So some one told me I should hold an item in my hands for 20 seconds and if it does not make me happy, throw it out. I guess I will try that. First I am going to pick up those 2 little toys on the computer desk and then go put them in the Jiraiya toy box because I know he is happy having them there. My biggest problem seems to be in just deciding where to begin. I could start on this desk, but that is not going to work because this is all important stuff. Most important is that damned cat laying in the middle of everything. But you must understand, she loves me and wants to be a part of everything I do. She also likes to go way up high and bat stuff off onto the floor.
This is the ramblings of a woman who has, at one time or another, done about anything she wanted to. "If I don't know the right answer I will dazzle you with a line of b---s--- until you are pretty sure I am a genius on the subject. May teach you something in the process!"
Wednesday, February 14, 2018
Learning to let go is not going to be that easy.
So some one told me I should hold an item in my hands for 20 seconds and if it does not make me happy, throw it out. I guess I will try that. First I am going to pick up those 2 little toys on the computer desk and then go put them in the Jiraiya toy box because I know he is happy having them there. My biggest problem seems to be in just deciding where to begin. I could start on this desk, but that is not going to work because this is all important stuff. Most important is that damned cat laying in the middle of everything. But you must understand, she loves me and wants to be a part of everything I do. She also likes to go way up high and bat stuff off onto the floor.
Sunday, May 22, 2016
This is my helper and this is why I can not get anything done!
Now if you are wondering if Icarus is a boy or girl, she is a girl When I got her I was dating a guy and he said "Let's name her Icarus! That is a very good name." I explained to him that Icarus was a boys name and I reminded him that he was the boy with wax wings that flew to close to the sun and his wings melted and he fell to earth. He patiently pointed out to me that no one remembered that stuff and Icarus was a good name, so Icarus she became and while he is no longer with me, Icarus is.
Thursday, January 1, 2015
Happy New Year! Or it might be subtitled "Here's hoping!"
But, to make a long story short, I outlived that policy and several more after that. Finally gave up on term life insurance as a bad bet on my time here on this big green/blue ball. And now, rather then making a list of all the wonderful things I am going to do in the new year and all the bad things I am going to quit doing, I am keeping a score card! Now, even that is a waste of time because I do not remember what I did last year so what am I going to compare it to this year? So, I am going to just tell you a few of the improvements I have made in my life over the last ...well since I came to Colorado.
Having dropped out of school my senior year, I went to college and received a degree in accounting.
I became proficient on the computer.
I opened a store on ebay and maintain 100% feedback after 6 years.
I started attending church regularly.
I learned to weave and spin.
I quit smoking.
I volunteer my time for others through SCAP, Sangre de Cristo Hospice, Los Pobres, and anyone else who needs me.
I wrote a book and published it.
My blog is successful.
I do a little hiking in the mountains, but not alone because I am afraid of bears.
So, I am guessing I am in better shape this year then I have been a lot of years before. And I can see a bright future ahead if I just keep my eye on the prize. Just gotta say it though....
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Lou's sweat shop
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
The May meeting of the Handweavers Guild of Pueblo!
I you click on the square in the lower left corner, the captions will show up.
Kind of amazing, this little slide show. First you see the orchid Bret and Amanda gave me for Mother's Day. Isn't that pretty? And all I have to do is put 3 ice cubes per week in the pot. I can put an extra one in sometimes if I feel like it.
Then it was off to the monthly Handweavers Guild meeting. Dona Marie had give me the teal scarf for Mother's Day and I was wearing it for a belt. No, that would not do. Joanne Caldwell and Carol Salas ( Yes! I used their full names. They are the culprits.) decided that it should be on my head because that is where the hippies wore them. As I recall the "Flappers" also wore things like that, so I thought, "What the hey!" So Joanne tied it on my head and Carol took the pictures. Then I decided everyone else should be on camera too.
So enjoy the little slide show. See you in a few!
Saturday, November 10, 2012
The upper room at the Vail sale!! (poetry)
This is the slide show for the work that goes on at the sale that no one sees, but everyone appreciates because that is where our paychecks come from.
