
Friday, June 7, 2013

Oak Valley Township has a new Trustee!

I finally have a child in the elected political arena.   Can you tell by looking that this is my oldest daughter?  Kind of surprised me that she looks so much like me!  Let me introduce you to my daughter Debbie and her husband Carl.  Well, we do not call him Carl.  We call him Hammer.  They live in a small town in eastern Kansas.
It seems that dear Debbie has gotten involved in the politics of the county.  This seems to be the only one I raised that is into all the things I hold dear, like recycle, GMO, civil rights, animal cruelty, organic, and on  and on we go.  She was the first to stand up and tell them about recycle centers and I do not know what ever became of that.  She is the first at the council meetings and holds their feet to the fire on all the issues.
She has been described as a pit bull.  She stands her ground and listens to what is presented and then explains her point of view and then listens to your point and if it is unfair, the back bone straightens and locks in place and the tail with the stinger that was wagging is now poised right above her head.  When she leaves the table, things are all as they should be and everyone is happy.  Happy is what it is all about, isn't it?
Now Debbie did not run for this office.  She did not campaign for this office, but when the votes were all in and the write-ins were counted, she was the clear winner.  She received a letter stating that.  Not sure what this entails, or when the entailing happens, but I am sure she will fulfill her obligation with pride and a fair open mind.
And our little Hammer is now the First Man.  Some how when they were  standing in front of the Justice of the Peace with my friend Shirley as their best man (many years ago ) taking wedding vows or roaring the highways and byways of western Kansas on their Harleys, they could not see what the future held.  I sure never dreamed that my survivalist daughter would be the first politician in my family.  I rather thought that would go to my son, but so goes it.  For the record, I am pretty sure she is a Republican!
So, I send her my congratulations! 
 Hats off to Debbie Kiesel for doing something her mother never had the guts to even try!


Friday, May 31, 2013

Snake #3, or as I laughingly named the folder, Friday snake.

 Ok, kids, this is what happens when you keep catching the snakes and relocating them and they keep coming back.  This is the third snake in less than a week.  Just more than I can handle.  This one was just under 5 feet.  Bret thought he would like to take this one home, but Amanda thought better of it.  This one was very mean.  The one night before last was rather docile, but this sucker was wanting to eat some one and I did not want it to be me.  I do not think this was the great big one and I am hoping it does not come back. 
I will keep you posted and in the meantime know that I do not like killing a snake, but this is getting plum ridiculous.  I ought to be able to walk in my own yard without them scaring me.  And when I throw a pebble I would very much appreciate them slithering off and leaving me in peace.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Well, we are starting this week off right!

This is Jimmy at my house doing the same thing he was over here doing 4 days ago, only this time the snake was much smaller.  Now I have no idea what I have done to attract all these snakes, but I am here to tell you that I may be moving into town and into a high rise.
I seriously think that the first snake was the father snake.  I think he came out from under my patio.  I think this one was the mother and she just woke up.  I fully expect to walk out there in the morning and find the babies headed for the goose house.  How many babies does a snake have for crying out loud.
The only thing that would make my life perfect at this point is for a great big tarantula to crawl in through the doggie door.  I may be getting too old for this farm life.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Finally made that hike I was looking forward to for so long.

Check out the scenery in this slide show.  Last Tuesday I finally got the chance to hike in the high country.  I forget what the name of this place is but it is out of Canon City.  Beautiful scenery.  This is the bluest sky in the world.  Almost as blue as Kenny's eyes.
I even wore hiking boots, back pack and everything.  I went with a friend who does this on a regular basis and I want to go on record as saying he was very understanding that this was my first trip doing anything like this.  You all know that I am a city girl at heart and my favorite things in life are hot and cold running water, electricity, a firm mattress and indoor plumbing.  Sad to say that there were none of my favorite things there in the wilderness, but I enjoyed it nonetheless.  No doubt he chose the easiest trail he could find, and for that I am eternally grateful.
So enjoy the slide show and I am going to go post to Long Ago and Not Very Far Away.

