So, anyway, after we got outside, we hung our ribbons on the tree and said aloud the names that we were placing there. I only did two names this year. I get tired of putting my friends on a tree. I guess I am selfish that way and over the years my list has gotten so long that it is redundant. I always do Mark though, because he was such a vital part of my life for so many years.
After the candles were lit and the ribbons hung, and the names said, Eddie Three Eagles purified the ground and then blessed the tree. He then sang Amazing Grace in his native tongue and then we joined him as he sang it again. That was so moving!
When the whole thing was over everyone went around in a collapsing circle. Another moving thing. When we went inside we lingered just long enough to pass out the hugs and Eddie Three Eagles gave me a peck on the cheek! Hugs from everyone and home after a very long and rewarding day.
December 1 will come again! It always does and it will always be World AIDS Day. Next year I suggest you find a candlelight observance some where near you and attend. There will be one, of that I am sure because the world is full of Lou's and John's and Erik's, and Annalees. Call your Art Center, or your Health Department and if no one can help you do it yourself. Our first observance was at our Arts Center outside in the freezing cold, but we were there and for this disease to ever be overcome it has to be out there and it has to be talked about. People have to be educated and it starts with the young ones.
Our testing at the college turned up not one single case of HIV. Do you think that was an accident?
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