
Friday, August 19, 2011

Now you can finally meet the sister!


Do you remember this time last year when I went to Kansas?  Well, I think that was in July and I got there just in time to see this little gal born.  This is my sister, Donna Bartholomew who along with Karen Leshure owns Skaets Steak Shop in Hutchinson, Kansas.  Has for years.  I started working there when I was 17 years old and then Donna came on board when Ruth Herrington took it over from Norman Deschene.  Damn!  That was a very long time ago.  At one time or another all the little Bartholomew girls had a go at working at Skaets.  Skaets is steaks spelled backwards.  Little side note there.
  There were 5 of us girls and one brother.  Jake was killed in 1965.  Josephine left us several years ago, leaving just the 4 of us to carry on.  I am the oldest, then Donna, then Mary and last is Dorothy.  Dorothy is the baby.  Dorothy had a heart attack many years back and actually died and was revived twice.  I will have to write about that some day.  So Donna had bought Skaets and ran it with the help of Tom and Mary Shea for several years.  I lose track of time, but I do know that at some point in time Tom died, leaving Mary alone.  Then along in there some where mother had passed.  And at some point in time Karen Leshure, a long time friend of the family, bought into the restaurant.  Karen had a very sharp business acumen  and has been the stabilizing hand on the tiller for many years.  Course they are always talking about how they are going to retire and travel and Donna wants me to get my passport because we are going some where far away.  Well, I am sure I am going to get right on that!
But this is not about Skaets, or travelling or any of that stuff, this is about that little waif there in Donna's arms.  Isn't that about the cutest thing you have ever seen?  Her name is Adrianna and I do hope I spelled that right.  She was born in July of last year and I will not get more precise then that for obvious reasons.  Her daddy is Donna's only son Tom.  He is a salesman for Sysco Foods.  And a very fine salesman he is!   Sysco sells to restaurants and other food industry's in the Midwest.  I know the Midwest, and maybe farther away than that.  
Her mother is Alina.  Now here is a true test.  Alina is from Russia and was world kick boxing champion over there a few years back.  I can not remember her last name, but I know it now.  It is Bartholomew.  She is a beautiful woman and the sweetest little thing.  Course we know Tom would only have the best.  I give this woman a lot of respect for more reasons than one.  First she deserves it and secondly she could kick the crap out of me very easily!
Donna dotes on this little ball of fluff and I am sure it is a mutual admiration society.  They also have 2 little Chihuahua dogs which are spoiled very rotten.  I am starting to get pretty lonely for Hutchinson and my family there.  But first I better tell you that when we were kids at home Donna and Mary were always very close.  Dorothy was the baby and she mostly just cried and got her way.  But Donna and Mary just kind of hung out together.  Those three mostly got babysat when mother went to work.  Not always Donna.  Some times she followed me around, but as I recall we spent a lot of time worrying that a dog with Hydrophobia would come up the road and attack us.  We also worried a lot about the Gypsies who were camped on the edge of town kidnapping us.  And a lot of time we went to the cemetary to play.  Please do not ask me to explain that one.  I was probably the ring leader on that.  Always liked the cemetary because it was quiet.
Man, have you  ever noticed how I digress?  I am trying to tell you about Donna and her grand daughter.  The top picture is at her birthday party.  I think she ended up with a lot of frosting on her.  And I bet Donna loved every minute of cleaning her up and putting some new pink clothes on her.  All I can say is momma and daddy do not stand a chance with Grandma Donna on duty.  I think I am a pretty good grandma and Dorothy is also a good grandma, but Donna is making a career out of the grandma thing!
That is not hard to do thought because the little babies are so pure and innocent and they smell so good when they come out of the bath water and we rub them with baby powder and all the sweet smelling stuff.  And when they fall asleep in our arms with the little pouty lips, we are goners!
So you go Donna, cause I have words that I remember from way back when I had my first baby.  These may not be accurate, but it is close ..."Cooking and cleaning can wait for the 'morrow, for babies grow up we learn to our sorrow.  So cobwebs you hang there and dust go to sleep.  I'm rocking my baby and babies don't keep". 
And with that I bid you a fond goodnight and very quietly turn out the light.
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