Then on November 3, 1992, voters of the state of Colorado, passed the dreaded Amendment 2. By its pure design it was worded to repeal anti discrimination laws that had been passed by various entities to protect the rights of our gay/lesbian population. I had at that point in time been working with the gay community as a member of PFLAG (Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays.) We had worked very hard trying to explain that this amendment wa sunconstitutional.
If you look very carefully right there under the bridge you will see an upside down rainbow triangle. That was the symbol for Pueblo After 2. As a friend to the community I was allowed to help! It was my job to bring the coffee and donuts. I took this picture yesterday. The sign has weathered and faded, but it has been 18 years. That hardly seems possible, but I can subtract. A lot has happened since that time. Amendment 2 was struck down by the Supreme Court on May 20, 1996. Pueblo After 2 is now Southern Colorado Equality Alliance. As SCEA they are a very respected member of society. PFLAG and SCEA fund scholarships at the local community college.
As for me, I got old and do not do the political thing much any more, but you just never know where you might find me or why!!
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