
Monday, July 25, 2011

Eleanor Burns slide show

The slide show for Eleanor Burns is located at the top left of what ever page you are reading.  Please do not ask me how I did that and I bet I could not do it again, but that is where you will find it.  And I bet when I post a new slide show Eleanor will be history.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Peace Pilgrim link.


Daughter called a bit ago to tell me I had forgotten to put the Peace Pilgrim up as promised.  So rather then write my opionions of this I will let you read and come to your own conclusions.

Let me know what you think!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Eleanor Burns and the Quilters Retreat here in our fair city!

 I am hoping to get a slide show up and running here, but I am not having much luck right now.  So here is the deal, Bret works for Sprinkles Sewing Center.  And so does his girlfriend, Amanda.  It is just one big happy family over there as near as I can tell.  Now Sprinkles is a very successful business and Jerry and Kathy know how to make it pay.  They put the customer first, which is always a good thing.  They have a beautiful store on Eagleridge on the North side of town.  They recently opened a store in Canon City.  Along with the machines they offer personal service and lots of classes.  I have attended the classes and they are great.  Always knowledgeable staff.
   So now they decided to put on a 3 day extravaganza and call it the "Eleanor Burns Quilt Retreat."  Three full days of Eleanor Burns and quilt classes up the wazoo.  An event like this does not throw itself together without a lot of planning.  First arrangements had to be made for the Convention Center.  And that costs a pretty penny to lease that thing for 4 days.  The Convention Center is one of Pueblo's jewels.  In the slide show you will see several shots of the wall of heroes and the statues out front.  Pueblo is the "Home of Heroes" because it has four Congressional Medal of Honor recipients in  its population. http://www.pueblomohfoundation.com/
   Back to the event.  Eleanor Burns has/had a quilting show on PBS for many years and I used to tape her shows back when I had a VCR.  She would pop in every Tuesday afternoon  at 2:00 and teach me how to make a quilt.  She made it look so easy.  And I did actually make a quilt or two from the show.  Wonderful teacher. But I did not sign up for this event because I am just not that into quilting anymore.  I weave now.  But since the kids were on me about just stopping in I thought I might as well.  They have a mini store set up there on the floor and quite a reduction in price on lots of notions, so I thought, why not.

   Well, I must say I was most impressed.  First with Bret and Amanda and the professional manner in which they conducted themselves.  See, I am used to the slobs that live here, not the well mannered, helpful couple I encountered at the event.  There were people everywhere and I took the opportunity to check out the classrooms.  Seems there were three of them.  I did not take time to count the machines, but there must have been 100 machines in those 3 rooms.  And there was some learning going on.  When Amanda asked if I would like to meet Eleanor Burns I jumped all over that!  And I must say, she was as lovely in real life as when I watched her on television.  First thing I told Amanda to take our picture and Eleanor decided to share her pink boa with me.  I just thought that was right neighbourly of her!
   Of course when I told her I was Bret's mom she was most impressed and had to tell me how much she liked him and what a fine boy he was.  And how handsome.  And how much she liked Amanda and "oh, they are a couple!  How nice."
   Well, by then I had pretty well shot my wad so I wandered on outside.  What had started off as a fairly normal day had sure turned into a bright spot for me. Little story I can share with my grand kids.  Like they will have any idea who Eleanor Burns is.  Maybe I will dig out my VCR tapes.  Can I play those on a DVD player?
   Any way, I met a lovely lady today and shared her boa.  Had lunch with my friend, Tim.  Visited briefly with my friend Andy.  Pulled a few weeds.  Watched the geese swim in the new stock tank and made a batch of soap. Touched bases with my friend back East.  And now I am ready for bed.  Kind of makes me think I might have happy dreams tonight.


