry within seconds. Sure takes a lot of the mystery out of life. Oh, yeah, and the privacy. I know there are people lurking out there who want to steal my identity and know all my dirty little secrets, but here is the bottom line for you to think about; how long will it be before we all have a computer chip and all we have to do is think about the kid in Dallas and we will be connected by thought? Scares me.

Gives new meaning to the term Big Brother is wataching you!!

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