I have very carefully put the caption under these and I hope they are still there. Let me know if they are not and I will spend hours and hours correcting that little chore.
Today the sale is ending and we are picking our stuff up at 5:30. If anyone can help Susan on Sunday with the loading out, she would be most grateful. I am churching, then PFLAGing and then they will be done. If I get a minute I will zip by and see if I can help.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
What a lovely day I had and got a lot accomplished!
The guild always amazes me at how well organized they are. It took them 3 years to convince me that the inventory and the codes and the items numbers all had a relevancy. The first year I sat on the floor with Terri Rostad and wrote my initials, item #, code #, and price on 200 items on a little tag 1" x 3/4". But not this year! Hooray! I printed the sticky labels up on tiny labels on my computer and stuck them to the little tags. Well, I had one tiny glitch and that was the computer refused to print the item # so I left that blank and did it by hand. Thank you ladies for your patience and I will see you on Friday which is opening day, when I bring in my cookies.
You people have got to check this sale out. November 2- November 10, 10 AM -6:00 PM at the Vail Hotel. I work Sunday, Monday and Thursday.
And then it was off to Beulah and the Stompin' Grounds to visit my friend Jan. It was Halloween so she was dressed up like robin Hood. I thought she was a brownie, then I thought she was Peter Pan, then I thought she must be a Pixie, but she told me she was Robin Hood, so I know that is right! We had a lovely visit. I have not been up there for a while so that made it even better. I met a guy there named Russ and sold him one of my books. He and Dan had a nice visit and I think Dan may rent a house he has over near his home for his mother. His mother and brother are moving here after the first of the year from Fayetville, Arkansas. That will be nice. His mom is named Nancy and she is a lovely woman. I think the brother is just named Brother. I am looking forward to meeting him.
After I had what I like to call a "Cappachino Blaster" we took our leave of Jan after promising that I would bring soap, lotion and body butter to sell in her area for Christmas. I told her I would be back next week. Hope that works.
Dan is quite the hiker and back packs a lot so I took him to the Rocky Mountain Park just up the road a ways and he located several trail heads. Now a little interjection here...I do not do this. As I understand he takes his little back pack and walks off into the wilderness and usually spends the night. I saw no signs of running water, heat, memory foam mattress, bathroom facilities and sure no stove to cook my daily meals on. What I did see was a poster telling about the wild animals in the forest and what to do if I encounter one. No, no, no. Not for me. So little Dan, with his dreams of a trip into the forest giving a happy glint to his eyes and me, sorely in need of a nap, started back down the mountain and home.
Upon arrival I decided to whip up a bunch of cream puffs. See, Dan wants to start his catering business and he is fascinated with my kitchen, so it is sort of a match made in heaven. Ater we ate our fill of cream puffs with French Silk filling, all made in my kitchen, Dan departed.
I spent a little time downstairs sewing and then it was off to the Chiropractor for an appointment at 6:30. Dr. Walters jerked, poked, massaged and manipulated my poor bones until I think she finally cracked a rib. I made it home at 8:15 and the geese were anxious to go into thier house. I was in bed by 9 and this is the first night I have slept all night since the back went south back in August. What a relief that was.
So, now it is the next day and I am full of piss and vinegar, I tell you. I am off to Canon City for a meeting, then stop by Sprinkles to see how they are doing for the Anita Goodesign show they are having at a church on the south side Friday and Saturday. So you have a good day and try to stay out of trouble.
This is the novel I have for sale. You can buy it by simple clicking the Buy Now button. This will take you to an invoice. Do not be confused by the title. Chapter One simply means this is my first book. There may never be another, or there may be many more. I am very proud of this endeavor and guarantee you will enjoy the book in it's enirety. Lou Mercer
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Wanna buy a perpetual calendar?
six weavers from within the Handweavers Guild of Pueblo created a
delightful perpetual calendar for keeping a record of special birthdates,
anniversaries, etc., using their designs and woven samples.
Each month's design includes the threading, treadling and tie up along with
the actual woven sample. The front and back of the weave can be viewed in
it's own window.
