
Sunday, September 8, 2013

If summer comes, can fall be far behind?

Ah, the garden has finally yielded nectar of the Gods, or in simple language, I finally got a tomato!  Let me show you my little garden of Eden here.  At first glance it may appear to be a patch of weeds.  That would be the untrained eye! 
See, if you just look way down here you can see a squash.  I planted two full packets of squash so the geese would have lots.  One packet was yellow summer squash and the other was zucchini which is there favorite.  I have 26 squash plants and only 2 of them are zucchini.  Big thank you to Monsato for that one, I am sure.
Here is the beginning of a yellow squash.  It is about 2 inches long.

And here is a bunch of them getting ready to be made into goose food.  See, if I pick them when they are 5-6 inches long and slice and sauté them with a little garlic and maybe a green onion....oh they are so good.  But then the skin is no longer smooth they are almost impossible to chop let alone eat.  The geese do not know the difference.  Stupid geese!
Now if you look real close here you can spot a little watermelon.  It is about 3 inches across and is going to have to do some growing if it wants me to eat it, and better yet, if it does not want to get frozen and have wasted all the summer trying to grow for nothing!  Geese don't even like green watermelons!
Some where over there on the west side are some potato vines, but I have learned that I need to wait until the vines dry up or I will have no potatoes.  I do not know why the call them "vines" because they grow straight up like a tomato plant.  Well, come to think of it, they call those "vines" also.  Here is one of them and if you can see a tomato, more power to you.
But, while I was rooting around there, I did find a big red tomato.  Hell, I almost jumped out of my skin!  What you see here was lunch yesterday.  Sorry you missed it, but there was only enough for one, and what can I say?
Oh, look!  Here is the angel Lyn set in my garden to make it produce and keep it safe.  I am thinking this little chickadee is falling down on the job!  But then again, I did get that tomato.
Now,  look what is right over the fence!  This is my New Mexico Sunflower taking over the area between the Choke Cherry Bush and the actual garden area.  That is where I bury all my pets, so it is some very fertile ground.  This is the first time I have had blooms for a while, because if you remember, the Llama's were over there for several years and they liked to eat them and they had very long necks and really big teeth!
Remember this?
So there you have my garden.  I have been telling myself for 40 years that next year I will do better and nothing has changed;  I grow weeds and occasionally God will toss me out a little something to eat.  But, you know what?  It has worked pretty good so far, so why mess with something that works?  Like momma always said..."If it ain't broke, don't fix it!"

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Smokin' Sage Grill on Baxter Road in Pueblo, Colorado

Shooting down Baxter road, headed for the airport, I saw this sign.  I kept thinking about it over there all by itself and thought I should go visit it.  So yesterday, I did just that! 
Here it is!  I check it out and everything looks clean and new!  I like that!
Before I could disembark the car, a lady came and handed me a menu.  I learned later that her name is Linda and she is going to make my lunch.  Well, in all fairness, my lunch, Bret's lunch and Amanda's lunch, since I do not like to eat alone.

Here is the smoker/rotisserie/barbeque where all the good stuff happens!
And the little tables where we can eat outside!
And the ribbons that attest that this is going to be some good eatin'!
Now this is where you were supposed to see pictures of the lunches we were going to consume, but unfortunately, pigs that we are, we ate them before I could focus.  We went out behind Kohl's and ate under a tree in the shade with green, green grass and some beautiful clouds.  You are just going to have to take my word for the fact that it was some very good eatin'!  Big hat's off to Linda on that one.
I visited with Randy while Linda was creating.  I am here to tell you that those two are a winning combination and the food is out of this world!  They have been on that corner (Baxter and Highway 50 East) for 4 weeks.  Had to take time out to cater the VIP tent at the fair and they are off to Pikes Peak for the big race, but I forgot when that is.  Stop out there and tell them Lou sent you by.  I am sure you will get the same royal treatment whether you tell them or not, but a girl can dream, huh?
Might want to give them a call first just to be sure they are there.  719-568-3914.   Or check them out on facebook https://www.facebook.com/pages/Smokin-Sage-Grill/264177706951085
For now, I am out of here.  Going to the Springs today to see my former pastor and her daughter.  Get ready Faye and Patty!  Here I come!



Friday, August 30, 2013

A snap shot of my test kitchen! Oh, and the judge of the cookies!

You may remember this little tyke when I babysat her several years back.  Well, now she is growing up and insisting I make her cookie, which of course, I did.

 Here you go.  Try this and tell me what you think!  This one is gluten free for your granny.
Hmm.  This has a different taste.  Gluten free, you say?
By jove!  I think I like this!  Why yes, yes I do!  Let me give these a big 2 thumbs up!
And that was how the day went!  A rousing success for my gluten free friends!

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Sneak peek into my bedroom!!

