
Monday, July 26, 2010

Alina & Tommy sitting in a tree?

Here is Alina, the very proud mother!!!

Here is great Aunt Lou and the lovely little Adriana!

Now here is a picture of daddy Tom and Grandma Donna!  The only other picture I have of Tom also has grandma on the other side.  As you kow I do not use pictures without permission and I did not get permission from Donna for any picture except this one.  Sorry.

The red writing below is now moot since you have your pictures!!

I must apologize because there are no pictures here, but I can not figure how to get them with someone elses software.  When I get home I will add pictures.  Thanks for understanding an old woman who is clueless on a computer!!

As you know I am on vacation!  This is my first evening. Left Pueblo this morning, well actually yesterday, which was Sunday. Stopped in Lakin for lunch with the kiddies, but that is a whole nuther blog!  Arrived in Hutchinson, Kansas around 7:00 PM.  Where is the first place we had to go upon arrival at my sister Donna's house?  You guessed it!!  She has a brand new, and the only one in the world at the time, Grand Daughter!  Her only son, Tom Bartholomew and his lovely wife, Alina are the proud parents of a bouncing baby girl, born only the day before.  How exciting is that? And this precious little baby was wanting to meet me! Me! Can you beleive that? At least that is what Donna told me and of course I beleive everything people tell me.

Now, I want to go on record as saying, this may look like a normal baby, but such is not the case.  Far be it from me to brag about my family of which I am the official Matriarch, having outlived the other older siblings, but I shall digress and do just that.  Her mother is Alina Aldatova, formerly of Russia and current and former Karate/Kick Boxing Champion of the World.  I kid you not! Go Google Alina and there she pops up.  My traveling companion, the wiccan, reminded me to mind my manners as I had not yet met Alina, and I sometimes come across a tad bit overbearing. She did, however, say she had my back.  Yeah, my waaaaaaay back.

Alina is a very sweet and wonderful person and I think she liked me as I left the room in one piece! I had seen pictures of her in her karate poses and asked if she would show me how she could put her foot clear up over her head while standing flat footed on the floor.  She declined, but there will be another day.

While Alina is a world wide celebrity, Tom is fairly well known in this area,  He is a salesman for Sysco Foods which sells to resturants and institutions.  Not just your old run of the mill salesman either.  Boy has been very succesful in this field.  Wins all sorts of awards, but the best part is his customers love him to death. He is one of the sweetest little (and I use the term lovingly, not literally) kids I have ever known.  But while Tom is a celebrity in the food service circle, his mother is a celebrity in the resturaunt circle.

Donna Bartholomew along with her partner, Karen LeShure own and operate Skaets Steak Shop in Hutchinson, Kansas.  Now this place has been around for quite some time.  My first job was washing dishes at Skaets in 1959. At that time it was owned by Norman Deschene and his wife.  I was 18 at the time, a mere slip of a girl, unsullied by the world.  But there is a whole new kettle of worms! 

Tomorrow I shall give you the history of  Bartholomew involvement in food service in Hutchinson, Kansas.  For now we shall just wait till Donna gets up and I can verify a few things before I post this. In the meantime, I am going to pull on some shorts and tee shirt and a pair of tennies and jog on over to McDonalds on the highway to meet my boy cousins.  I have not talked to them, but I did email them that I was headed this way and I think they will get the telepathic message.  If they are there I will eat yogurt, if not I will do the sausage and grease thing. BBL (In chat room talk that means Be Back Later!)

Oh, and tomorrow I will be lunching with the girl cousin and a Kansas politician of rather high standing, who just happens to be a Republican. Need a picture of him for my phone.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Wolves are indeed endangered species.

Here is a link to an article about the lobos.



This is an email I sent to the Department of the Interior. There is a crisis situation regarding the Mexican Lobo Wolf. Experts say there are only about 40 left in the wild, and now 3 of them have been shot and killed. I encourage anyone who cares about wildlife to contact the DOI and Ken Salazar. What a tragedy it would be if we lost these wolves.

----- Forwarded Message ----

From: Kris Allen

To: feedback@ios.doi.gov

Sent: Fri, July 23, 2010 7:53:41 AM

Subject: Mexican Lobos

I read with dismay that another Mexican Lobo wolf has been shot and killed. With so few of these animals left, this is an emergency and should be treated as such. Please take action to find the perpetrator(s) and protect these wolves!

Thank you,

Kris Allen

Beulah, Colorado

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Beulah, Colorado still awaits in the beautiful Rocky Mountains!

