
Showing posts with label cleo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cleo. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

I saw Cleo and we went for a nice walk with Steve.

The date was September 8 and the place was Pueblo.  The guy is a very good friend of Sherman's named Steve Vallejo.  He and I chanced to meet and since it was my first visit with Cleo since she had gone to her new home way up north, I wanted to take her for a nice walk along the levee like we used to do when Sherman was still with us.  Steve was kind enough to accompany us.  Cleo does not like to have her picture taken, but Steve was good at tricking her.
Me not so good!

And what in the world is that out there on that rock in the middle of the river?  We decided for argument's sake that it must be a heron.  Sure was not a goose or a duck.  The more I did to it in Picassa the worse it got.  It's neck got longer and it became more blurry.  Hell, it might have been a sea creature for all I know.
Steve and I walked almost up to Union and back.  It was a very nice walk.  Cool and a little light breeze.  I had not met Steve when Sherman was still with us, but I had heard his name many times and knew he was a good friend of his.  Sherman had many good friends and I never met most of them until just recently.  I know that is sort of like closing the barn door after the horse is gone, and I certainly regret not taking a more active role in that department, but isn't that how life goes?  When we are young we are invincible  and think we will live forever.  There is always tomorrow. 
Mother used to try to teach me the one about, "Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today."  Some how that was never very important to me. Something else mama used to tell me was "Let's see you get that toothpaste back in the tube!"
 This is one of those things I wish I had handled a little differently.  When he would say, so and so was coming by, I made myself scarce so he could visit with his friends.  Little did I know that he and his friends would have welcomed my presence. 
Mama was very wise.  And so to all of Sherman's friends that I have met since and the few I met before, and the one's who I have yet to meet, I would like to apologize and tell you that you were all very important to him and he bragged about every one of you to me.  I do understand after the fact that maybe he was a little proud of me also.  I will hold you all in my heart and I thank you all for the part you played in Sherman's life to make him into the man I came to care so much about in the twilight of our lives. 
And look, Steve!  I think she posed for me!  When Dana snapped the leash on her after the sale she looked at me and walked straight to his car as if to say "OK, time to go.  See you Lou.  It was nice, but I have to go home now."  Just like Sherman.  Everyone has gone home and the party is over.
It is time to move on.

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Saturday, June 9, 2012

Then and Now, or some damn happy dogs!

This is a picture of Daisy at the pound, before she came to live with us.
This is Elvira at the pound before she came to live with us
Now I ask you this, do these dogs look like the same dogs to you?  No way.  And what I can not understand is why more people do not do the dog pound thing?  I am pretty sure if we had not come along when we did that these two little guys would no longer be just setting there waiting. 

Do not let anyone tell you that dogs do not smile, because these two are showing some serious happiness here.  I love my doggies and they love me.  We have a ritual at night, a ritual in the morning and a ritual all through the day.
And this brings me to the next phase.  I have knowledge of a very nice dog that needs a home.  She is a bigger dog, probably some greyhound and a dash of lord only knows what.  I walk her several times a day as she waits for her master who will not be returning.  She would make a lovely pet for someone who has a bit of land and no cats.  If you are interested, please let me know.

Another year down the tubes!

Counting today, there are only 5 days left in this year.    Momma nailed it when she said "When you are over the hill you pick up speed...