There you see the trip meter. Realize that it does not show the first 1,000 miles. So we went 1,784.9 miles in 6 days. Pretty good for an old lady and a wiccan, you think! Got lots of pictures, but those will need to be sorted through and some tossed. Lot of X rated, some blurry, and a lot that are completely irrelevant to life, not to mention a vacation. Actually took 184 pictures. Glad those were not on film to be developed.
Here is me about 80 miles from home. Needless to say I was getting pretty bored by this time. It is rather hard to get a good picture of one's self when one is riding in the front seat of a Ford Focus going into the sun, but as you can see I am my usual jovial self. It was a 10 hour drive from Kansas City and I was starting to get a little hungry and a little bit testy.
Here is my buddy, Lyn. She is not really a wiccan, but I like to call her that. Can't call her anything else. I know this is not a good picture of her because it looks like she is missing her chin. She does have a chin and we did have a very good time despite the fact that this trip crossed 4 states and there is not a bed in the world that feels like your own bed. All our friends and family were most kind and gracious and fed us very, very well, but still there is no place like home.

Now throughout the whole vacation I was very mellow and was never rushed, did not give the Hawaiian Good Luck signal to anyone, mostly just set around and let life happen. I did, however, tell this woman that I would let her post her side of the story on this blog. You might want to watch for that little fabrication, if it actually happens. I have a trip planned for next Spring which will cover Kansas, Missouri, Florida, Illinois, Niagara Falls and Ohio. I plan on taking 10 days for that one and guess who will be waving her arm wanting to go? Must not have been too bad, huh?