This is the ramblings of a woman who has, at one time or another, done about anything she wanted to. "If I don't know the right answer I will dazzle you with a line of b---s--- until you are pretty sure I am a genius on the subject. May teach you something in the process!"
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Another sale goes in the record books!
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Play pretties from the Vail Hotel.
Saturday, November 10, 2012
The upper room at the Vail sale!! (poetry)
This is the slide show for the work that goes on at the sale that no one sees, but everyone appreciates because that is where our paychecks come from.
I have very carefully put the caption under these and I hope they are still there. Let me know if they are not and I will spend hours and hours correcting that little chore.
Today the sale is ending and we are picking our stuff up at 5:30. If anyone can help Susan on Sunday with the loading out, she would be most grateful. I am churching, then PFLAGing and then they will be done. If I get a minute I will zip by and see if I can help.
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Saturday at the Vail Hotel.
Well this was the scene at the Vail Hotel Saturday when I stopped in after the sale at the church. Busy bunch of people and some beautiful pieces. I am working tomorrow, so I will have more pictures then.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Joanne Caldwell can do way more than warp a loom!
Now what did she teach me? Among other things, the Inkle Loom and this old gal is very good at what she does. In case you do not know what an Inkle Loom is let me tell you. It is used to make narrow bands like this:
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Joan Archuleta and who is that with her?
Now take a gander here at a couple pieces Joan made. On the left is a purse and on the right are 2 mats. This woman is one of the best Navajo weavers I have ever had the chance to encounter. I am dieing to go to her house cause I know she has a "walking loom" and I do not even know what one is. Her rugs do not hang around long so I do not have any pictures to show you. You might check over on Facebook cause I think Ina has been snapping pictures all week and she actually takes very good pictures as opposed to mine. She would never zero in on a purse in front of an open window and expect that to come out good. But that is just a small part of my charm!
But to show that wool is not her only medium, here are a set of placemats she produced. They are very nice and she did the hem stitching on the ends which is always a very nice finish. I do it cause it is easier then trying to catch all those thread and tie knots in them.
Now, to show her softer side, last year she was busy knitting helmet liners for our brave troops in Afghanistan. They were wool and made out of either drab olive or black. She gave me the directions and I actually made one and started a second, but I never got them over to her and now I do not know where they are. (See why I make lists?)
I am very proud to count Joan as one of my friends in the Guild. There are probably about 85 ladies in our Handweavers Guild of Pueblo. They come from small towns around also. I probably know about half of them well enough to call them by name if I met them outside the meeting room. I would love to be able to spend a day on each of them so you would know them also, but you know how this blog works. World AIDS day is coming up and I have that to cover. And life presents me challenges every day, that I must tell you about or pop open! So here is the deal. I am going to bring you one or two spaced out over the month. That way I can pique your interest in my Guild. (Isn't that cute how I call it MY Guild?)
Course I ran into a small problem when I would say "Can I put you on my blog?" Quick answers...."NO! Now get outta here!" And some really got firm with me. LOL!
Come see my ladies at the sale. There are only 4 days left!
Monday, March 8, 2010
Here is the hot pink blanket!
This is made with 8/2 cotton, which is the white part and some kind of wool that I bought from Joanne. I love this pattern and that is the reason I also wove a blue and white one right before I wove this one. They are both 51" x 41" which is smaller than I like, but it is a little bit late to be worrying about what size they should have been. I just did the pattern 2 across and 2 long. Will do something different next time.
Think I will go downstairs and see what other ornery stuff I can get into today! If you are thinking of starting a new hobby and weaving looks fun to you, contact me. If I can weave, anyone can weave!!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Wooden Floor is all Done!
Some day I will need to do a post on how much I enjoy my thing I do on eBay. They are raising their prices or revamping or something the end of March and that may very well be the end of my career there, but for now it is a fun thing that makes me a little bit of money to stretch the old Social Securtiy check a tad bit further. I have also met some interesting people.
But for right now, I am going to work on getting the stuff out of my bedroom so I can walk over to the other side of the bed. Sister Mary will be leaving me on Sunday. We have found that if we neglect the Brain Gym exercises, we are not as coordinated as we could be, so maybe there is something to this.
Anyway, I am going to leap in the shower and get ready for the day. No baby today. Only on Wednesday. According to Indian Lore, we still have 18 snows coming this year, so I am hoping they get here soon. Did I tell you in the middle of the snow storm last week I saw a Robin up in the Cherry tree?
Have a good one!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
The Llama might be getting ready to be sheared, or not!
The point here is this: I would hate to have someone rip my fur coat off and leave me outside this time of year. It is still freezing at night and the daytime temperature hasn't had me breaking a sweat yet! Any way, I have one friend who makes her sheep wear coats to keep the fleece cleaner. I think that might be a good idea, but the fellows/girls in the field don't look all that bad. Well, yeh, they have longer legs than a sheep! DUH!!