Oh, there is my friend Jan!  I have not been up to see her in the lovely city of Beulah for 2 months!  I miss her! The last time I was up there she told Michael Martin Murphy or some one like that has bought a place up there and spent the whole day just hanging out there. I was so jealous!

See, here is what happens in life and it happens all too often, life gets in the way!  I think I am going to do this or that and the next thing I know, I am off doing something that was not in the plan at all.  Like today.  I woke up this morning on the right side of the sod, which is the up side, and thought "Oh, what a beautiful day!"  Now that is as far as the thinking process got me.  I need to go do chores.  Then I will stop by the garden and pull some weeds. Need to put a new something on the duck house door to hold it shut.  Then the sink is full of dishes, bed needs made, emails need answered and on and on. Life has gotten in the way.

See that lovely lady up there?  That is Jan Miller who owns the Stompin' Grounds Coffee House in Beulah.  She is my friend, but I can not seem to find the time to drive the 20 miles up there and see her. I know if I would just jump in the car and drive up there she would be so happy to see me and I would have a wonderful adventure in the picturesque town of Beulah, but I continue to let life get in the way.

Well, never mind!  Today is Thursday and she is closed on Thursday.  Open everyday but Thursday 7:30-2:00. Then she is open Saturday night from 5-8 for Pizza, Calzones, salad and desserts.  So Saturday I am not going to let life get in my way.  I am going to load up the boy and girl and go to Beulah for lunch with my dear friend, Jan!  Maybe I will see you there!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Up date Cuban Caravan

Just got a message from Scot. His bus made it through Mexican customs with nothing taken off. He was waiting for the other busses to pass through. Then on to Reynosa.


Read more here:

Cuban Caravan Border Crossing.


I just got off the phone with Scot, about 8:10 Mountain Time. He gave me a very quick update from the international zone. The U.S. officials took 5 CPUs from our bus. These were the ones from Vancouver. Just as he was telling me this, I heard his radio telling everyone it was time to proceed into Mexico!

More updates as they come!


I will post pictures as soon as I can figure that one out...Lou

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Up date from the Cuban Caravan!!

Friends of the Cuba Caravan,

Tomorrow the Caravanistas will cross the border into Mexico. With their load of humanitarian aid goes our wishes and prayers for safe passage and success.

The bus from Colorado has already been designated for a rehabilitation hospital. This bus is equipped with a wheelchair lift and some special seats for infants. Decorated with art by Antonio Guerrero, the bus is also dedicated to him with the hope that he will be freed from his unjust imprisonment.

As soon as I get any updates, I will pass them along.


Friday, July 16, 2010

The human side of the Cuban Caravan, my new best friends!

Here is the first person off the bus!! It is Kathryn Hall-Trujillo from Albuquerque, New Mexico.  She had already called me on her cell phone when they left Colorado Springs, so I knew she was there. She is a happy little thing and was just a plethora  of information on the Cuban Five as well as the Medical School down there.  Apparently if you want an education there, it is free.

The next one off the bus was Gary Erb.  I understand that this is not Gary's first rodeo!  It takes dedicated people like these 2 here to make any project a success.  As I write, the bus is wending it's way toward
 Dallas, Texas.
Ok, now you see me and my 2 new best friends.  We are setting at the picnic table at Christ Congregational Church in Belmont, discussing very important  things, like where is the best place to get coffee and where is the best place to get coffee if you have a really long bus you need to park to get the said coffee.  I was all for skipping the whole idea cause I have coffee at home, but David Bemis was all for Solar Roast because it is maybe the best coffee in the whole world.  Just maybe.

So here we set.  Know that the bus will pick up more passengers along the way and  more cargo will be added.. After it leaves Dallas it will go to Austin, Texas.  It will arrive in McAllen, Texas on Sunday.  The plan is to cross the border on the July 21.  From there it is a little shadowy as to what happens and where.  I do know the bus will be loaded on a Freight Ship at Tampico and will be headed for Cuba.  The human cargo on the bus will fly via a charter flight to Cuba.

Upon arrival they will be whisked to the graduation ceremony.  What they will eat and where remains a mystery to me.  I am sure they will not starve and somebody will let them sleep somewhere.  If I get any more info I will be for giving you an update.  I trust Kris Allen will keep me posted as her friend Scott barrels for the border in his big yellow school bus.

Run for the Border, Scott!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Another year down the tubes!

Counting today, there are only 5 days left in this year.    Momma nailed it when she said "When you are over the hill you pick up speed...