Calendars measure 5 1/2" X 11" and have a spiral binding.
The price is $28.00 with delivery at Colorado Weavers Day Conference in
Golden on May 19. CWD committee has given their okay for distribution of
pre- ordered calendars at the end of the Conference. If you prefer having
your calendar mailed directly to you there will be a $5. charge for postage.
To preorder your calendar please contact:
*E-mail Orders*: Joanne Caldwell *
*Phone orders*: Cathy Coatney 719.251.2959
Click here to view
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Well, the Arse is now on hold!
Then he came up with the brilliant idea to put it in black or camoflague tubs and market it to men with the slogan "Every man needs a little Arse!" I have not gone there yet, nor have I needed too.
So I made a bunch of this and slapped the Arse label on half and Hemp Butter on the other half. Between the church and the weavers sale I sold every bit of it. So yesterday I got out all my ingredients, the scales, the tubs, and the cooking pan and stick blender. What I did not get out was the key ingredient, because I am out of that. Seems I got busy making stuff up for the sales and neglected to order a tub of Hemp Butter. So I got on my trusty sight and ordered 5 pounds of it. Checked 3 day ground because the "I forgot to order and need this bad so please rush it to me" method of shipment would have added an extra $126 to the price. Now even I am smart enough to know that if I want to make money I have to keep my cost low. So here I set, telling you about it instead of making it.
Now I do have some in the refrigerator, but it is for eating. It is not refined and has seeds in it. I put it on toast in the morning with just a little jelly cause it is just like peanut butter only different.
So now I measured everything out so all I have to do is put the Hemp Seed Butter in and finish the job. I can put all this stuff away and get busy and make something like this:
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Donna Graham, like the cracker!
This is a little number that Donna knitted but first she spun the yarn. Oh, I do envy this girl her patience. Bet she makes Apple Pies also!
Now, I recall Donna telling me she lives in WalVeta. That means it is the same distance from her house to Walsenburg as it is to LaVeta. I am going to go see her next summer and hike in her mountains. She can carry a shotgun and make sure a bear does not get me!
Donna was also on the board that put this sale together. They mostly stayed up in the inner sanctum and ran figures through the computers. Last year they gave me an award for shutting down the computer the most times. They gave me a pink sheep with holes all over it. Elvira thinks it is hers and shakes it. The stuffing is all gone now. I do want to commend all the ladies who made this years sale such a success. And these are in no particular order. Oh, wait! They are in alphabetical order!! Hats off to :
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Tara Matthews is showing off her wares today.
Monday, June 6, 2011
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
I wove a basket!
I took my class from a lovely girl named Simone Soucy. She went out and cut these willow switches for us to weave. Last time I cut a switch it was not to weave and it included my mother and I think a canary (or lack of one), a cat and a pile of feathers! But, I do digress.
This basket is made of fresh willow sticks and I had quite the little time. It is fun to make this stuff out of natures bounty and then be able to use it in our home. But there were 5 or six of us setting around a round table flipping these baskets around and trying to get them whipped into some sort of shape that would hold something! Now Simone did tell us the Native Americans could weave them tight enough to hold water. I rather thought I would use mine to seine fish. It will be for big fish because the little ones will slide out the holes. I figure one or 2 pounders!
Simone taught us how to harvest the willow to get the best "bang for our buck" but I have not gotten that far in my quest. I have to be careful about the venturing in where spiders and snakes reign supreme. Creepy crawlies scare the bejiggers out of me.
So, just wanted to show you the basket. Now I have to go make some Kimchi cause I found a buyer for that. Dollar here, dollar there and pretty soon I have enough to do something.
Have a good one and may the Good Lord take a like'n to you!!
Monday, March 8, 2010
Here is the hot pink blanket!
This is made with 8/2 cotton, which is the white part and some kind of wool that I bought from Joanne. I love this pattern and that is the reason I also wove a blue and white one right before I wove this one. They are both 51" x 41" which is smaller than I like, but it is a little bit late to be worrying about what size they should have been. I just did the pattern 2 across and 2 long. Will do something different next time.