Peter, Paul and Mary

Well, I got up this morning with Peter, Paul and Mary on my mind.  Do you remember them?  Some women might dream about Fabio or some such nonsense, but here is what happened.  I was given a link for Peace Pilgrim and I started reading that.  This is/was a very wise woman who gave up everything to search for inner peace.  I will give you the link at the end of this, so watch for it.  It is well worth a little more then a cursory glance.  I am going to try to follow some of her teachings, but I can not foresee giving up my home and car and all that and walking off across the country hoping some one will feed me and give me a bed for the night. But the basic truths look very promising.
  Back to Peter, Paul and Mary.  These three people came to prominence in a coffee shop in Greenwich Village way back in the early 60's.  Remember the 60's?  Sure you do!  I recall like it was yesterday.  I was newly married and hopelessly in love with life.  Hubby was a tree trimmer and moved around a lot, but there were dreams and hopes.  And pretty soon there were babies.  That slowed the moving around down to a crawl.  We were in Garden City, Kansas when I realized that Viet Nam was more than the government was telling us.  How long had it been going on and what was it?  Did we ever really know the depth of that era?  How much was covered up and for how many years?  I talk to old timers now who still know and refuse to talk about Cambodia and wht went on there.  Peter, Paul and Mary knew.  They sang about it and we marched about it.  Civil Rights?  They were there.  So was I.
  Where were you when Oswald shot Kennedy?  When Ruby shot Oswald?  Did you hear Martin Luther King, Jr's I have a dream speech?  Did you see him fall?  Tommy Cash sings a song that covers that era.  If you can listen to this  and not reflect, you are probably one of my very young readers.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3uGc62RWIkc
   But through it all Peter, Paul and Mary were singing the folk songs.  I did not know at the time that they were folk songs, only that they expressed what I was feeling along with a whole nation.  And I think they really believed in what they sang about.  If I  Had a Hammer!  This Land is My Land!  Where Have all the Flowers Gone? Blowin' in the Wind.
  After Mary was gone Peter and Paul still continued to fight for what they had believed in  for so long.  In 2010 they sent a letter to the National Organization for Marriage (who campaigns to stop gay marriage and civil unions) telling them to stop using their song This Land is My Land in their rallies because it was " directly contrary to our advocacy position. "  Principled people, especially in the entertainment industry are sometimes hard to find.
   But what really makes me sad is that there will never be an era like that and there are not words in my vocabulary to describe how we felt.  Music is the one medium that comes closest and Peter, Paul and Mary were the icons of the time.  But Mary is gone and while we get out the old guitar and sing the old songs at the Peace Flotilla and in the coffee shop, it is pure nostalgia.  Sort of the Don Quixote and the whole tilting at windmills thing.  The dragons have all been slain.   We now our government would never lie to us and that the printed word is the one we can believe.  Oh, wait.  Seems I see some Senator hanging his head and saying "Sorry.  I lied."  And I see a crumbling Newspaper Empire because someone hacked the phones and got caught.
   But it is still different.  In this day and age information is instantly at our fingertips.  We do not have to wait for a trio to pick up a guitar and tell us about the wrongs in the world.  And I am going to save Peace Pilgrim for another day.  Today I am going to listen to Peter, Paul and Mary and relive my lost youth.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Well, if this is any thing like hell, I am going to straighten myself up and live right.

  Oh, it was 100 degrees yesterday and going to do it again today.  I forgot how many days this has been.  Course there is no rain in sight, just more sun.  Best we can hope for is that the wind will blow and plaster us with dust like happened down south of here.  So I got to thinking about that really hot place I might go to if I do not be a good little girl and I decided I do not under any conditions want to go there.  So I will be very good.  Of course, even I have my breaking point.  So let me see if I actually know what being good entails.
1.  You shall have no other gods before me. Well that is an easy one.  Why would I want to put anyone else first?
2.  You shall not make any idols or graven images.  I am cool on that one. I am not one bit artistic.
3.  You shall not misuse the name of the Lord they God.  Ok, now does that mean cussing with the Lord's name?  If it does, I may be in trouble on this one.  If it means being disrespectful, I don't do that.  I may need a lawyer on this one.
4.  Remember the Sabbath to keep it Holy.  Work six days and rest on the seventh.  Pretty clear there and I have no problem with this one.  I am so good with this one that some times I even do it three or four times a week. ;)
5.  Honor your Father and Mother.  I did this one really well.  Yes, I did.
6.  I did not commit murder.
7.  I did not commit adultery.
8.  You shall not steal. This is another of the kind of gray areas.  I seem to recall liberating a case of Pecan Pie from the Red Carpet Resturant which was supposed to be delivered to the Red Carpet Bakery.  Then there was that one incident...but I did all that stuff before I decided I wanted to go to heaven and as I understand a lot of this stuff is closed book.  Man, I sure hope so!
9.  You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.  Now how close does one need to live to be considered a neighbor?  And it was not false, just told a secret out of school a time or two.  Better talk to the big guy again.
10. You shall not covet your neighbors wife, or his manservant, or maidservant, his ox or donkey or anything that belongs to your neighbor.  Well, he is just pretty clear on this one now isn't he?  I am pretty safe on this one right up to the part that comes after donkey!
  Alright, I may not be perfect.  As a matter of fact, I am far from perfect.  Let's just call a spade a spade here!  I am in deep dodo. See, it is not only the 10 Commandments I need to worry about, it is a lot of other stuff that is sprinkled around here and there in the Bible.  I know about the Golden Rule "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."  Just for many years I remembered it a little bit differently. "Do unto others as they would do unto you, but do it first."  Now there is a technicality that the lawyer is not going to get around.
  And I had a lot of trouble with that turn the other cheek one.   I will never be a pious person.  I know very well, that I have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God in many areas of my life.  There are people out there who can be pious and can point my faults out to me, and I can safely say that they are going to have to be pretty quick to spot it before I do.   I am not perfect.  The one thing I have learned in this life is not to beat myself up over past transgressions, because there are plenty of other people that will do that for me.  Lots of people take delight in pointing out my faults and shortcomings.  Do I care?  Hell no!  I think I am a pretty good person when all the good points are added.  So, where were we?
  Oh, yeah.  It is hotter than Hell.  Not really.  Hell is very, very hot and I refuse to go there.  I do like summer, so I am going to enjoy this heat because I know Winter is going to come sooner or later and I will miss the shorts and tee shirts and sandals.  Tomorrow I am going to have a picture of the baby geese in the stock tank if I have to catch them and throw them in it myself.  But right now I have to go talk to God for a bit and explain some of those things that I am not sure he is real clear on my intentions, just in case!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Road Rage!!! You bet!!!

