When I come to a place in my life where I am not sure which way I should go, it seems momma always pops up in my mind. She always had the answer. Whether she knew the question or not was usually a whole 'nother kettle of worms! She passed before my husband, so I spent many years muddling through without her wisdom. It is just a good thing that I lucked out and had a good, honest man in Kenny. I do not know how I made it this far!
The one thing she did leave me with is something I will share with you. When one of my friends or one of my husbands had disappointed me beyond belief and I expressed this to her that "I thought I knew him better than that", she said, "You never know anyone. You know of them. You know the part they let you see." Those words have came back to haunt me more than once. Sometimes it breaks my heart to know momma was always right, but she was.
I try to take tentative steps in my life and if nothing pops up in my path, I do pretty good. I seem to have raised 6 kids who are pretty much responsible and successful and I think for the most part my life is pretty good. I know one thing for sure, I took/take very good care of the geese ! I got the first 3 goslings when Bret was 8 years old. He is 30 now and they are still alive.
My plan was to sell this place when the geese were gone and travel around the country spending time with the kids and grandkids. Not happening! Like momma said "The best laid plans of mice and men ofttimes go astray." I have a hard time typing because I have a cat that insists of laying on the keyboard. I have a 2400 square foot house and this is the only place she can find to lay.
Fall is in the air and it will not be long before I am out there shoveling my way to the goose house so I can break the ice on the tank so they can drink. I buy 150 pounds of goose food a month which I unload and put in a barrel to feed them. And I cannot even pet them! They have never pecked me, but they are not conducive to physical contact. Well, hell, neither is the cat! When I try to pet her, she bites me.
So, it is 6 AM and the sun is going to pop up here pretty quick and start my day. I guess it beats the alternative doesn't it?
Or does it?