Today I wandered off to Beulah, Colorado, a little spot about 20 miles West of Pueblo, on highway 78. I went with a purpose in mind. I had gone on a picnic at the Mountain Park a few days before and had seen what appeared to be a Dragon Tree, which is a dead tree sculpted to be a Dragon along with flowers and all. Convinced that I was probably nuts, I strong armed someone to go with me. So off we went with me at the wheel. Let me interject just a bit of my homespun wisdom here.
A man, any man is at a distinct disadvantage when in a car that is not his, with a woman he knows slightly, headed to he knows not where to see he knows not what and the only thing he is sure of is that he has not had his daily ration of coffee. I must say he was a real sport! Hats off to the German Guy!
After due time we arrived at the Dragon Tree that I had seen. We parked the car. Now, him being a foot taller then me, decided he would take the pictures
. He thought he would be a lot closer to the dragons mouth. Me being the person I am decided he would probably just stand there and get himself ran over. Between the two of us we got some beautiful shots, but that will need to keep for another day.
We then decided to go visit the lovely town of Beulah. After a quick trip up to the park, we drove to the fair city of Beulah. If you have not been there, you have got to go! Call me, I will go with you!
There is located in this fair mountain town, a small eating place called The Stompin' Grounds Coffee House. See the first picture up there? That is my new
BFF (best friend forever). We walked in and this lady had the sweetest smile of welcome. Her name is Jan Miller and she is the proprietor of this place. See there behind her is a pink peace sign that someone made her. The Peace Sign along with the one outside that said "Hippies use back door" told me I was in my kind of place.
The picture below Jan is the menu. Lots of coffee and some of this or that to eat. Below the menu is some of the customers. Oh! It is Kris Allen and her mom! They live right next door and along with half the town pop in for coffee or tea after exercise or a walk or whatever. Just down home folks, although I have known Kris for many years and was very happy to see her.
The mantra is on the wall. Jan had her friends come up with something that would describe the ambiance of the place and they did a beautiful job! All the tables and chairs are eclectic (which means they do not match!). It is just a real comfortable place to be.
This is the front. Has a table and chairs out there also, in case you want to set in the fresh air.
There is a totem pole of sorts over there on the left and a close up can be seen in the last picture. The sign there in the front says there are special artist days.
By the time I finished my coffee and left the place, Jan was my new
BFF, I had caught up with Kris on all the news of the Cuba Caravan. It was certainly a fruitful day. Which brings me to this conclusion; Had I not gone to Beulah searching for the dragon, would I have ever met Jan? Would I have ever wandered into the Stompin' Grounds? You think of predestination and wonder. Seems like this whole business today was laid out in a grand plan!
You will read about the D
ragon Tree and a lot of other Beulah sites as soon as I make the proper contacts, but for now, we have Jan and the Stompin' Grounds Coffee Shop, 8913 Grand Avenue, Beulah, Colorado. It is open every day from 7:30 AM till 2 PM except Thursday. No Thursday. Thursday it is closed. Ah, and Saturday night from 5-8 PM is special also. That is when they have Pizza,
Calzones, Salad and Desserts. Oh, Saturday night in a tiny mountain town! What more can you want? Oh, might want to call just to make sure they are there and have some food for you..I know the coffee is the best I have lucked into for quite a spell. That phone number is 719-485-0852. When you drop in tell Jan that Lou said "Hi!"