Well, yesterday Jenea and Justin came an laid the new floor in my bedroom!  Let me tell you how this came about.  3 or four years ago I babysat for their baby, Jayvan, and it was on the trade basis.  Usually when I do something like that it is a forgotten favor, but not with these people.  They are friends and friends do not shaft friends.  So a couple months back I ripped the carpet out in anticipation of replacing it with veneer.  My car had other ideas.  First it wanted new brakes, cvc joints and other stuff and then really got pissy about wanting a new transmission!  $3,000.00 later it became clear that the flooring would need to go on the back burner.  Ah, but then I found some money!

And Jenea and Justin came yesterday with saws, hammers, tape measures and a bundle of energy.  Five hours later, they plopped the bed in the middle of the room, cleaned up their mess and away they went.  I am one happy woman today!  I still need rugs, bedspread, the big dresser  and then I can bring Kenny out of the closet and my life will be back to normal.  Both dogs slept in their beds last night.  I think they like this better than the dusty old carpet.

Now I took both of the pictures above from the same spot and a few seconds apart.  For the record, the one on the left with the lavender walls is the accurate one.  I do not know how I got rosy pink in the second one, but there you have it.

Off to church this morning and when I come home I will stop at Lowes and pick up the trim work.  I know where the miter box and saw are, so should be able to make short work of that!  Think I will whip out a blue fleece bed cover.  Going to save my patchwork quilt for winter.

A big old thank you to my friends for helping me accomplish another of my goals.  Ah, yes!  Life is good!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

709 North Strong, Nickerson, Kansas . Hot bed of the midwest?

Yep!  That is where I started second grade and where I lived until we moved to Hutchinson, Kansas.  Oh, there was that 6 months or so that I was with Grandma Haas and Great Grandma Hatfield, but for the most part, I learned all I needed to know about live there on Strong Street. 
It used to snow back in those days and we would sometimes need to walk home from school in the snow which was up over our knees, or so it seemed.  Of course, my knees were not as far up to as they are today.  Or maybe it just seemed that way to a little kid.  We walked every where we went and it seemed like the walk to and from school was so long, but as I look back now, it was a total of 8 or 9 blocks and it took forever.  I drove it last time I was there and it actually takes about 3 minutes and that is waiting at the highway for the hay wagon to pass.
First block was the school block.
Second block was the people I did not know.
Third block was Eldon Belote and Loren McQueen.
Fourth was Wells(?) and she had delivered her last baby in the bathroom (one of which we did not have inside the house).
Then Darrel Kalb on one side of the street and Jimmy Redford on the other.  (Both of these boys were objects of my 7th and 8th grade crushes.
Then the house where the guy had set it on fire to collect the insurance money, but wound up in jail for his efforts.
Block 7 was Whittlin' Joe and Johnny Carson who let the chickens roost in their house.
Block 8 was Howard Fein who made his lower plate jump out at me once and scared the livin' pee waddin' out of me because I did not know teeth were not attached.  (I did find out later how that worked when momma got her teeth pulled and got false ones which made her look like Tex Ritter, or so I thought.
Then home.  Home was always good.  It was a safe place and there were people there that I liked, or thought I did and then I left home because I did not like them, but then I found out I did, but by then there was no going back.
Behind our house was the cemetery where we liked to play because there was grass there.  And down the road was a sand pit where we were not allowed to go, but we did it anyway, because we were kids and kids do things they are not supposed to do.  We did have to be careful because sometimes a pack of wild dogs would roam the country side and we did not want to be killed and eaten.  Oh, and there was those Gypsy's that camped right outside of town and were known to grab young kids and take them God only knows where and do God only knows what with them.  Luckily I was never kidnapped.  No one in our family or anyone I ever knew was kidnapped.  I never actually seen the Gypsy's and I never knew anyone that did, but still, you could never be too careful!
The high school gymnasium burned down at some point during my high school years.  Now, I must go on record here as saying, I do not remember much about high school.    I do not know whether terrible things tend to be buried deep in our psychic, or the fact that I had a good friend who's dad made home brew might have tended to blur and distort some of my memories.
I do know I was not very interested in boys, not meaning that I was interested in girls.  I mostly liked to just day dream, I think.  I could see a very bright future for me as a writer, an actress, and entertained ideas of every kind, but never the role of wife or mother.  I did date a boy who later proved to be gay.  We had lots of fun and won all the dance contests.  Now I want you to know, that back in the day when we had the "sock hop" at convention hall, there was some dancing going on!  Remember American Bandstand with Dick Clark?  It was mine and Corky's dream to go there.  Course we never made it that far.  We did the over the shoulder, through the legs, toss in the air, stroll, chicken, bebop and anything else you could imagine, but we never made it to Band Stand! 
We did make it to Joyland in Wichita one afternoon.  Unfortuneatly that ended with me throwind up on the Round Up.  Nothing makes a date stand out in time immemorial like the girl hurling her cookies!
I have many memories of those years and I did not know until 55 years later that this was the ground work for Louella Bartholomew to become Lou Mercer.  My biggest regret in life  is probably that life can not be lived in the rear view mirror.  Ah, would I have done things different?  Hell yes!  But would I be the person I am today had I lived it different?  I doubt it.  There is a lot to be said for that song  The roots of my raisin' run deep.  I've come back for the strength that I need.  And help comes no matter how far down I sink.  The roots of my raisin' run deep.
For the record, I am happy with the person I am today.  Not real proud of some of the lessons I learned, but today I am a content woman with my mantra painted on a sign on the deck.  It reads

Love many, trust few.  Always paddle your own canoe! 

