
Friday, July 16, 2010

The human side of the Cuban Caravan, my new best friends!

Here is the first person off the bus!! It is Kathryn Hall-Trujillo from Albuquerque, New Mexico.  She had already called me on her cell phone when they left Colorado Springs, so I knew she was there. She is a happy little thing and was just a plethora  of information on the Cuban Five as well as the Medical School down there.  Apparently if you want an education there, it is free.

The next one off the bus was Gary Erb.  I understand that this is not Gary's first rodeo!  It takes dedicated people like these 2 here to make any project a success.  As I write, the bus is wending it's way toward
 Dallas, Texas.
Ok, now you see me and my 2 new best friends.  We are setting at the picnic table at Christ Congregational Church in Belmont, discussing very important  things, like where is the best place to get coffee and where is the best place to get coffee if you have a really long bus you need to park to get the said coffee.  I was all for skipping the whole idea cause I have coffee at home, but David Bemis was all for Solar Roast because it is maybe the best coffee in the whole world.  Just maybe.

So here we set.  Know that the bus will pick up more passengers along the way and  more cargo will be added.. After it leaves Dallas it will go to Austin, Texas.  It will arrive in McAllen, Texas on Sunday.  The plan is to cross the border on the July 21.  From there it is a little shadowy as to what happens and where.  I do know the bus will be loaded on a Freight Ship at Tampico and will be headed for Cuba.  The human cargo on the bus will fly via a charter flight to Cuba.

Upon arrival they will be whisked to the graduation ceremony.  What they will eat and where remains a mystery to me.  I am sure they will not starve and somebody will let them sleep somewhere.  If I get any more info I will be for giving you an update.  I trust Kris Allen will keep me posted as her friend Scott barrels for the border in his big yellow school bus.

Run for the Border, Scott!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pastors for Peace Cuban Bus Caravan right here in Pueblo, Colorado!!

Ok, here we go!  This is the bus that Pastors for Peace is sending to Cuba.  Every year this organization buys a bus, decorates it, fills it with humanitarian aid and ships it off to Cuba.  When I was a member at Christ Congregational Church, I first learned of this endeavor. At that time our link with Pastors for Peace was through Max and Maureen Hale who were both ministers through the United Church of Christ.  I think that was about 4 years ago. At that time we collected medical supplies, eye glasses, durable medical supplies.  But the first thing that has to happen is, you gotta' buy a bus!

This is Kris Allen and Scott MacGregor.  Kris does the painting thing and generally keeps us informed as to the whereabouts of the bus on any given day.  Scott is the driver, mechanic, and general roustabout.  If the border crossing does not go well, Scott will be the one calling for bail money!

 Now here is the interesting part about this particular bus.  The  bus was located at  the Harrison School in Colorado Springs.  Our group offered to buy it for $3,000.00 which was initially accepted.  Then they got to thinking that if they took bids on it, they would probably get more money.  To make a long story short, the bus was purchased for $2,510.00.  No other bidders!! This was a savings of $490.00 so that was good for us, but not the school district. 

This bus is dedicated to Antonio Guerreo, one of the Cuban Five.  He is currently , and has been for over 12 years incarcerated in Florence, Colorado. That is about 30 miles from my house.  Antonio is an artist and his work is copied on this bus.
This is the plague that explains about the bus and that it is dedicated to Antonio.  Can you imagine being sent to jail for wanting to protect your country?  I can not seem to lay my hands on the pictures of the quotes on both sides of the bus, but I wrote them down.  Both are by Martin Luther King, Jr.  The first says, "El tiempo es siempre derecho a hacer lo correcto."  Loosely translated that says, "The time is always right to do what is right."   The second side says, "En el centro de la no violencia este el principio de amo."  Translated that means, "The center of non violence is the principal of love."  

Now see this little sign here?  This says Friends Beyond Borders.  That should be fairly easy to understand.  This bus has a lift so it will be given to a hospital when it arrives on the island of Cuba.  Immediately upon the crews arrival in Cuba they will be whisked off to a graduation ceremony at the Medical School, where 14 students will receive their diplomas. Sounds good, huh? Now what would you think if I told you that their training was completely free and paid for by the Cuban Government?  Bet it would really flip you out to know that these 14 students were American citizens, wouldn't it!  Swear to God, every word of this is true.  So can Cuba be all that bad?
In our country of plenty there are many homeless and a lot of them are children.  Fidel Castro has often bragged that of the thousands of children sleeping on the streets at night, not a damn one of them is in Cuba!