Think I will go downstairs and see what other ornery stuff I can get into today! If you are thinking of starting a new hobby and weaving looks fun to you, contact me. If I can weave, anyone can weave!!
Monday, March 1, 2010
Where exactly is the pink Llama?
I took him inside and down to the weaving room where I also have a spinning wheel (exactly like the one in the link over there!) and raw wool. I showed him the wheel and then explained to him how it was made into spun thread after combing and that. He wanted to know what it looked like when it was done, so I showed him a cone of pink wool since that is what I had out. He was facinated!
But then he wanted to go back out and look at the Llama's some more because he wanted to see the pink one! Makes me wonder if we ever actually get kids taught all they need to know before they enter the world of video games and Mountain Dew?
Our Weavers Guild does a thing at El Pueblo Museum covers all of the process from shearing, dyeing, spinning and then weaving on little wooden looms. Kids are fascinated with this process. Want to know what else? We do the drop spindle and the boys catch on to that much quicker than the girls! Boys do a very good job. That surprised me!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
The Llama might be getting ready to be sheared, or not!
The point here is this: I would hate to have someone rip my fur coat off and leave me outside this time of year. It is still freezing at night and the daytime temperature hasn't had me breaking a sweat yet! Any way, I have one friend who makes her sheep wear coats to keep the fleece cleaner. I think that might be a good idea, but the fellows/girls in the field don't look all that bad. Well, yeh, they have longer legs than a sheep! DUH!!
Seeing them makes me remember, I bought some dyed wool from Joanne Caldwell and I need to get it washed and dried. If it was just a matter of throwing it in the washer that would be simple. Ever throw wool in the washer? This is loose fleece so I expect it would wind up a very tight ball. I know how to do this, I think.
I need to fill something with cool water and add Dawn dishwashing soap to it. Then very gently work it around and then drain it and rinse it. I need to do that several times until the rinse water is clear. Then I have to lay it out to dry. Then I will need to hand card it. That is work!! Then I need to spin it on the spinning wheel. All this is assuming it has not got moths in it while waiting for me.
Hey, you spinners out there! If this is not how to do it, you better get ahold of me because I will be doing this surely in the next few years.
You know, I go back and read my posts and have I ever finished one that matches my title with the title? Seems I am a clear definition of the saying "Her mind has taken a turn!" My mind is probably what is known as a Whirling Dervish!
But you gotta' love me!!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
It is my nap time and your point exactly?
Back to the crux of this blog today. When the clock starts pointing to 1:30 or 2:00 o'clock, my little mind starts looking for a place to lay the body down for just a few minutes. Just a short nap, you know. Nothing that drags on, that is called bedtime and that lasts for 8 hours. I figure it this way:
I am pushing 70 and I am not going to miss out on much if I have a short nappy poo. I just lay there on the bed with the telephone right beside me, because we all know if I don't it will ring, but if I do it won't. That is called Karma! I work hard when I am awake, so after this many years, if I selfishly want to take 30 or 40 minutes for myself in the middle of the day, I think I have earned that right.
Now I know realistically I am wasting time. I have been doing the nap thing for probably 6 years. At 30 minutes a day for 6 years that comes to 65,700 minutes which becomes 1,095 hours which becomes 45.625 days, which becomes 6.52 weeks. You know, now that I figure this out logically, I am wasting a lot ot time laying on my duff!
I could get a lot done in 1,095 hours. And sometimes the nap is a little longer. OMG! Talk about wasting time! I could get a lot of weaving done. I could cover this house in blankets. Ok, here is what I will do; I am going to start taking a nap every other day. I will nap on Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday. That will free me up to hit the garage sales on Friday and Saturday!
You know, I am kind of glad we had this little talk! Wait, we did not have a talk. I am talking to myself! That is what a blog is, I think. They call it journaling, but it is basically talking to myself! So if I give up the napping, I will have more time to talk to myself. I sure feel better about life now!
Sign my widget over there so you can be a follower. I might actually say something some day and you wouldn't want to miss it, would you? I want to have at least 11 followers by the time I croak! And remember, There is a big difference between a follower and a stalker!
