
Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Lou's sweat shop

There is a first time for everything and boredom got the better of me tonight, so I made this slide show and uploaded it to youtube.  Hell, I may be in the movie business as soon as I figure out how to get sounds on here!

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Probably just lucky that damn hog didn't eat me!

Thinking back to the "good old days" is mostly just a matter of perception.  Today I am remembering Irene who lived next door.  She is the one that slipped on the trailer tire....oh wait.  I may not have told you that little story.  See, back in that time dad had horses and they were used to pull trailers, hay racks, corn wagons and mainly eat everything in sight that was green.  So this one trailer (and I can not for the life of me remember what it was called.) that was just a box and dad could put side boards on it so it held more, or leave one of the side boards off and we would pick dry ears of corn and toss them in the trailer.  The board on the one side was so when we tossed it, the ear of corn would bounce back into the trailer.

So one day the trailer was just setting there and 4 of us girls decided we wanted to "drive the trailer" to town.      The way we accomplished this was one girl got on each tire, hung on to the side, and walked on the tire causing it to roll.  Looking back, I am pretty sure it would have been a lot easier to just walk into town and leave the trailer set, but they do not call them the "good old days"  for nothing.  It was indeed a time of innocence!  Oh, and did I mention that the tail gate and the front tail gate (please do not ask me to explain why the front gate was called a front tail gate.  I am just here to relay the story!)  were held in place by a steel rod which came to end with a very sharp point?   It had to be sharp to go through the hole in the bed that held the tail gate and the front tail gate in place.  There, the scene is set.

So I got on one wheel, Irene on another, Delores (Irene's sister) on one, and I forget who was on the fourth.  Usually it was steered by whoever was driving the horses.  Pull on the left rein and the trailer went left.  Pull on the right and it  went right.  Pull back on both reins and the horses stopped and this stopped the wagon.   We had none of those finery's!   We had only our feet.  We knew if we wanted to go left it would be necessary for the two people on the left side of the wagon to walk backwards so the left wheels would not turn.  We were so busy testing our theory and celebrating our genius that we forgot what we were doing and Irene's foot slipped off the wheel..  The only thing that stopped her from falling off was the steel rod buried in her thigh.  I remember very little of the particulars of that afternoon.  I know there was a lot of screaming.  A lot of cussing and a hurried trip into Hutch in some body's old car.  I do remember seeing her leg and the wound from that rod.  What is uppermost in my mind is the amount of yellow fat that was exposed.  Man that was gross!

We all stood around looking at the offending trailer and you should know we got in more trouble over that then about anything we had done before.  We were lectured for hours about the hazards of playing on the trailer.  But we were determined that there must be a better way to get around than to walk.  Next came a metal 55 gallon barrel (I think that is right).  Hop up on that and start walking and the barrel, of course rolled.
Close your eyes and picture that!  The faster you walked the faster the barrel rolled.  Best part was, there was no stopping that damn thing.  The only way to escape the rolling barrel was to jump off of it!  If you could do that and land in the soft dirt of a field or ditch you were very lucky.  Believe me when I say, I was never very lucky.  After you leapt off the barrel  it continued it's journey without you and usually there was someone in it's path that was going to get bowled over.

Another favorite past time was pig pen jumping.  I know that does not sound intriguing to you, but listen!  Mr. Reinke raised pigs.  He had pens in back for each pig.  They all were joined in a row; the pens, not the pigs..  Each pig had it's own house which was kind of an upside down "v" roof and about 8 feet long.  What we liked to do was start at one end of the lot on the first roof and leap to the second roof without falling in the pig pen.  Now I know this does not sound like fun to you, but remember, we did not have television, the only radio was WSM Nashville Grand Ole" Opry on Saturday night,   and the chances of getting a new brother or sister was a lot better than the chances of getting a board game to play!  And we had rules.  Someone was always designated as the one to run for help if somebody slipped and the hog attacked them.  Luckily no one actually fell into the pen, but the old sow was there grunting and hoping!

After dark we played "kick the can, if we had a can.  If we had a can it usually meant we had eaten that day.   To say that we grew up on the wrong side of the tracks would have been an understatement and to say the people on Strong Street were "strange"  would have really been stretching reality.  Strong street and the people who lived there were what made me who I turned in to today.  I never tire of remembering my childhood home.  The last time I went back to Nickerson and Strong Street, it had all changed.  My house was gone and in it's place was a double wide trailer.  Reinke's, Smith's and Hank Windiate's houses were deserted as was Goodrick's and Ayres.  I am sure by now they are either gone or replaced.  But that does not concern  me.  They are still in my mind.  They will always be in my mind.

Sometimes I think I may have selective memory.  Maybe we weren't poor, but I am thinking that 7 of us living in a 2 bedroom house could have been a clue.  But we all grew up and did not starve.  When we left Nickerson, Mother left the 3 legged kettle we heated wash water in for so many years.  She vowed that our new home would have a hot  and cold running water and one of those indoor bathrooms.  Know what?  She was right!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year and here are my "did last year" and the hopes for this new year.

