
Thursday, May 6, 2010

Some one referred to me as BOSSY!!

Well, we were just setting around visiting the other day, and the subject of personalities happened to arise.  My friend pointed out that I was perhaps a bit pushy in my opinions. She then pointed out the time when I was involved in Operation Paintbrush, but refused to go the next year because they did not "do it my way!"  I want to set the record straight here and now.

I was merely trying to point out to those people that they were screwing around and there was work to be done and I tried to tell them the better way to approach the job. Had they listened to me, we would have been done and off to better things in short order!  But no, they wanted to eat donuts, and quibble over which brush to use and by that time it was lunch time. I just knew better ways and they did not want to listen.

And I like to drive because I know I am a safe driver and I am not going to fall asleep at the wheel. Of course I will give you tips on how to improve your cooking!  I want you to be the best you can be, and if you expect me to eat it, I want it to be good!  I did manage a restaurant for many years and did own my own, which was very successful, I might add.  The point I am trying to make is, I am not overbearing and bossy. I am just trying to give you the benefit of my many, many years of experience! If I ever run across anyone who knows more than I do, I will be most happy to defer to their expertise!  It just hasn't happened yet.

Now, just to conduct a little survey here for my own info, I want you to do this:  See down there where you can mark how this article affected you? There is also a comment thing.  Just sign in on the comment thing and say if you think I am bossy and overbearing or not.  Now I think you can remain anonymous. I would recommend that you remain anonymous.  Not because I would be upset, because Lord knows I can take criticism, but rather so you you can sleep at night. If you do not want to do that just mark one of the boxes funny, interesting, cool.  Mark interesting if you think I am a b---- and cool if not.

I will let you know how the survey went next time I am on.  So for now I bid you a fond, humble farewell.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Lilac bush could pass as a tree!!

Here is the Lilac beside my back sidewalk!  I do not understand what happened.  When I planted it, it was very tiny and now it looks like a tree.  See how I have timmed up the one side so I can get through?  I do know this is the most beautiful Lilac on the place and oh, it smells so sweet!  I think the Lilac, whether this one or some other one, is the definite harbinger of Spring.

When I go out in the evening and early morning, all I can smell it the Lilac.  No other bush carries this particular scent.  I like it so much I have evern made soap, lotion and body butter with the Lilac Fragrance.  I call it Bad Girl, because it is a definite conundrum! Who would ever think that someone who smells like Lilac could ever be a Bad Girl?

I have a total of  7 Lilac bushes around the place here, but this one seems to be my favorite.  I wonder if it is because it is right there and I run into it every time I go to the back of the place?  Probably.  I know soon the flowers will be gone and the fragrance a fleeting thing of the past and I will get my pruner thing out and start whacking it back so I can get out of the yard. And then alas and alack, it shall be winter again.


Sunday, May 2, 2010

I love Spring and I love my Spring Fever!!

Here is a close up of my Apple tree and on the other side is my humble abode.  On the center left is the pooch and a few sprigs of the Red Bud tree.  On the lower left is the lid to the septic tank.  All is well there, also. I will put a pot of Geraniums on it when they are in season, which will be pretty soon.  It is about to quit freezing at night, for which I shall be very happy!

Right now, blooming in my yard are the Lilacs.  The Apple tree is about done, as is the Red Bud and the Cherry.  Flowering Pink Almond  is all done. Forsythia never bloomed at all.  The Apple tree will have green apples. They will have bugs, cause I do not spray.  I throw them over the fence to the fowl and they like bugs.  Apricots are going to be prolific and buggy as well.  The Cherry tree has never had even one cherry.

But anyway, I am trying to tell you about my Spring Fever!  Did you ever hear that saying, "In Spring a young man's fancy turns to thoughts of love?"  Well, in Spring, this old ladies thoughts turns to thoughts of naps!  I think I could completely sleep all the way through Spring if it were not for that wretched phone!  I know we get that urge to dig in the dirt and plant stuff, but the more I look around at what needs to me done in the yard, the sleepier I get.

Hey!  Maybe I am secretly a bear!  I could sleep all winter and then kind of start stirring the end of the Winter, which is the beginning of Spring.  Oh, oh!  Gotta go to church.  We will continue my sleeping habits at a different time! 

Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Llama's are eating my Asparagus!!