Monday, January 11, 2010
The hoarders club does not include me! I'm different.
So back to the topic. There were pictures of houses with stuff piled everywhere and women and children sobbing because the mother had let the shopping and hoarding get out of hand and the kids had to eat on the bed because it was the only flat surface. Kids were embarrassed to bring friends home because, frankly, there was no where to set. I gathered from the snippets of conversation and the Psychiatrist in residence that this was indeed a mental problem.
Ok, to make a long story short, I looked around at my house. Now maybe it is getting a bit out of hand, but here is the scoop. I sell on Ebay for other people and so that stuff is setting over there in the corner, both on and under the table. Some of it has spilled around the corner into my bedroom and then there is that pile in the closet. I am trying to run a store out of this office (and bedroom and closet).
I see how you are rolling your eyes! Maybe the weaving has gotten a little out of control what with 3 looms, a spinning wheel, wool to weave someday, a truckload of thread, every book I ever bought, but that is what that room down there is for. That is why it is called the "Weaving Room." The next room down there is for sewing. When you have a machine quilter, 2 sergers, a heavy duty machine, 2 sewing machines, a mangle and tons of scraps and books, you need a "Sewing Room." The third room down there is called the "Embroidery Room" because it has my big embroidery machine in it along with 4 pickup loads of thread, 2 freezers, quilt batting, a train set....
Ok! So maybe I have a small problem. But it is just that, a small problem. Not nearly big enough to be considered MENTAL! I could sort right through this stuff and have it all organized in nothing flat. Let's just start right here in front of me on the desk. Here are three pencil holders full of pencils and pens. Maybe that is a tad excessive, I will give you that. Let's just sort this one. Two eversharps. Those need lead. Maybe I will pick up lead today. 3 pens. Two don't work. Maybe they are just a little dry. Pair of scissors, crochet hook, glue stick., magic marker. Looks like pretty good stuff to me. I will just leave that right there.
Ok! So I have a small problem. I am going to work on that. May have to get more advice from Oprah. Right now I have to go into town. I will start this when I get back. You all have a good day and take a look around. Bet you have a junk drawer, a corner where you put the stuff you need to do something with later. Have a good day and:
Thursday, January 7, 2010
The Baby Llama is holding still for me!
This is the baby llama I been telling you about. This thing is the most beautiful chocolate color I have ever seen. If I could just catch it and get that wool I could spin it and weave it into something and all my weaving friends would be so jealous! That is the mother in the background and I think she may be stomping over this way to spit on me! I have heard they do that, and in fact, seen it happen one time years ago. Have pretty well given them a very wide birth since than.
This is mother and Llamette approaching the chocolate adult. Hey! Maybe that is the daddy! "Hello, Father, may I come into your area of the field?" In order to establish paternity here I am going to need to get a lot closer then I am willing to do. Oh, but I just remembered, I am the writer here and I can tell you anything and unless one of you calls me to task, if it is true in my mind, it will be true in yours. Let me see; do I want to compromise my immortal soul over the sex of a Llama that I barely know? I am thinking that is a big "NO". (Well, I see my picture is now miraculously over there on the left. This blog is way smarter than I am!) This is the whole herd. This chain link fence is 4 feet high so that gives you some idea of how big they are. I love the tail on that baby!
I just wanted to show you the pictures of the baby Llama. Please do not look at the area near the camera where the remenants of last years garden are awaiting my able hand. Lord, I am glad it is below zero and there is nothing I can do about that mess. Those wretched geese and ducks are supposed to help me out on this.
Ok, you have seen the herd next door, the mess in my garden area and listened to my ramblings, so now we can both go get busy. I have 33 shirts to embroider for the Kearny County Library and laundry piled over my head. Also today the new dog gets beautiful and I see nap time will come early today!
Take care and God Bless. Oh, that made me think of Red Skelton! Remember him?
Another year down the tubes!
Counting today, there are only 5 days left in this year. Momma nailed it when she said "When you are over the hill you pick up speed...