There were a lot of boxes to load out of the shed at Christ Congregational Church into the bus.  Being a lazy woman, I set and watched the muscle at work.  The  muscle consisted of Scott, Gary and David Bemis.  I always enjoy that sight!  There were several computers, durable medical equipment and Lord only knows what else.  Did notice that Scott done shucked out of his shirt.  Bear in mind that these people are headed for hot country!

Now, this is getting long so I am going to continue it tomorrow.  I want you to know, I met some very nice people on this bus.  I will introduce you to them tomorrow.  Just know that these people must pay to do this and I think that costs about $3000.00. Then they are expected to work at all the stops, sleep on the floor, hope they get a shower some where, eat what ever is given to them and smile about it.  These are two of the nicest people I have met so far and they are my new best friends!!  I always try to ferret out the good hearted people and leave the rif raf alone.

So to my new best friends, Kathryn  Hall-Trujillo of Albuquerque and Gary Erb of,( sorry I missed that!) I am going to put you on here tomorrow.  While you are bouncing along in a dusty old bus, I will be picnicking in the mountains, but I will be thinking of you!

The bus left the parking lot at almost 10:00 AM.  They were going to grab coffee and head to Santa Fe, New Mexico. So Santa Fe last night and then head off to Dallas, Texas this morning.

Let me give you those links again.http://www.ifconews.org

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Here is your assignment for tomorrow for the Cuban Caravan...

I have started writing about the Pastors for Peace Cuban Caravan, but you are going to need to do your homework. See, there is a lot of stuff I am going to be mentioning and if you do not read up on this you are going to be lost!

First is the Pastors for Peace.  This is a group who does just what you think a group with a name like that would do http://www.ifconews.org/  This will take you right to the heart of the matter.  There is just all kinds of stuff on here that you need to keep up with this stuff and I do not have time nor space to feed it to you.  I first became involved with this group through the auspices of Max and Maureen Hale.  They are a married couple in Colordo Springs who are very active in the Pastors for Peace group.  I love these people to death as well as the Reverend Faye Gallegos who brought them to Pueblo to work on this project.  These are some of the hardest working people you will ever meet in the United Church of Christ.

Then the next place you need to go is http://www.freethefive.org/  If you do nothing else on this site, you need to play and listen to the video from CBS news that presents the Cuban 5 story.  Than make up your own mind. While I do not want to incite a riot here, I would like you to be familiar with  a practice that may be not quite what it appeared to be.

This bus is covered with art that has been painted by Antonio Guerreo.  Antonio is currently in lock up in Florence, Colorado.  He has been there for 12 years.  He is one of the Cuban Five that you will read about above.  See you in a bit with the human side of the Cuban Caravan.

One year old has the blues!!

Here is the little fellow at his first birthday party all covered with blue frosting!! Doesn't he look sad? He may just be realizing that the easy part is over now and the hard part begins. He has to learn to walk and talk, the potty training and then it is off to school so he can learn all it takes to finish growing up and how to make a living. Then it is off to work and a wife and a baby who will someday be one year old and have blue frosting and start the whole cycle over again!
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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Hey! Look at my purple bike!!

Look at that bike!!  That is my bike and I can ride it everywhere!  We pulled this out of the scrap pile and Tim fixed it all up for me.  He and his son, Chris, painted it purple and lavender.  Then he bought the tractor seat with white flowers for me.  No offense here, but I can not set on one of those little 3 inch seats!  That is more pain than this old lady wants.

Now, yesterday I hopped on this trusty steed and rode up to the produce stand, which is about a mile uphill.  I bought some goodies and started home only to find that the return trip was also uphill.  What the hey!  I did not know it was possible to be uphill both ways, but there it was!! No one was more amazed then me on that one!!

Last night we had our humble supper and then watched the new Cheech and Chong documentary  that is preceeding their Light Up America Tour.  I understand that this tour is promoting the legalization of marijuana. Better them than me!

Now how I made the leap from my pretty purple bike to legalization of pot is more than even I can understand, but there you have it...the workings of Lou Mercer's mind in action!  God be with us all!

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Saturday, July 10, 2010

AIDS Quilt #4

I hope I have all the ones on here.  This is one of the first quilts I made. I think it may actually be #2 because there are 2 panels on this one that measure 1' x 3' which tells me we were still in the planning and finalization stages. Shortly thereafter we (I) decided that for this to work they all had to be the same size.  Since the panels on the big quilt are 3' x 6',  which is the size of a grave in the cemetery, we should make these scale to 1/3.  So that works out well.