Do you see those two innocent looking Llama's there?   Well, do not let them fool you!  They are evil.  They lean their very long necks over the fence and eat my Asparagus.  Now I love Asparagus and getting a crop of it is usually iffy to say the very least.  First there is the problem of freezing and then as soon as I think it may actually have a chance to grow it gets too hot and it bolts.   Now this new wrinkle has me pretty much perplexed!

I do not go to their field and eat their stuff, so why do they think they can just hang their shaggy little heads over the fence and eat my food?  I was happy to see that they seem to be kind of housebroken.  I seen a big pile of stuff over there and seen the brown and white one contribute to the height of the pile.  So that is a good thing.  I do wish they would move the pile away from my bedroom window.  For the most part they are pretty neat animals, but woe unto the animal who comes between me and my vittles!

See I don't know if you realize how long it takes to get an Asparagus bed established.  This one has been there for about 5 years and is just now showing signs of being able to produce enough for a "mess".  A few of the remains of the stalks I seen were as big as my thumb!  Yummers!!  At least I hope that is what the furry creatures are saying.

See, I also wanted to plant a few gourds along that fence.  I suppose they eat gourds also.  As I set here contemplating this latest dilemma I just thought of something.  I never get a garden anyway, so why am I so worried?  The hail always comes and wipes me out and I wind up eating out of the farmers market, so why fight it?  If those little Llama's want to eat my stuff, I say let them!  At least this way, something got something out of my garden.

Life is Good!!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

The small part of Pueblo After 2 on the Pueblo Levee Project.

This is but a small part of the Pueblo Levee Mural Project. It was started in the 1970's as graffiti. The city fathers very quickly seen a way to make it work for the city as opposed to becoming a blight on the city.  It is and has been controlled by the city since that time. The Project is now over 3 miles long and is billed by the Guiness Book of World Records as the largest continuous painting in the world.
Then on November 3, 1992,  voters of the state of Colorado, passed the dreaded Amendment 2. By its pure design it was worded to repeal anti discrimination laws that had been passed by various entities to protect the rights of our gay/lesbian population.  I had at that point in time been working with the gay community as a member of PFLAG (Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays.) We had worked very hard trying to explain that this amendment wa sunconstitutional.  
 The night when the vote was announced we all went to a central gathering place and found out just how many gay people there were in our fair city. I knew my stats, but even I was amazed. On the same ballot was a question to protect black bears during mating season or some such thing. Many people wore signs that said "Don't shoot! I am really a black bear." But out of that evening came the realization that without organization and with out working together the gay community would always be an outcast segment of society. The grass roots organization was named Pueblo After 2, a very symbolic name. 
 If you look very carefully right there under the bridge you will see an upside down rainbow triangle. That was the symbol for Pueblo After 2.  As a friend to the community I was allowed to help! It was my job to bring the coffee and donuts.   I took this picture yesterday. The sign has weathered and faded, but it has been 18 years. That hardly seems possible, but I can subtract.    A lot has happened since that time.  Amendment 2 was struck down by the Supreme Court on May 20, 1996.  Pueblo After 2 is now Southern Colorado Equality Alliance.  As SCEA they are a very respected member of society. PFLAG and SCEA fund scholarships at the local community college.
As for me, I got old and do not do the political thing much any more, but you just never know where you might find me or why!!                                                      

Monday, April 19, 2010

Pueblo Levee Mural Project will be my next undertaking!

I was just flipping through the pages of my mind yesterday and I came up with my next undertaking on the old Blog. Many years ago I was involved in helping put an addition on the Pueblo Levee Mural. I shall revisit the site. I shall also give a brief history of the project. I am getting all excited just thinking about it. Now, I know you think it is a done deal, but there are facts that need to be researched, because this old gal has forgotten most of the particulars.

It is not enough to just put it out there and call it good. There are some facts that need to be accurate. Maybe someone out there can help me. What year was Pueblo After 2 established? What year was I President of PFLAG? Was I President of PFLAG or was I Vice President, or was it Secretary? I got a lot of work to do between now and then so I am going to get busy!

If you think of anything that can help me, please send me a note!!

Another year down the tubes!

Counting today, there are only 5 days left in this year.    Momma nailed it when she said "When you are over the hill you pick up speed...