
Sunday, November 10, 2013

Another sale goes in the record books!

Ah, the last day of the sale and I am the wrapper!  That means it is my job to "wrap" the purchases.  Hell, I showed up with my microphone and a tune all composed:
"Hey there people, see the threads!
 Check out the hats for your heads!
The fleece is spun so you can knit!
Come on in-this is IT!"
Well, they put a stop to that sort of "rapping" very quickly and showed me what I was actually put here to do.  And here is my first "wrap"!
And here is the lady who is proudly carrying it home!  Wonderful lady and very happy!
And here we have two of the honchoes who would not let me do the "rap music!"On the left is Joanne Caldwell and on the right is Carole Snow.  They are but 2 of the many people who keep the sale running smoothly and make it possible for the lazy little Lou to set home and still make money!
This is Hannah Guthrie who was the sales lady on this second shift.   I know Hannah when I see her, but never her name.  This gave us an opportunity to get to know each other better.  She uses my butters, so now I can deliver to her instead of her waiting a whole year to get her hands on it.  I very much enjoyed working with her today.
And I got to help do the "take down" and visit a bit with Sue Seufer.  She does lots of different things and can spin like no one's business!  That is me sucking up to a real artist below!
Now the place is about to get completely empty!  I need to add here that no good deed goes unpunished.  I was trying to move a naked mannequin across the floor to the front door without putting my hands on her inappropriately.  To make a long story short, her arm fell off and whacked me right across the mouth.  How I am going to explain this one to my friends at church this morning is beyond me, but if any of you have an idea, please, do share it with me!
But one more thing before we leave.  We sold chances on a rug and this was the winner!  I did not get her name, but look at that smile!   Happy woman!  Nice rug! 
And so to bed!

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