Friday, May 24, 2013

I have passed a milestone and it only inspired me to set another.

See, I have had over 30,000 reads on my blog!  To me it  is very exciting to know that at different points over the last several years 30,000 people have actually clicked on my site and hopefully read what I had written there. I do know that on occasions I have had a note from someone telling me "good job".  Got to tell you, that really makes my world light up.  I know my sister Mary is a regular reader or I should say listener since one of the girls reads it to her.  They say she smiles and laughs because she remembers the story I am telling, especially our early marriages and attempts at mothering our off spring.  Sister Dorothy just doesn't read that much and Sister Donna is pretty busy, but you will find me gearing my words to dear sister Mary.
I know I have my regular readers, my sporadic readers, a few land on my site by complete accident, some because they type in a "tag" that matches one of my tags.  For whatever reason you find yourself reading this blog, be sure I appreciate you dropping in and staying awhile.  Sign up over under the followers link and I promise that very soon I will write something worth reading.  I have had several new adventures this week, one of which scared me so bad I forgot I had a camera.  One broke my heart.  So stick around, this old lady is not done yet!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The May meeting of the Handweavers Guild of Pueblo!

I you click on the square in the lower left corner, the captions will show up.

Kind of amazing, this little slide show.  First you see the orchid Bret and Amanda gave me for Mother's Day.  Isn't that pretty?  And all I have to do is put 3 ice cubes per week in the pot.  I can put an extra one in sometimes if I feel like it.

Then it was off to the monthly Handweavers Guild meeting.  Dona Marie had give me the teal scarf for Mother's Day and I was wearing it for a belt.  No, that would not do.  Joanne Caldwell and Carol Salas ( Yes!  I used their full names.  They are the culprits.)  decided that it should be on my head because that is where the hippies wore them.  As I recall the "Flappers" also wore things like that, so I thought, "What the hey!"  So Joanne tied it on my head and Carol took the pictures.  Then I decided everyone else should be on camera too. 

So enjoy the little slide show.  See you in a few!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Hopefully this is not a disaster waiting to happen.

Ah! Spring is in the air so this morning I took myself to Peppers Plus and purchased, among other things, 6 healthy tomato plants for my garden.  Yesterday I had driven home along the ditch and noticed that the two geese who return every year to have babies had once more fulfilled their purpose.  So when I went today I was armed with my trusty camera.  I spotted them shortly after I turned off Aspen.  I do not click and drives, so I pulled over and shut off the car.
Daddy goose was very alert and immediately woke the little goslings and sent them down the bank and into the water.  But I was determined and you see I got pictures!  Yes!  This $79 camera is worth it's weight in gold.  I took my few pictures and since  I was making them nervous, I called it good and proceeded on my merry way home.  Barely a mile from the geese, I spotted something in the field at 23rd and South Road.
I once more stopped and got out.  Peering closely and squinting confirmed my worst fears.  Fox!  No, not just a fox, but a mother and 2 (for sure) kits.  She watched me as closely as I watched her, but I had the camera and she did not.  So I got the best pictures I could without invading her space.
Now, what is going to happen when mother fox gets hungry and baby geese wander too far from Daddy goose?  I know what happens in my yard when the fox comes around.  I just have to trust that daddy will take care of it.  These geese, or decedents of the earlier ones have been having babies on the ditch bank for many years.  Kenneth and I used to watch them teach the babies to fly many years ago.  At that time they were close to 23rd Lane and now they are close to Aspen.  I guess Daddy goose knows what he is doing.
So I just thought you might enjoy this little slide show!  And you can help me worry about the babies.
I think if you click on it that it may get bigger.  If not, come on out to my house!  I got the originals!

Another year down the tubes!

Counting today, there are only 5 days left in this year.    Momma nailed it when she said "When you are over the hill you pick up speed...