To donate for my team and I online go here!
I have had a few people show interest in walking with me at the AIDS Walk in the Garden. The boy cousins may make it up for that. Sure hope so. But a couple people at church are entertaining ideas of tagging along with me. And it seems the first thing they want to know is "Is it fun?" Well, I have to say it sure is, for me anyway.
First I get to raise money for a cause that is very dear to my heart. I also get to tell people what AIDS is and why it is important that I raise money for this particular cause. All the money we raise in Pueblo, stays in Pueblo. Not Colorado Springs. We were given a choice of what to use our money for, no strings attached. Linda, John and I immediately decided we could use it to pay some ones light bill, or co pays, or any number of things like that, but there is a fund for that. So we decided to be very selfish! We wanted to have fun!
Now, selfish is not really what I am about, but you know that! The second Tuesday of every month, I fix us all a lunch. Sometimes there are only about 15 of us, but a cookout in the park will bring out 40 or more. I fund the food myself which leaves us more money for other things. After the lunch we all load up and go some where fun. Miniature golf, the zoo, museum, bowling and last month we dined and Soup or Salad (paid for out of our funds) and then off to the movie. See, education does not always have to take place in a formal setting. For some of our clients this is the only outlet they have. Before we lucked into this money, I would just do a social luncheon. That was good, but it was rather sterile if you know what I mean. We hold this in a conference room and then set and visit. Getting the picture? Plastic tables, steel chairs, microwave and paper plates. Acceptable, but not near as much fun as a picnic at the Nature Center. I work hard for my money and enjoy feeding people, but I can not afford the little extras that this money buys.

And, if you have never walked in the Garden of the Gods, in Colorado Springs, you do not know what you are missing. The walk is October 8 and registration begins at 8:00. When that is over Richard will do a little pep talk up there on his stage and we will all cheer and then we are fired up to go. I love that walk. I feel so close to God up there among those boulders. How any one place could hold so much grandeur amazes me. And the only man made parts are the walk ways. All the scenery and the beautiful blue sky are just the way God threw them down all those many years ago.
If you are just wanting a walk, come join me, but remember I am very competitive and it will be my goal this year to start dead last and finish in the top 10. Oh, wait! I did that last year! Maybe this year I will start first and finish last. NOT!
So, if you are thinking about donating to a worthy cause this year, look my way. I know we are a small corner of the world, but this small corner sure needs a bright spot occasionally and that is what this money does. We won't change the world and we are not trying to. We are just a bunch of people trying to make the best of a bad situation and bring a smile to lives where there is not a lot to smile about. And you know what? It helps. It builds self esteem so one of our clients has gone back to school to get her degree dispite a mountain of adversity. Several come just to see their friends. Sometimes by making people take the first step, they begin a journey to a way better place.
Please think about donating to me and my little band of forgotten people. And know how very grateful me and my little corner of the world will be. God Bless!
to donate to us online go here!