
Monday, March 8, 2010

Here is the hot pink blanket!

Well, I finally got the hot pink blanket finished! As with anything that is handmade, this one has several mistakes. The mistakes are not readily visible, but I know they are in there and I can find them if I need to. Course that is the beauty of anything hand made, it is different. You always know that nowhere in the whole world is there another blanket exactly like this one. So there you have this one. Hope you enjoyed the peek at my latest handwoven project. I think I am going to auction this one off on eBay! Can not list it for a few days though.

This is made with 8/2 cotton, which is the white part and some kind of wool that I bought from Joanne. I love this pattern and that is the reason I also wove a blue and white one right before I wove this one. They are both 51" x 41" which is smaller than I like, but it is a little bit late to be worrying about what size they should have been. I just did the pattern 2 across and 2 long. Will do something different next time.

Think I will go downstairs and see what other ornery stuff I can get into today! If you are thinking of starting a new hobby and weaving looks fun to you, contact me. If I can weave, anyone can weave!!
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