Seeing them makes me remember, I bought some dyed wool from Joanne Caldwell and I need to get it washed and dried. If it was just a matter of throwing it in the washer that would be simple. Ever throw wool in the washer? This is loose fleece so I expect it would wind up a very tight ball. I know how to do this, I think.
I need to fill something with cool water and add Dawn dishwashing soap to it. Then very gently work it around and then drain it and rinse it. I need to do that several times until the rinse water is clear. Then I have to lay it out to dry. Then I will need to hand card it. That is work!! Then I need to spin it on the spinning wheel. All this is assuming it has not got moths in it while waiting for me.
Hey, you spinners out there! If this is not how to do it, you better get ahold of me because I will be doing this surely in the next few years.
You know, I go back and read my posts and have I ever finished one that matches my title with the title? Seems I am a clear definition of the saying "Her mind has taken a turn!" My mind is probably what is known as a Whirling Dervish!
But you gotta' love me!!
Monday, January 11, 2010
The hoarders club does not include me! I'm different.
So back to the topic. There were pictures of houses with stuff piled everywhere and women and children sobbing because the mother had let the shopping and hoarding get out of hand and the kids had to eat on the bed because it was the only flat surface. Kids were embarrassed to bring friends home because, frankly, there was no where to set. I gathered from the snippets of conversation and the Psychiatrist in residence that this was indeed a mental problem.
Ok, to make a long story short, I looked around at my house. Now maybe it is getting a bit out of hand, but here is the scoop. I sell on Ebay for other people and so that stuff is setting over there in the corner, both on and under the table. Some of it has spilled around the corner into my bedroom and then there is that pile in the closet. I am trying to run a store out of this office (and bedroom and closet).
I see how you are rolling your eyes! Maybe the weaving has gotten a little out of control what with 3 looms, a spinning wheel, wool to weave someday, a truckload of thread, every book I ever bought, but that is what that room down there is for. That is why it is called the "Weaving Room." The next room down there is for sewing. When you have a machine quilter, 2 sergers, a heavy duty machine, 2 sewing machines, a mangle and tons of scraps and books, you need a "Sewing Room." The third room down there is called the "Embroidery Room" because it has my big embroidery machine in it along with 4 pickup loads of thread, 2 freezers, quilt batting, a train set....
Ok! So maybe I have a small problem. But it is just that, a small problem. Not nearly big enough to be considered MENTAL! I could sort right through this stuff and have it all organized in nothing flat. Let's just start right here in front of me on the desk. Here are three pencil holders full of pencils and pens. Maybe that is a tad excessive, I will give you that. Let's just sort this one. Two eversharps. Those need lead. Maybe I will pick up lead today. 3 pens. Two don't work. Maybe they are just a little dry. Pair of scissors, crochet hook, glue stick., magic marker. Looks like pretty good stuff to me. I will just leave that right there.
Ok! So I have a small problem. I am going to work on that. May have to get more advice from Oprah. Right now I have to go into town. I will start this when I get back. You all have a good day and take a look around. Bet you have a junk drawer, a corner where you put the stuff you need to do something with later. Have a good day and:
Thursday, January 7, 2010
The Baby Llama is holding still for me!
This is the baby llama I been telling you about. This thing is the most beautiful chocolate color I have ever seen. If I could just catch it and get that wool I could spin it and weave it into something and all my weaving friends would be so jealous! That is the mother in the background and I think she may be stomping over this way to spit on me! I have heard they do that, and in fact, seen it happen one time years ago. Have pretty well given them a very wide birth since than.
This is mother and Llamette approaching the chocolate adult. Hey! Maybe that is the daddy! "Hello, Father, may I come into your area of the field?" In order to establish paternity here I am going to need to get a lot closer then I am willing to do. Oh, but I just remembered, I am the writer here and I can tell you anything and unless one of you calls me to task, if it is true in my mind, it will be true in yours. Let me see; do I want to compromise my immortal soul over the sex of a Llama that I barely know? I am thinking that is a big "NO". (Well, I see my picture is now miraculously over there on the left. This blog is way smarter than I am!) This is the whole herd. This chain link fence is 4 feet high so that gives you some idea of how big they are. I love the tail on that baby!
I just wanted to show you the pictures of the baby Llama. Please do not look at the area near the camera where the remenants of last years garden are awaiting my able hand. Lord, I am glad it is below zero and there is nothing I can do about that mess. Those wretched geese and ducks are supposed to help me out on this.
Ok, you have seen the herd next door, the mess in my garden area and listened to my ramblings, so now we can both go get busy. I have 33 shirts to embroider for the Kearny County Library and laundry piled over my head. Also today the new dog gets beautiful and I see nap time will come early today!
Take care and God Bless. Oh, that made me think of Red Skelton! Remember him?
Another year down the tubes!
Counting today, there are only 5 days left in this year. Momma nailed it when she said "When you are over the hill you pick up speed...