
Thursday, August 2, 2012

Lordy! This is a giant bee hive!

Here is the house and what you need to know is that there are bees there!  Well, not exactly in the house but out back.  I needed to clean the yard, so Bret had the brush hog and I went to pick up an old stool and stirred up a nest full under there.  Then he moved a set of saw horses into the garage and another nest full of them.  Well, then we decided we ought to go eat and let them settle down.  As Mark was locking the door one came all the way around the house and stung him on the foot.

Poor Mark!  All he had done while we were stirring them up was to set in the garage and do an inventory sheet.  He had not even stuck his little nose out the door.  I felt really bad about that! 

I expect this home will be listed for sale soon.  Course we have to make it presentable.  You saw the slide show of this and know it is three stories and a basement.  And I just love the interior of this thing.  Something about a Victorian.  If I  were not so firmly ensconced out here on the mesa I would be moving in here myself.  True it needs lots of work, but this would make an absolutely beautiful home.

 This is in a very quiet neighborhood.  The kayak course is right down the hill.  Shopping within walking distance.  Oh, yeah, and Starbucks nearby.  Call for details.

Chapter One...Loose Ends

Available here online.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Colorado Avenue Antiques, Pueblo, Colorado

Wandered into the old Ambrosia Health Food building the other day and there was my little friends Ron Lombardi and Eric Gibson.  Seems they have bought the building which is 3 floors and done a ton of renovations.  The top floor is an apartment and since it is rented to an individual I could not see it, but I did see before and after pictures and it is fabulous.

The main level and the second level are full of antiques as you can see in the slide show.  The top level is thier antiques and the main level is leased to other people.  They are currently working on the Christmas room which features a silver pompom tree.  But don't tell them I ratted them off.

And across the street looking out the second floor is Netties Candies which I might like to visit.  If you notice the doors have many locks.  That is because it used to be a marijuana distributor.  But now it is an antique place and I love it. 
Colorado Ave. Antiques
112 Colorado Ave.
Pueblo, CO 81004
Monday -Saturday 10-5
Sunday 12-4

Wonderful way to while away some time and remember the good old days.


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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Libby and Jeff, look at this.

This is a slide show I took and it is completely backwards.  But you get the idea if you watch me .  There is the house, then we go inside and up the stairs to the second floor and then the dreaded third floor.  See I have it nice and cleaned out.  Bret was fascinated with the register that lets warm air come from the bottom floor all the way up.  If we fell through the register we would land by the front door.
You can get a good shot of the guano from the bats, but then see the room is so neat.  You could live up there on the third floor and then just open the book case and over you go to the secret room.  I just love this old house.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

And today I took a walk before breakfast!

Yep.  I did that.  Snapped the leash on the Daisy dog cause she has become abnormally attached to me.  I guess she knows I am kind of sad, but she never gets out of my sight or away from my side.  And she cries when I leave.  Tomorrow I may take them both.  Elvira has little short legs and I will probably end up carrying her home. 
We only went about 3/4 of a mile but it was very nice.  I used to do that a lot, but rather got out of the habit the last month.  And now this afternoon I have people coming to buy some of the cake decorating stuff.  More of it that I can sell outright, less I have to list on ebay.
And so I shall be off to church here in a bit.  Course I have to plug my book while I am on here anyway.  Oh, and tell you that I am working on book #2.  I am kind of having fun with this and probably not going to have as much sex and mayhem in the next one, so better get this one while you can.

Want to buy your copy of Chapter One....Loose Ends?  It is available online at  www.loumercer3.com
or right here with the paypal button.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Is it writer's block or is it just life catching up with me?

