
Monday, November 16, 2009

The blanket unveiling at last!!!!

At long last I am able to get these pictures posted. Unfortunately I have lost complete control of my blog and it is going to do whatever it wants to do, which at this time seems to be centering everything I type. Trust me, if this is the worst that happens we will be very blessed!

Ok, now it I can do this on the left. We will go with that. This is the blanket I have anquished over for two or three weeks. This blanket has 960 ends. That means the warp, which is what I weave across is 8/2 white cotton and there are 960 threads. Each one of those threads had to be measured, cut and then threaded through a reed and then through a heddle. A heddle is what is raised or lowered to give you a place to put the weft (cross) thread to make the pattern. The weft in this case is a beautiful blue wool that I got from Joanne.

Since this is what is called an overshot pattern I throw 1 shot of blue wool in the pattern and then 1 shot of white 8/2 cotton in tabby. That is why there is so much white. This is actually the wrong side of the blanket. Let's go down farther and hope we have a right side! Before we leave I should tell you the name of this block is Lee's Surrender and the blanket consists of 4 blocks. Shown below is 1 block.

Here it is!! This is the right side. See how predominate the blue is in this picture? That means this is the right side. You know, I look at this and I am not sure which is the right side and which is the wrong side. I guess it really does not matter. Since I did not listen when Joanne was trying to tell me, I wove this whole blanket with the wrong side up unless , of course, the wrong side is the right side. By this time, I am so confused that I think I will have a tiny draught of something fermented and go to bed.

Well, it looks like this is going to center stuff for me again. I must confess, I am ready to give up and let the computer rule my life. So with that being said, tell me if you like my blankie!

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