Oh, I just get the biggest knot in my stomach when I have to go on Pueblo Boulevard to catch 50 West.  The crews have been working on that since the Pony Express passed through this area.  They are putting a very pretty median in which just amazes me, since I thought we were broke.  But therein lies my misconception of the situation.  It is the Federal Government and they have an unlimited money supply because they own the mint and all the printers therein.  Silly me.
But back to this road rage I must encounter.  Do not tell me to ignore it because it is going on right there in my car with the driver.  Oh, that would be ME!  Now I remember why I quit carrying my gun.  See, being a silly, addle brained woman, I forget things.  I think just because I am on a road, in the proper lane, driving the speed limit, on my way to a given destination that I have an actual right to be there.  I paid my fees on the car, and they gouged me for this road, but I do not belong there.  This road is for that idiot passing on the shoulder and honking at me and 289 of my closest friends.  Or the  SUV in the other lane that is cutting me off before she hits the lane merge barricade, the same one I saw 4 miles back and was repeated every 7 feet, yet managed to catch that chickadee by surprise.  I know she is unhappy because I can see her on her cell phone with her lips flapping like a rabid dog!
I have driven in Denver and Dallas both at the height of the rush hour and had less stress on my poor brain than what I encounter any time I venture forth in this fair city.  I have driven blind drunk in Hutchinson, Kansas and Colorado Springs is a piece of cake, but Pueblo is a whole new ball game.  Yesterday I traversed the Pueblo Boulevard area and today I am making a new set of rules.  Well, not really.  I have always had these in the back of my mind; I am just  going to put them in black and white so I can look at them.
1.  Never at any time, ever, do I have the right of way.  No exceptions to this rule.
2.  I paid as much for the tags on my new Ford as the Chevy with the flapping fenders who is trying to run me in the ditch and therefore I must let him in front of me and hope I do not get gassed by his smokey exhaust.
3.  I have insurance up the wahzoo and I am sure I will pay for his car when I swerve to miss him and he still manage to slam on his breaks in front of me. 
4.  I am suffering whiplash just looking at his driving.
5.  My time is as valuable as your time.  I maybe old but I  am not expendable.
6.  I am the world's most defensive driver and I can out maneuver you  so back off.
7.  I am putting the gun back under the seat until the work on Pueblo Boulevard is finished.
8.  I am pretty sure that any cell phone calls ringing on my phone can wait until I am parked and so can yours.  Unless, of course you are God, and he has better ways of communicating than with a cell phone.

So, if you are hassling me just because I am doing what I am old and driving prudently and cautiously and you see my head go below the dash for a brief moment, you better get right back there behind me and follow my lead, because I am about to suffer one of those head aches that come on suddenly and will lead to a stroke if I do not relieve the pressure.  And if shooting you is what it takes I can only say "It sucks to be you!"

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

July 12, update for Scot and the Cuban Caravan.

From: kriskross****@****.com
Subj: Caravan, July 12th

Scot called from Clinton, Iowa yesterday.  It had been a good day with 6 Caravanistas now riding the bus.  On Sunday they were in Chicago and attended 2 church services.  Events have been uplifting.  Scot's remarks at one of them were very well received, ( and we all thought he was the quiet type ).  Today they are making the long drive to St. Louis, MO.  Godspeed and good weather!

Another year down the tubes!

Counting today, there are only 5 days left in this year.    Momma nailed it when she said "When you are over the hill you pick up speed...