
Thursday, March 29, 2012

Been working on the family tree and my mind is boggled!

Well, I decided that I would just bite the bullet and figure out who Reuben Floyd Bartholomew was.  I found me a place called Ancestry.com.  There I typed in Reuben Bartholomew and the approximate year of his birth.  And up he popped!  Also found his mother and her parents.  Apparently her maiden name was Pratton and she had 3 brothers and 3 sisters.  Right now I am a little busy, but I will fill you in as I make discoverys and if anyone might be interested in helping me just feel free to jump right in and go for it. 
As for now, it seems that William G Bartholomew was born  in Grand River, Missouri about 1867.  The lovely  Luella(Louella) was born in 1870-71 in Jefferson, Indiana.  Some how the star crossed lovers met and married and little Reuben appears to be the first child being born on February 3,  1894.
Now you recall that back in the early years, census records, birth certificates and such were all filled out with a pen and ink.  So some things are up for debate.  For instance, on the first census record he is recorded as Ruby.  Louella and Luella and Luela all appear to be the same person. 
the point is, this is some fascinating stuff and I may have to give up my day job!  So hang in there.  I will have updates as I find them relevant.

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