
Friday, September 18, 2009


While laying abed this morning and contemplating the day before me, I had a very profound thought. If you are bored, it is probably because you are boring!
You should know right up front, that at no time am I bored. I jump up ( Maybe jump is not the entirely correct term since I am old and the jumping days are far in the past, with the exception of when a centipede or snake enters my space) and tear into each day with a vengenance hoping that today will be the day I actually get something done.
I keep very busy, what with a flock of 23 ducks, 10 geese, a garden, an acre of ground, 2 looms, a spinning wheel, an inkle loom, an embroidery business, a machine quilter, home made soap, lotion and body butter, a store on Ebay, gourd decorations, basket weaving, and a 17 year old son.
Today I am going to clean and freeze a bushel of Pueblo Chiles and work on cleaning the basement while simultaneously embroidering tea towels to sell Ebay.
And what do you have planned for today? Better make hay while it is sunny, honey, cause fall is in the air and winter is coming!

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