Those of you who know me, know that I lost a very dear friend and companion one week ago.  The fact that he passed on Friday the 13th did not escape my notice and indeed did bring a smile to my face and heart because it was so like he had actually chosen that day out of all the others.  He did have that sort of sense of humor.
So now I am here alone again thinking of all the questions I should have asked him about his growing up years, the years he travelled the country, the sail boat he and a friend built and sailed to Guatemala, his business in Denver, and all sorts of things.  And he had very long arms.  I wanted to measure with our elbows together to see where my fingers would end on his arm. 
This picture was taken in front of his house when his brother came to visit.  Poor dear was always cold it seemed.  I would love to tell you all about this part of my life, but I am restricted so I will just tell you this: Yes, he and I were very close and in a different time and place we would no doubt have taken our relationship to a much deeper level, but that did not happen.  We did discuss it at great length even as we knew his time on this earth was limited.  I would have been most honored to have been his wife.
But that is niether here nor there and now I must get my life back together and move on.  I want you all to know that I appreciate your patience and while moving on is not an easy task, it will be done.  This blog is my way of easing a little of the pain I feel and if I have offended anyone about all I can say is "Sorry, but he was mine, too."
Want to buy your copy of Chapter One....Loose Ends?  It is available online at www.loumercer3.com
or right here with the paypal button.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Stolen stuff from Max Hale that you should see.


Media Advisory
Pastors to Challenge US Blockade of Cuba
Caravan to Cross US/Mexico Border with 100 Tons of Humanitarian Aid to Cuba
When: 10 AMThursday, July 19th
Where: McAllen/Hidalgo International Bridge Border Crossing
Contact: Jennifer Wager 917.499.4882
Tamara Hansen 778.882.5223
Lucia Bruno 347.423-4330/212.926.5757
Organizers of a humanitarian aid caravan that uses civil disobedience to challenge the US blockade and travel ban of Cuba will cross the US/Mexico border with nearly 100 tons of humanitarian aid the morning of July 19th.
Organizers are unsure what to expect from the US border authorities given their experience crossing from Canada into the US on July 1st. US border authorities initially refused to let sporting equipment through, but caravan supporters mounted a 24 hour protest and border officials relented.
“We are determined to get this aid to our brothers and sisters in Cuba. Our struggle must continue until this immoral, cruel and counterproductive US blockade of Cuba is ended,” stated IFCO Co-Director Father Luis Barrios.
IFCO Co-Director Gail Walker added, “The US blockade has cost Cuba $750 billion in medical care, education equipment and food, yet they still provide for their people and set an example for the world. Now is the time to implement a people to people foreign policy that respects Cuba’s sovereignty.”
After the border crossing, scores of caravanistas will travel through Mexico on to Cuba, without asking for a license or permission from the US government. In Cuba caravanistas will visit hospitals, cultural centers, churches and other organizations focused on Cuba’s sustainable development efforts.
As the caravanistas are crossing the border, they will stop to recognize the ongoing inhumane treatment of Gerardo Hernández, one of the Cuban Five anti-terrorist fighters held in US prisons. Hernández, who is in the appeals process of his double-life sentence, is currently being denied consular and legal visitation rights by US authorities.
Mientras las caravanistas cruzan la frontera, reconoceran al tratamiento inhumano de los cinco luchadores antiterroristas injustamente encarcelados en Estados Unidos, el Héroe de la República de Cuba, Gerardo Hernández Nordelo, acaba de ser objeto de una nueva arbitrariedad por parte de las autoridades de ese país, con el propósito de obstruir su proceso legal.
This is the 20th Anniversary Friendshipment Caravan organized by IFCO/Pastors for Peace, which crisscrossed the US and Canada, stopping in nearly 100 cities. Thousands have supported the caravan along the way in support of a foreign policy based on respect and non-aggression with Cuba.
The Pastors for Peace Friendshipment Caravan is a project of the Interreligious Foundation for Community Organization (IFCO.), which has been been working for racial, social, and economic justice since 1967.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Another Chapter is ended.


Sherman Joseph Schroeder, Jr.


Some one once said that in order to have a friend you must first be a friend.
So very true in this case.

Sadly missed by a multitude of friends.

Another year down the tubes!

Counting today, there are only 5 days left in this year.    Momma nailed it when she said "When you are over the hill you pick up speed...