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Update on things here on the farm.

Just tossed the cat off my lap because I realized that I have not been very good at touching base with you.  Had the trip to Kansas and made it home in grand style, but life has rather gone down the crapper since.
On a good note, Evelyn is on track to get a job she really likes.  Should hear from her on that.
Went to Tia and Matt's wedding down on the Riverwalk.  That was great.  Unfortunately the pictures are stuck in my phone!
Amanda is now getting her teeth worked on and is she ever being a trooper about it!  Gonna be nice!
Garden was hailed out, but I have not turned the geese in on it yet because I may actually get a tomato.  Can't see any, but there is always that thing called a miracle.
Ripped the carpet out in the bedroom last month.  Then spent $3000 on brakes and transmission for the car, so new flooring was out.  But found some dollars so new flooring may be in this weekend.  Hooray!
About to wind up the online true/fiction/daydream that I had promised people I would do.  I am looking forward to putting that behind me and writing my next novel in the Chapter One... series.
Boyfriend is a wash, but you knew that would happen, huh?
Still working on my 500 mile walking goal for the year, but that is not looking too good either.
Meeting a guy from California today to deliver an oil painting that Sister Nancy had gotten from a family who lost their home in one of the fires.  It is by a local artist and it is important to all the principals that it go to a good home and this guy really qualifies.  This guy has driven out to pick this up.  First trip back to Colorado in 28 years, so I am going to take pictures and blog this one for you.
Oh, I almost forgot until I coughed.  I tripped in the back yard while loading the grill for the luncheon on Tuesday and wound up on the side walk and am now the proud owner of a knee the size of a soft ball and a cracked rib.  Honey, that slows me down!
Now, off to do stuff that has to be done for Lord only knows what reason.
Just wanted to say "hi" and let you know that I am still around!


senior law day.






Colorado Senior Law Day Program Schedule



7:00 - 8:00 Registration / Refreshments / Vendor Visiting / Appointment sign-up for "Ask A Lawyer"
8:00 Welcome, Introductions, and Explanation of Day’s Events________M.C. James Jarman, KRDO

Sneak Peek Preview of the 2013 Historic Ghost Walk through the Union Avenue District
8:45 MAIN BALLROOM - Adult Protection and Elder Abuse________Missy Griggs

SC-237 - Fleecing Grandma & Grandpa______________________Betty Alt & Dr. Sandra K. Wells

9:30 Visit Vendor Booths
10:00 MAIN BALLROOM - Living Wills, Advance Medical Directives, DNR Orders, Proxies and End of Life Issues______________________________Paul Willumstad, P.C.

SC-237 - Mountain Mafia_________________________________Betty Alt & Dr. Sandra K. Wells

10:45 Visit Vendor Booths
11:15 MAIN BALLROOM - Scams, Frauds & Lotteries_______________Stacy Harris

SC-237 - Grandparent Rights in Colorado ___________________Sarah Lipka

12:00 Visit Vendor Booths
Seniors Invited to Bring Legal Questionsto the Free Legal Advice Clinic during Senior Law Day

Volunteer attorneys from the Pueblo Bar Association will answer legal questions and provide advice at no cost. They will be available to answer legal questions regarding bankruptcy, civil and criminal issues, divorce, child custody, domestic violence, landlord-tenant, wills and trusts elder law and immigration.

There are a limited number of "Ask a Lawyer" segments for attendees to have the opportunity to speak individually with an attorney. If you would like to sign up, you will have 15 minutes to discuss legal issues with a Colorado licensed attorney. The "Ask-A-Lawyer" segments will be on a first-come, first served sign-up. Sign-up will be during the morning registration. We will not be able to give you an exact time but we will give you a time slot. (We apologize that we can’t accommodate everyone.)

The times may conflict with one of the general sessions, so you may miss a portion of that session. If you sign up for a "Ask-a-Lawyer" segment, we will provide information and a form that will help you organize your issues so you can maximize your time with the attorney.

Volunteer Attorneys

Hank Geisel         Matt Martin             Tim Oshea               Lisa Macchiato         Marcus Behm
Christine Pacheco-Koveleski               Kate Shafer             Richard Redding       Mark Ohlson
Wes Hassler         Nick Gradisar           William Ballas       Tony Cross
Mike Desaulniers

Another year down the tubes!

Counting today, there are only 5 days left in this year.    Momma nailed it when she said "When you are over the hill you pick up speed...