Steven Stiles
This is the white block up in the upper left corner.  It was made by his mother with much love. There is a family portrait and a picture of Steven with his cat. He loved Christmas so there is a beaded tree. His mother did a beautiful job on this.

Steven Kirk
This is the large black and gold one on the left. He loved the theater and had a star named after him, "Aquila".  I made this at his mother's direction. She has since passed and I miss our little talks.

Gilbert Fields
This was my very, very dear friend Gibby. He used to help me play Santa when I had no one but the kids. Granted, we did have a few drinks in the process, and almost cut our fingers off on a tin doll house once, but we had a great time and if I needed a brother, Gibby was there. He cooked and I waitressed at a place in Hutch called The Red Rooster.
 He moved out to California in 1984.  If you will notice, he passed early in the epidemic. He called us quite regularly until he got sick and nothing could be done. Then his friend kept in touch.  Then there was nothing. Gibby had died and his family chose not to tell anyone so we do not know the exact date of his death nor where he was (or if) he was buried. I do know this little laughing fellow had a very big part of who and where I am today and I send a big hug and kiss up to heaven where my friend Gibby is teaching the angels how to cook and my mother is giving him hell!

Gene Howery
This is the lower right with the howling coyote.  Another friend with no family to make a panel. We all went to Denver to the Gay Pride Parade in 1994, I believe.  The kids marched and we watched and waved. Gene and his partner walked with there dogs. Such a common ordinary thing to do in a world that was chaotic at the time.

Robert Tyree
This belongs to the son of the lady who started Southern Colorado AIDS Project field office in Pueblo, and I can not right now remember what year.  Shirley made this panel herself. It says Loved, Gone, Never Forgot. It also shows him setting by the Golden Gate Bridge. Another healing work of love by a mother left behind. They are together now.

Robert Martinez
Another one earlier in the epidemic. I did not know Robert, but I do know he loved music and sunsets. There is a picture of his that shows a beautiful sunset on this panel.

Ronnie Reagan
I made this for a friend of Ronnie's. It says "Sleep in peace, my little friend. Terry Atencio". Terry was a man in this town who took in anyone who needed a place to stay, sobered them up and sent them into the world a much better person.  He is also sadly missed, but has no panel as he does not belong on this quilt.

And that is it for this quilt.  You should know that all these panels are here because I first received permission from a family member to make them and add them. Since this is a public display that is shown several times a year there is no breach of confidentiality. I would never do that. When I started in this particular field I signed an affidavit that I would keep confidentiality and that is what I do.

I know sometimes I get a little long winded on these posts, especially when I am dealing with things that rip my heart out, like this series on the AIDS Memorial, but I just ask that you either bear with me, or click off and leave me here to weep alone.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

The babies at 10 days old!

Look at this mess!! Those little guys think they are big geese! They are so damn cute! They get out there and run with the big geese and even bite at the stickers. If they are going to eat the stickers, I will love them to death and they did not learn that trick from the big geese. Big geese only want grain and nice green grass. They also like weeds, but only certain weeds and only ones that do not grow in the back. Just the front, so I can pull them and toss them over the fence to them.

I think if you click on this picture it should get very big. These guys made the first trip to the pond for a swim at 7 days old. Before that I had a container in the shed in which they would paddle around. I guess it was called a swimming pool! Duh!! Container, indeed! They have not quite started to get pin feathers so we are not sure of the breed these guys/gals are. Will not be really sure until they are about 2 or 3 months old. They, of course, are still making the peeping sounds.

Oh, and guess what I found in the duck house today!! Seven eggs! That means they are laying again and if I am not real careful they will hide a nest somewhere and I will be blessed with a bunch of ducklings! Had one hen surprise me with 13 babies one year. Not looking favorably on that prospect.

Ok, that is it from the farm for the day. Oh, man, I remember when I lived with grandma and great grandma and we lived in Plevna, Kansas. The high school was exactly one block from grandma's house on main street. When I came out the door of the school to go home for lunch I could hear the Farm Report blaring on grandma's old brown upright radio all the way home. Only time that radio was ever turned on was for the noon farm report and then everyone in the town of Plevna, population 103 (everyone of which I knew) could hear it whether they wanted to or not!!

Sorry about the change of subject, but sometimes the old mind takes a turn and I gotta go with it! Have a great day!!
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Another year down the tubes!

Counting today, there are only 5 days left in this year.    Momma nailed it when she said "When you are over the hill you pick up speed...