
Sunday, May 2, 2010

I love Spring and I love my Spring Fever!!

Here is a close up of my Apple tree and on the other side is my humble abode.  On the center left is the pooch and a few sprigs of the Red Bud tree.  On the lower left is the lid to the septic tank.  All is well there, also. I will put a pot of Geraniums on it when they are in season, which will be pretty soon.  It is about to quit freezing at night, for which I shall be very happy!

Right now, blooming in my yard are the Lilacs.  The Apple tree is about done, as is the Red Bud and the Cherry.  Flowering Pink Almond  is all done. Forsythia never bloomed at all.  The Apple tree will have green apples. They will have bugs, cause I do not spray.  I throw them over the fence to the fowl and they like bugs.  Apricots are going to be prolific and buggy as well.  The Cherry tree has never had even one cherry.

But anyway, I am trying to tell you about my Spring Fever!  Did you ever hear that saying, "In Spring a young man's fancy turns to thoughts of love?"  Well, in Spring, this old ladies thoughts turns to thoughts of naps!  I think I could completely sleep all the way through Spring if it were not for that wretched phone!  I know we get that urge to dig in the dirt and plant stuff, but the more I look around at what needs to me done in the yard, the sleepier I get.

Hey!  Maybe I am secretly a bear!  I could sleep all winter and then kind of start stirring the end of the Winter, which is the beginning of Spring.  Oh, oh!  Gotta go to church.  We will continue my sleeping habits at a different time! 

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