
Saturday, September 19, 2009

My Mother

I woke up this morning, which in itself was a miracle, thinking about my mother. If I had one aspect of my life to redo it would be to actually listen to things she told me. I think I would probably have taken notes.
But, alas, I did not. Now I have no idea who the old people were who spent the night at our house when I was 5 years old. I have no idea where my father was born. Who were the friends that drove my brother to the hospital when he creeped up and goosed the pony and it kicked him? I know we did not have a car and the hospital was 11 miles away.
I remember the part about not running with scissors, washing my hands because "God only knows where they have been", and give the biggest half to my sister so I will not appear greedy, but it is the finer things in life I have forgotten.
All I can say at this point is : If you still have a mother, cherish her; if you have lost your mother, cherish her; and if you would like I am available for adoption.

Friday, September 18, 2009


While laying abed this morning and contemplating the day before me, I had a very profound thought. If you are bored, it is probably because you are boring!
You should know right up front, that at no time am I bored. I jump up ( Maybe jump is not the entirely correct term since I am old and the jumping days are far in the past, with the exception of when a centipede or snake enters my space) and tear into each day with a vengenance hoping that today will be the day I actually get something done.
I keep very busy, what with a flock of 23 ducks, 10 geese, a garden, an acre of ground, 2 looms, a spinning wheel, an inkle loom, an embroidery business, a machine quilter, home made soap, lotion and body butter, a store on Ebay, gourd decorations, basket weaving, and a 17 year old son.
Today I am going to clean and freeze a bushel of Pueblo Chiles and work on cleaning the basement while simultaneously embroidering tea towels to sell Ebay.
And what do you have planned for today? Better make hay while it is sunny, honey, cause fall is in the air and winter is coming!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Dependability or dead duck

Now this is what I call real dependability!! I started this thing and worked 2 days and then had 2 days off. Good thing I am not being paid for the work I produce. I have actually spent a lot of time thinking and have come to the conclusion that it is probably a good thing I know how to spell vacuum, because I seem to have one between my ears.
Lot happening though. Had a dead duck today and that was kind of sad because he is the partner to the little black and white duck. Now maybe you think I am a loon toon because I know the social ranking of my ducks, but it is not so. I just see them every day and make observations. No different then people except the ducks quack and the people just rattle on. Same difference in the end.
Will do better tomorrow and may actually come up with something worth reading.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Fall in the Air

Good Morning World!
You should know that little touch of fall is in the air this morning. The geese and ducks have their pond a little cleaner then it was the day before. Hopefully I will get it very clean before winter, because there will be no cleaning of the pond when it freezes.
The Chile Festival is coming up in less than 2 weeks. That is always a fun time here in good old Pueblo, Colorado. We will be weaving and spinning and basically hanging out in the lobby of the El Pueblo Museum on September 26 & 27, so stop and see us.
I am working very hard getting my web sites ready for your purusal. Let you know when the time is right. In the meantime remember :
"Love many, trust few- always paddle your own canoe!"

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Virgin posting

Ok! Somebody, a very wise person, told me if I want to be a sucess, I have to get my voice out there and get it heard. So here I am to share my wisdom and life experiences with you, the world.
This is my first attempt at this blogging thing, so you must be patient with me. I think the mere fact that I made it this far says a lot for a 67 year old computer illiterate woman! I am going to have to depend on those of you reading this to help me along. Right now I think my head is going to explode so I will sign off and hopefully I will be back tomorrow with more words of wisdom.
Later, Lou

Another year down the tubes!

Counting today, there are only 5 days left in this year.    Momma nailed it when she said "When you are over the hill you pick up speed...