2013 Year in Review
Seemed like a pretty good year.  I think I was a good steward with Sherman’s money.  I bought glasses for a girl who needed them. Made donations to YWCA (Battered Women), Hospice, Memorial Fund, Los Pobres, Scholarship fund at PCC, Tere for her little charity helping indigents, bought flour and oil for 100 families at Los Pobres. 
From my own reserves I made SCAP social lunch and learn happen 10 times.  Also catered  the Christmas Dinner.  I spent a lot more money then I should have helping people, but I am not quite broke.  Replaced the transmission in the car.    Replaced the carpet in my house with laminate.  Attended several church gatherings as representative.  Went to Hutchinson to see my sisters.  Neglected to make the trip to see Mary who is the one I really needed to see.
Went hiking in the mountains twice which seemed to be the high point of my summer and that is sad.

Aspirations for 2014

I plan on going through the volunteer program at Hospice and then working in the 11th hour program. 
I will do at least 10 lunch and learns for SCAP now that there is a director I actually like.  Will entertain the idea of the AIDS Walk in September.
I need to bring my will up to date.   
Go hiking with Tere.
Make sure I get Val and Dale to the mountains for a picnic. 
Check in with Jan at least every 60 days. 
Spend a couple days with Libby and Dave. 
Plan a trip to Dallas to stay with Sam at least a week. 
Go see Shirley in the spring and take a trip on the riverboat.
Start selling excess stuff ie. Spinning wheel, 8 harness loom, list variations of seed catchers on ebay,   scroll saw, sander, molds in trailer.
Publish Long Ago and Not Very Far Away.
Finish Antlion.
Decide if I really want to remain alone in this house until the day I die.  Do I want to move into town?  Do I want to move far away?  Do I want to actually start dating?  Am I really that lonely?
Get a manicure.
And there you have it!  Oh, I forgot a few things, but I am sure I will remember them when I do them.  I am pretty good at doing whatever I need to do without a note to myself.  I want to figure a way to replenish my SSLBDGWorks trust fund and that is not even written down any where!
So from me to you and yours, have a happy and prosperous New Year and remember
You can not sprinkle showers of happiness on other people without getting a few drops on yourself!


Saturday, December 28, 2013

Only 5 days and I can get stoned out of my mind....or not!

I want to go on record as saying I have never smoked pot, nor do I ever intend to do that.  Not because I am a prude, but rather because it was illegal.  Now that it is legal, I have other reasons.  I quit smoking cigarettes several years back and that was the hardest thing I have ever done in my life!  I will not smoke this little jewel because it might lower my resistance to tobacco and I am not going to jeopardize my quit smoking, never going to smoke again status!  But I am happy this is now legal for a myriad of reasons, but the biggest is, this may open the market to production of hemp products.
You should know that hemp and marijuana are the same, but different.  I use Hemp Butter and Hemp Oil in my face cream and lip balm.   I even eat the Hemp butter  which is made from seeds (like peanut butter) on crackers.  It is loaded with all kinds of  omega's .  I can not extol the virtues of hemp enough. 
Do you remember back in the beginning of this country when our forefathers raised hemp as a cash crop?  Rope was made from hemp and it was the strongest rope that could me found.  I have a couple spools of it which I intend to crochet into a market bag and save a lot of plastic bags.  I am not sure that back in those days the were aware of the high that could be achieved by smoking it.  I do know that hemp in it's natural state is a very reliable and renewable product that can replace wood.  Unfortunately our forefathers decided to worship King Cotton and there was not room for both of them to flourish.  As I understand they both deplete the soil and so need to be rotated and the ground restored. 
Don't get me wrong here, I love cotton.  I am going to learn to spin it if it is the last thing I ever do (and at my age it may very well be the last act).  I am not a scientist, but I have been told by very intelligent people that Hemp/Marijuana must be cultivated and nurtured in order to get the thc or whatever it is that makes you high. ( All these facts I throw at you are coming off the top of my head and no research whatsoever has gone into this article!)
But now we come to the glory of this law in Colorado that takes effect January 1.  Marijuana is big business, but all the harvesters are after is the "bud".  Isn't that wonderful?  This means that the big plants are by products of the cash crop and can be used for ropes, cords, fiber, and any number of things.  Do you follow me on this?  I sure hope so and I hope I am not just whistling in the dark here.  First the state will reap the benefits of the tax on the "recreational marijuana" and then the plants will be made into stuff to sell and the state will get the tax on that! 
As for the recreational part, who knows.  I am willing to bet that this is not as hard on the body and mind as alcohol with its side affects.  Guess we will see.  Just wanted to weigh in on this new law and then set back and see how this plays out. 

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas Eve, Christmas and damn that printer!

In case you wondered what happened to me,  I went to church Christmas Eve, then a short walk around the Riverwalk, and came home.  Here I remained alone and in solitude until this morning, when I emerged for my morning telephone conversation with Jackie.  This is my first isolated Christmas in years and I must confess, I rather enjoyed the experience.  There were no presents and thus no wrapping paper to sacrifice to the Recycle God.  I did buy a new printer on Tuesday,  not as a gift to myself, but rather out of necessity.  This led to a good cleaning of the office so it could rest in a dust free environment!  I decided to hook this up wireless.  
That led to an evening of trying to find the right button to poke so the computer could recognize this foreign device that had invaded or rather, not invaded the hard drive.  That did not happen until I realized (sometime in the middle of the night) that I had neglected to attach the USB cord so it could be read.  Then this morning Jackie talked me through getting it to bypass OneNote.  Aaaargh!!!  I want it to be wireless so I am going to unhook the USB after I print a label and I think I am good to go.  Hooray!  for technology!!
So now it is the day after Christmas and  I am back in the swing of things.  Need to pick up a very old friend and take her to the library to see the quilt display.  That will probably happen tomorrow.  Need to take some stuff out to Sister Nancy.  Got to get back the Mesa Nails, so I can finish that blog.  I have a little more dusting here in the office and need to wash the doggie beds.  Then down to the weaving room and vacuum that so I can measure out a warp and get to weaving.  I am working on my Aspirations for 2014 list.  Used to call that my New Years Resolutions, but that never worked out, so now I have high hopes and aspirations!  May actually publish that so you can all see that I really mean well.  I just get side tracked by life.  But then, don't we all?
Which brings me to my Words of Wisdom for the day...

Keep your eye on the prize, your shoulder to the wheel, and just try to work in that position!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Update on the clip on earrings and the bubble wrap!

Dear loumercer3,
Hooray!!! Hallelujah! The clip-on's have arrived!!!!! They are beautiful! Thank you so much for your efforts to make sure I receive these earrings. I've left you positive feedback, and I hope we do business again some time!


- amysue20921

Saturday, December 14, 2013

If the bubble wrap arrives, can the earrings be far behind?

For all you people out there who have come to think of me as someone who can be depended on to do the right thing, I have a surprise for you.  Apparently I am either the most inept woman on the planet, or I have got a poltergeist on my shoulder.  On December 9 (my late husbands birthday) one of my auctions on ebay closed with a $4.99 sale.    As with all my auctions, I went and got the product, which happened to be 5 pairs of clip on earrings.  I put them in a box on the buffet and printed my shipping label.   I pride myself in same day shipping so I  stapled the receipt to the invoice, attached the  label to the package and drove over to the shipping center.  A job well done!
That evening I was jacking around in the office and low and behold!  The package with the clip on earrings was on my desk!  Damn!  I immediately emailed the intended recipient and told her that I had inadvertently sent her 13 pairs of pieced earrings which was on the same shelf.  I told her I would immediately get these in the mail and she should keep the pierced  earrings as a penance on my part.  She was very understanding.  I told her she would first receive the pierced earrings and the following day would be her actual purchase.  So, I printed the shipping label, stapled the receipt on top of the first receipt on the invoice and the next morning scurried off to the shipping center.
A day passed and I got an email from the little lady in California that she had received the first box and it contained, not earrings, but empty jewelry bags.  What the hay!  I went to check on my plastic bag supply and what do you think I found?  Nothing!  I went to the desk and what did I see?  Those wretched clip on earrings twinkling at me in their plastic bag.  Grabbing them in my tight little fist I crammed them in the box.  I showed the box to my daughter and together we sealed the box and held it while I printed yet a third label!  This we attached to box, stapled the receipt on top of all the other receipts on the invoice and decided I must be losing it.
Last night I received an email that the second box had arrived and it contained bubble wrap!  By this time I am doubting my sanity completely.  Where are the damn pierced earrings that I so carefully sent the first day?  I have a 2400 square foot house which I have turned upside down and not found them!  They have got to be here some where.  I sent plastic bags, bubble wrap, and clip on earrings (I hope).  Now this is a total of $7.14 to send what should have been one item.  I can see where I am going in the hole here.
My daughter decided that I must be wound a little tight so we needed to relax a bit.  She treated me to a pedicure, which I have not had since Marlene went to Las Vegas and stayed!  That will be reviewed on    Hey! I Been There!  in a day or so.
In the meantime, I am just letting you know that I am NOT infallible!  So if you make an appointment with me and I don't show up, it is nothing personal.  Know also that your secrets are safe with me, not because I am trustworthy, but rather because I forgot them.  If my house looks like a hurrican hit it that is because I am still looking for my MP3 player and those damned pierced earrings!
And thank you, dear Amy, for being so patient with an old woman!

Another year down the tubes!

Counting today, there are only 5 days left in this year.    Momma nailed it when she said "When you are over the hill you pick up speed...